Joe Biden Campaign drops brutal mothers day ad

What's a communist?

Ask someone from any communist country on earth and you'll get a different answer. The world doesn't fit into neat little text book definitions. But I will say, Joseph McCarthy got it more right than wrong. I've witnessed the country going to hell in real time for more than 60 years. Starting with communist sympathizers being hired by college administrations in the late 40s to 50s. Which was the precursor to our current govt halls of indoctrination at every level of education.

Does tump want "Punishment for the Woman" or NOT.

Answer the fucking Question

Cult in MASS.
Every one of those attendees is Bat Shit Crazy.
I would say 25% are legit psycho and belong in a loony bin. The rest are delusional Kool aid drinkers, with a small percentage of those knowing all the bs they are being fed by trump isn't true. But yeah, most have some type of mental disorder
Please define your definition of "Trump capped SALT deductions for the rich, which raised their taxes."

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Before the Trump tax cuts there was no 10K cap on SALT deductions, why do you think folks from high tax blue States and the wealthy in all States, cried like babies. xiden is looking at removing all or part of the cap, to buy votes of course.

Before the Trump tax cuts there was no 10K cap on SALT deductions, why do you think folks from high tax blue States and the wealthy in all States, cried like babies. xiden is looking at removing all or part of the cap, to buy votes of course.

That was direct retribution by trump

Joe is wiping the floor with tRump here lately, just one slam after another!

And it's about damn time he started playing rough.

Someone who achieved great things would RUN on those great things! Joe Biden runs on scaring people by lying about what Trump will do! That says it all. You don't have to run a scare campaign if you've done a good job as President. You run on your record. Trump can do that. Biden cannot.
Before the Trump tax cuts there was no 10K cap on SALT deductions, why do you think folks from high tax blue States and the wealthy in all States, cried like babies. xiden is looking at removing all or part of the cap, to buy votes of course.

WTF are you making up?

Provide some LINK to your claim?
You can't
You Won't.
WTF are you making up?

Provide some LINK to your claim?
You can't
You Won't.

Good Lord man, are you really that senile?

Congressional Republicans instituted a $10,000 cap on the state and local taxes that can be deducted from taxpayer income for the purposes of calculating federal tax liabilities as part of the 2017 tax package that was the policy centerpiece of former President Donald Trump’s administration.

Now that you've been proven full of shit, are you man enough to apologize?

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Biden, Who Jails Pro-Life Moms, Attacks Trump w/ Deranged Mother’s Day Ad​

'What a sad, miserable, cowardly existence Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign must have to make such a disgusting ad on such a joyous day...'
And eliminate "Itemizing" for most.
Could be good for some but NOT for all.
The RICH still abuse "Itemizing" and thus the corrupt system for the RICH.

I used to Itemize, but then the Standard Trump Deduction outweighed Itemizing, but NOT like the suggestions you make.
Most already used the standard deduction.
The ad makes no sense....Trump, and frankly everyone in law enforcement seperates mothers from the kids, when the mothers break the law.
The ad also makes no mention of the mothers who are raped by smugglers and the carters in control of the weakly protected southern border.

Additionally, the ad misrepresents Trump’s remarks on potential abortion punishments and his support for overturning Roe v. Wade.

Yet the Biden ad ignores pro-life mothers viciously prosecuted for peacefully protesting abortion.

Last year, the Biden-led DOJ indicted Paula “Paulette” Harlow, a 75-year-old woman, for singing hymns and offering support to women in protest of a D.C. abortion clinic.

“Don’t be afraid. It’s never too late to change your mind,” Harlow pleaded to abortion seekers in a video of the protest. “Please don’t be afraid, we’ll help you in any way we can.”

Harlow faced charges under federal conspiracy and the FACE Act, receiving nearly a year in federal prison and up to $250,000 in fines for her peaceful protest.

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