Jodi Arias Penalty

I think she knew Darryl wouldn't commit and she was uber-confident in the power of her sexuality over men. Travis made it known from the get-go that he wanted to get her and goooo. Once Travis invited her to the Hughes' within 10 days of meeting him, I think she thought the sex meant he was interested in dating her. But the fact remains, she DID break it off with Darryl before getting a commitment of a dating relationship with Travis, by her own admission.

Were was Jodi living from Sept 06 to June 07?

I believe part of that time if not all was in palm desert and then she moved to Mesa after they broke up in June
I just did the right thing oh lawd please let them come back with a verdict tomorrow I need this to be over.
Glad your kid called Viv.

I just cleaned my keyboard and my letter D is being funny pardon any typos.

Often victims are blamed it sucks whenever it happens I agree. But I also don't see the point in ignoring truths and painting people as something they are not. There is enough guilt here with out having to make anything up.
Good point re: locks of love but is it possible for her to have grown 10 inches of hair 3 times in the last 5 years? I think some of the other programs she wants to start are never going to happen.
Did you guys hear that in prison she'll be in solitary for years either way?
I'm not saying JA was abused or that TA was for that matter but just something to think about in the scope of both of them an reasons why neither of them got out... there is such a thing as the cycle of abuse and abuse victims often do not leave.

Hair grows on average about a half in. per month. Jodi had bleached then colored then bleached then colored hair. She would have had to grow all that out before she could donate hair that was good. There is now way in 5 years she could have acheived that and have her hair to the length it is today.

On the hair. 1/2 inch is best case. She's a liar liar pants on fire about previous hair farming. And a couple other things she lied about.
What's the dust up? (LOL - Featherduster) They were having sex within 10 days of meeting, all according to Arias since Travis is not around to discuss this. Travis came to visit the Hughes 10 days after the Vegas PPL convention where he met Arias. They had oral. Then, before he left to go back to Mesa a couple of days later, they met at Starbucks, he gave her the Book of M, and they had more oral. To me, that's hooking up. In my vocab, dating is more than sex and involves an exploration of taking the relationship to a more exclusive level and then more exploration to see if it could be permanent/marriage. I am still not sure how these two could be dating or exclusive if they lived hundreds of miles away from each other. Anyone else think that is an odd concept?

Okay so maybe I mentally have dismissed everything Jodi claimed about their relationship because I don't believe her and her sex dates. Travis just doesn't seem like someone who would go against his religious beliefs in just 10 days to someone he just met. Doesn't fit his personality. Imo

It's against his religious beliefs to have sex before marriage period. He had sex before marriage long before he met Jodi, and he continued to do so.
I think she knew Darryl wouldn't commit and she was uber-confident in the power of her sexuality over men. Travis made it known from the get-go that he wanted to get her and goooo. Once Travis invited her to the Hughes' within 10 days of meeting him, I think she thought the sex meant he was interested in dating her. But the fact remains, she DID break it off with Darryl before getting a commitment of a dating relationship with Travis, by her own admission.

Were was Jodi living from Sept 06 to June 07?

She was living in Palm Desert, CA with Darryl. Brewer left in Dec. 2006.

Ok remember that people were saying that Jodi was only with 1 guy at a time. Here shows that she was with 2 different guys at the same time. There is no way I believe that Jodi was not having sex with DB Sept 06 through Dec06. DB loves her to much to not have. so Jodi was doing 2 guys for 4 months at the same time.
Oh lord so I'm using the wrong word then you guys. All I'm saying is they weren't just having a friendship. There was hooking up going on if you want to call it that, she was under the impression that there was a possibility for more of a friendship and that she needed to be mormon to be an option for him. FD is saying they were just friends and that he had nothing to do with her converting to mormonism.
No FD says she became a Mormon because of Travis, to fit in his world.

Right but you are saying that he wasn't the one that sent her missionaries and that he wasn't the one getting her to do it right?

No I said how do we know he was the one. Jodi could have said that to boost her claims of him controlling her. Again goes against his personality.
Were was Jodi living from Sept 06 to June 07?

She was living in Palm Desert, CA with Darryl. Brewer left in Dec. 2006.

Ok remember that people were saying that Jodi was only with 1 guy at a time. Here shows that she was with 2 different guys at the same time. There is no way I believe that Jodi was not having sex with DB Sept 06 through Dec06. DB loves her to much to not have. so Jodi was doing 2 guys for 4 months at the same time.

DB testified that they stopped having sex because she was saving herself for mormon husband and she slept in the other room.
Glad your kid called Viv.

I just cleaned my keyboard and my letter D is being funny pardon any typos.

Often victims are blamed it sucks whenever it happens I agree. But I also don't see the point in ignoring truths and painting people as something they are not. There is enough guilt here with out having to make anything up.
Good point re: locks of love but is it possible for her to have grown 10 inches of hair 3 times in the last 5 years? I think some of the other programs she wants to start are never going to happen.
Did you guys hear that in prison she'll be in solitary for years either way?
I'm not saying JA was abused or that TA was for that matter but just something to think about in the scope of both of them an reasons why neither of them got out... there is such a thing as the cycle of abuse and abuse victims often do not leave.

Hair grows on average about a half in. per month. Jodi had bleached then colored then bleached then colored hair. She would have had to grow all that out before she could donate hair that was good. There is now way in 5 years she could have acheived that and have her hair to the length it is today.

