Jodi Arias Penalty

Timeline of Events in Jodi Arias Murder Case - ABC News
September 2006: Arias and Travis Alexander meet at a Las Vegas work convention and quickly enter into a stormy long-distance relationship. Arias, an aspiring saleswoman and photographer, lives in California and visits Alexander in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa. Alexander is a Mormon and works as a salesman and motivational speaker.

— November 2006: The 26-year-old Arias is baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

So they met in Sept 06 still doesn't mean they were dating. the link I posted was from Jodi's site it clearly says they started dating in Feb 07 till the end of June 07
Glad your kid called Viv.

I just cleaned my keyboard and my letter D is being funny pardon any typos.

Often victims are blamed it sucks whenever it happens I agree. But I also don't see the point in ignoring truths and painting people as something they are not. There is enough guilt here with out having to make anything up.
Good point re: locks of love but is it possible for her to have grown 10 inches of hair 3 times in the last 5 years? I think some of the other programs she wants to start are never going to happen.
Did you guys hear that in prison she'll be in solitary for years either way?
I'm not saying JA was abused or that TA was for that matter but just something to think about in the scope of both of them an reasons why neither of them got out... there is such a thing as the cycle of abuse and abuse victims often do not leave.

Hair grows on average about a half in. per month. Jodi had bleached then colored then bleached then colored hair. She would have had to grow all that out before she could donate hair that was good. There is now way in 5 years she could have acheived that and have her hair to the length it is today.
Well I'm not even counting the fact that she had to grow it out she could have sent it regardless even if they end up not using it. My question is more to if its possible for her to have grown enough to send 3 different times.
Timeline of Events in Jodi Arias Murder Case - ABC News
September 2006: Arias and Travis Alexander meet at a Las Vegas work convention and quickly enter into a stormy long-distance relationship. Arias, an aspiring saleswoman and photographer, lives in California and visits Alexander in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa. Alexander is a Mormon and works as a salesman and motivational speaker.

— November 2006: The 26-year-old Arias is baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

So they met in Sept 06 still doesn't mean they were dating. the link I posted was from Jodi's site it clearly says they started dating in Feb 07 till the end of June 07
I don't believe 5 months is quickly. But I think you are splitting hairs on when they were officially exclusive. I don't consider dating to be exclusively exclusive lol And to say that they weren't sexual before they were in a relationship in February i think contradicts what you've previously stated as to what he saw in her.
Glad your kid called Viv.

I just cleaned my keyboard and my letter D is being funny pardon any typos.

Often victims are blamed it sucks whenever it happens I agree. But I also don't see the point in ignoring truths and painting people as something they are not. There is enough guilt here with out having to make anything up.
Good point re: locks of love but is it possible for her to have grown 10 inches of hair 3 times in the last 5 years? I think some of the other programs she wants to start are never going to happen.
Did you guys hear that in prison she'll be in solitary for years either way?
I'm not saying JA was abused or that TA was for that matter but just something to think about in the scope of both of them an reasons why neither of them got out... there is such a thing as the cycle of abuse and abuse victims often do not leave.

Hair grows on average about a half in. per month. Jodi had bleached then colored then bleached then colored hair. She would have had to grow all that out before she could donate hair that was good. There is now way in 5 years she could have acheived that and have her hair to the length it is today.
Well I'm not even counting the fact that she had to grow it out she could have sent it regardless even if they end up not using it. My question is more to if its possible for her to have grown enough to send 3 different times.

If she was lucky and her hair grew a half in. per month, that would be 6 in. in a year and she has been in jail for a little less the 5 years so she would have grown less then 30 in. The issue I have is there are no picks of her with hair shorter or longer then it is now. So I would say this was just another lie.
This lady on HLN, Dr Drew, just nailed jodi...I totally agree.

1) Jodi is getting attention
2) People are recognizing her
3) Any attention bad or good is good for Jodi
4) She is just getting the attention she always wanted

Like T said before Dr. Drew, this is weirdly, the best time of her life.
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Timeline of Events in Jodi Arias Murder Case - ABC News
September 2006: Arias and Travis Alexander meet at a Las Vegas work convention and quickly enter into a stormy long-distance relationship. Arias, an aspiring saleswoman and photographer, lives in California and visits Alexander in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa. Alexander is a Mormon and works as a salesman and motivational speaker.

— November 2006: The 26-year-old Arias is baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

So they met in Sept 06 still doesn't mean they were dating. the link I posted was from Jodi's site it clearly says they started dating in Feb 07 till the end of June 07
I don't believe 5 months is quickly. But I think you are splitting hairs on when they were officially exclusive. I don't consider dating to be exclusively exclusive lol And to say that they weren't sexual before they were in a relationship in February i think contradicts what you've previously stated as to what he saw in her.

I have always stated there was no sex before Feb 07, so no contradictions here.
Just because you meet someone doesn't mean it's an automatic relationship. I know I've never called a guy I just met my boy friend till we reach the commitment point. That didn't happen for them till 07. JMO nothing she presented disproves this. (To the best of my recollection at least)
So they met in Sept 06 still doesn't mean they were dating. the link I posted was from Jodi's site it clearly says they started dating in Feb 07 till the end of June 07
I don't believe 5 months is quickly. But I think you are splitting hairs on when they were officially exclusive. I don't consider dating to be exclusively exclusive lol And to say that they weren't sexual before they were in a relationship in February i think contradicts what you've previously stated as to what he saw in her.

I have always stated there was no sex before Feb 07, so no contradictions here.
Just because you meet someone doesn't mean it's an automatic relationship. I know I've never called a guy I just met my boy friend till we reach the commitment point. That didn't happen for them till 07. JMO nothing she presented disproves this. (To the best of my recollection at least)

they had anal sex right after the baptism.
So they met in Sept 06 still doesn't mean they were dating. the link I posted was from Jodi's site it clearly says they started dating in Feb 07 till the end of June 07
I don't believe 5 months is quickly. But I think you are splitting hairs on when they were officially exclusive. I don't consider dating to be exclusively exclusive lol And to say that they weren't sexual before they were in a relationship in February i think contradicts what you've previously stated as to what he saw in her.

I have always stated there was no sex before Feb 07, so no contradictions here.
Just because you meet someone doesn't mean it's an automatic relationship. I know I've never called a guy I just met my boy friend till we reach the commitment point. That didn't happen for them till 07. JMO nothing she presented disproves this. (To the best of my recollection at least)

You are twisting my words. I never said it qualifies as an automatic relationship. But people can be dating and have a physical relationship before deciding to be exclusive. They were meeting at the Hughes often during this time as the Hughes have stated, and there is record that they were speaking on the phone daily.
What's the dust up? (LOL - Featherduster) They were having sex within 10 days of meeting, all according to Arias since Travis is not around to discuss this. Travis came to visit the Hughes 10 days after the Vegas PPL convention where he met Arias. They had oral. Then, before he left to go back to Mesa a couple of days later, they met at Starbucks, he gave her the Book of M, and they had more oral. To me, that's hooking up. In my vocab, dating is more than sex and involves an exploration of taking the relationship to a more exclusive level and then more exploration to see if it could be permanent/marriage. I am still not sure how these two could be dating or exclusive if they lived hundreds of miles away from each other. Anyone else think that is an odd concept?
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have broken up with Darryl unless she already knew she had Travis in the bag. There's no way she would have messed up what she already had without some reassurance of a dating relationship.
Oh lord so I'm using the wrong word then you guys. All I'm saying is they weren't just having a friendship. There was hooking up going on if you want to call it that, she was under the impression that there was a possibility for more of a friendship and that she needed to be mormon to be an option for him. FD is saying they were just friends and that he had nothing to do with her converting to mormonism.
And it is an odd concept considering the distance, but people do long distance date all the time. I've seen a few successful relationships come from it, and I've also seen a lot of heart ache come from it. They were long distance even during the time they were officially bf/gf.
What's the dust up? (LOL - Featherduster) They were having sex within 10 days of meeting, all according to Arias since Travis is not around to discuss this. Travis came to visit the Hughes 10 days after the Vegas PPL convention where he met Arias. They had oral. Then, before he left to go back to Mesa a couple of days later, they met at Starbucks, he gave her the Book of M, and they had more oral. To me, that's hooking up. In my vocab, dating is more than sex and involves an exploration of taking the relationship to a more exclusive level and then more exploration to see if it could be permanent/marriage. I am still not sure how these two could be dating or exclusive if they lived hundreds of miles away from each other. Anyone else think that is an odd concept?