On the hair. 1/2 inch is best case. She's a liar liar pants on fire about previous hair farming. And a couple other things she lied about.

SHOCKER more lies from Jodi see why I don't believe a word she says.
No FD says she became a Mormon because of Travis, to fit in his world.

Right but you are saying that he wasn't the one that sent her missionaries and that he wasn't the one getting her to do it right?

No I said how do we know he was the one. Jodi could have said that to boost her claims of him controlling her. Again goes against his personality.

You could look at it this way. Mormons are always trying to recruit. So Travis could have sent the missionaries because he wanted to covert someone else. I don't think it would be controlling it is just the way they do things. They do go door to door to get people in.
Hair grows on average about a half in. per month. Jodi had bleached then colored then bleached then colored hair. She would have had to grow all that out before she could donate hair that was good. There is now way in 5 years she could have acheived that and have her hair to the length it is today.

On the hair. 1/2 inch is best case. She's a liar liar pants on fire about previous hair farming. And a couple other things she lied about.

SHOCKER more lies from Jodi see why I don't believe a word she says.

She did not realize that people would do the math.
Right but you are saying that he wasn't the one that sent her missionaries and that he wasn't the one getting her to do it right?

No I said how do we know he was the one. Jodi could have said that to boost her claims of him controlling her. Again goes against his personality.

You could look at it this way. Mormons are always trying to recruit. So Travis could have sent the missionaries because he wanted to covert someone else. I don't think it would be controlling it is just the way they do things. They do go door to door to get people in.

On the hair. 1/2 inch is best case. She's a liar liar pants on fire about previous hair farming. And a couple other things she lied about.

SHOCKER more lies from Jodi see why I don't believe a word she says.

She did not realize that people would do the math.

She's not worried about the public doing the math, she's counting on the jurors not knowing that. Honestly, that's a pretty stupid argument for why to spare her life anyway I'm sure she's not banking on that lol
Hole E. Crap all y'all I love each of you. Re re re hashing at the 12th hour.

You're second guessing yourselves again for the waiting... You had it right the first time, second time, third time.


I don't think we are rehashing anything some of us just have different opinions. What are your thoughts were they having sex before they became officially bf and gf?
Hole E. Crap all y'all I love each of you. Re re re hashing at the 12th hour.

You're second guessing yourselves again for the waiting... You had it right the first time, second time, third time.


We are hitting some points that we have not hit before. We also now have Jodi's statement to add to the mix.:party:
SHOCKER more lies from Jodi see why I don't believe a word she says.

She did not realize that people would do the math.

She's not worried about the public doing the math, she's counting on the jurors not knowing that. Honestly, that's a pretty stupid argument for why to spare her life anyway I'm sure she's not banking on that lol

She would have been better off saying that she saves her hair every time she gets it cut so she can take it out side with her a scatter it for the birds. At least that would sound believable.
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I thought for a long time about the Mormon vs. sex thing. Most religions consider sex before marriage a sin, not only Mormons. They just put a name on it so it sounds that much more forbidden. Devout followers of whatever religion don't set out to deliberately defy the teachings of their faith yet many do succumb to temptation. The flesh is weak. And I have a feeling that as many Mormons are breaking the Law of Chastity as there are Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, and those of every other religion breaking their own teachings of remaining celibate until marriage.

So, I think T-Dogg was a Horn Dog and, believe me, I say that affectionately because I feel responsible consensual sex is a normal human activity, especially with those the age of Travis and Arias. It is not respectful of their religion, but it is understandable. Personally I would rather have 25-30+ YOs have safe consensual sex than I would have them remain chaste and rush into marriage too soon just because they have sexual urges they want to satisfy.
I thought for a long time about the Mormon vs. sex thing. Most religions consider sex before marriage a sin, not only Mormons. They just put a name on it so it sounds that much more forbidden. Devout followers of whatever religion don't set out to deliberately defy the teachings of their faith yet many do succumb to temptation. The flesh is weak. And I have a feeling that as many Mormons are breaking the Law of Chastity as there are Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, and those of every other religion breaking their own teachings of remaining celibate until marriage.

So, I think T-Dogg was a Horn Dog and, believe me, I say that affectionately because I feel responsible consensual sex is a normal human activity, especially with those the age of Travis and Arias. It is not respectful of their religion, but it is understandable. Personally I would rather have 25-30+ YOs have safe consensual sex than I would have them remain chaste and rush into marriage too soon just because they have sexual urges they want to satisfy.

I agree with all of this but one small thing the difference isn't solely that they put a name on it. It's the emphasis it plays in the religion and the fact that it is one of the worst sins you can commit in that religion. Yes most religions say it's a sin but they don't equate it to say murder ( except for maybe islam). Also mormons its not just sex they aren't allowed it's anything that could lead to it. They technically are at risk with anything beyond making out. I've heard that at BYU they have make out parties or something silly like that. I agree with you that I'd prefer for people to be having safe consensual sex than rush into marriage.

On another note, I really don't understand how anyone can claim to know what TA's personality was and what is or isn't in character for him because we don't know him. And he was a multifaceted individual based on what we have been shown. To say having sex with JA shortly after meeting her was against his religious beliefs and not part of his personality just doesn't make sense. Even those closest to him didn't know about his sexual history (and rightly so because some things are private) but if they didn't know we certainly can't claim to or attribute things to him. In fact if anything the most evidence presented about his personality does fit with what you termed "horn-dogg"

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