Okay so maybe I mentally have dismissed everything Jodi claimed about their relationship because I don't believe her and her sex dates. Travis just doesn't seem like someone who would go against his religious beliefs in just 10 days to someone he just met. Doesn't fit his personality. Imo
I think she knew Darryl wouldn't commit and she was uber-confident in the power of her sexuality over men. Travis made it known from the get-go that he wanted to get her and goooo. Once Travis invited her to the Hughes' within 10 days of meeting him, I think she thought the sex meant he was interested in dating her. But the fact remains, she DID break it off with Darryl before getting a commitment of a dating relationship with Travis, by her own admission.
Oh lord so I'm using the wrong word then you guys. All I'm saying is they weren't just having a friendship. There was hooking up going on if you want to call it that, she was under the impression that there was a possibility for more of a friendship and that she needed to be mormon to be an option for him. FD is saying they were just friends and that he had nothing to do with her converting to mormonism.
No FD says she became a Mormon because of Travis, to fit in his world.
Travis had everything to do with Arias converting in the sense that, once she learned he wanted a Mormon wife and life (she learned this during the Sept PPL convention), she knew she had to convert to be in the running to become his girlfriend, then wife. Without her desire to snag Travis, then she wouldn't have fake converted. She expressed an interest to him about converting so he sent missionaries to her house. I don't think he proselytized her into it.
I think she knew Darryl wouldn't commit and she was uber-confident in the power of her sexuality over men. Travis made it known from the get-go that he wanted to get her and goooo. Once Travis invited her to the Hughes' within 10 days of meeting him, I think she thought the sex meant he was interested in dating her. But the fact remains, she DID break it off with Darryl before getting a commitment of a dating relationship with Travis, by her own admission.

Were was Jodi living from Sept 06 to June 07?
I think she knew Darryl wouldn't commit and she was uber-confident in the power of her sexuality over men. Travis made it known from the get-go that he wanted to get her and goooo. Once Travis invited her to the Hughes' within 10 days of meeting him, I think she thought the sex meant he was interested in dating her. But the fact remains, she DID break it off with Darryl before getting a commitment of a dating relationship with Travis, by her own admission.

Yes I agree that's what I meant. I know she didn't have the commitment from him yet. But I don't think she would have done it if she didn't at least have the inclination he was interested in her. But then again who knows she thinks everyone is into her lol Anyway the long and short is I'm agreeing with you.
Oh lord so I'm using the wrong word then you guys. All I'm saying is they weren't just having a friendship. There was hooking up going on if you want to call it that, she was under the impression that there was a possibility for more of a friendship and that she needed to be mormon to be an option for him. FD is saying they were just friends and that he had nothing to do with her converting to mormonism.
No FD says she became a Mormon because of Travis, to fit in his world.

Right but you are saying that he wasn't the one that sent her missionaries and that he wasn't the one getting her to do it right?
I think she knew Darryl wouldn't commit and she was uber-confident in the power of her sexuality over men. Travis made it known from the get-go that he wanted to get her and goooo. Once Travis invited her to the Hughes' within 10 days of meeting him, I think she thought the sex meant he was interested in dating her. But the fact remains, she DID break it off with Darryl before getting a commitment of a dating relationship with Travis, by her own admission.

Were was Jodi living from Sept 06 to June 07?

She was living in Palm Desert, CA with Darryl. Brewer left in Dec. 2006.

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