Joe Biden Claims Some White People Still Want to Lynch Black Folks

This is right up there with "They gonna put ya'll back in chains", and quite possibly worse. Yet again, this is more proof of the disgusting toxic goo that is lurking in Biden's dumb head.

Joe Biden, the old, racist POS who promised to he the 'Great Uniter' and the 'The Buck Stops Here' President, is the biggest, openly racist, divisive President we have ever had...and he can't hide it.

'Poor kids are just as smart as WHITES'

'Racial jungle', 'predators', 'they're going to put you back in chains', ' ain't black' ... he just called Maryland's 1st black governor 'Boy'.

Kamala Harris, his VP, even knows he is a racist - she 'disembowled' him on the campaign debate stage for being a racist with her 'I Was That Little Girl' berating of Joe.

Good grief!

(So, snowflakes, spare us the attempted insulting of all our intelligence through attempts to deny or defend him, thereby calling Harris a 'liar', and spare us the pathetic 'B...b...but Trump' whiny distraction attempts.)
This is right up there with "They gonna put ya'll back in chains", and quite possibly worse. Yet again, this is more proof of the disgusting toxic goo that is lurking in Biden's dumb head.

Everything this idiot has done has turned into a dumpster fire, so naturally he reverts to inflaming racial hatred. Like I said he is POS, the worst example of a President.
And President Biden is correct.

Of course, it’s not a majority of white people – but a significant number nonetheless to pose a real threat to black Americans.
Let me guess, anyone on the right…correct?
Do you know what Republicans call a black woman who chooses to keep her baby?

Welfare Queen
are you saying all black women that have children are welfare queens ? i got news for ya pall most blacks arent on welfare and they are waking up to the problems the dem party has created in their communities !
I don't want to lynch them. I just wish they would go back to Africa. If they hate America so much they should leave it.
white supremacists dont wield any power in the republican party .... that is a democrat myth used to stir up their uninformed base .

They do, however, wield quite a bit of power in the Democrat Party.

What else so eloquently explains the Left's hell bent dedication to the dumbing down of public school education curriculums?

I find it supremely ironic that anyone would be mad at DeSantis for extricating "Queer Theory" from AP Black History.

I mean - is there anything that dilutes the teaching of historical record more than woke poison masquerading as truth and enlightenment?

I can't imagine anything more anti-black than watering down African American history with commie propaganda.

And the state of FL agrees with me.

By 20 fuckin' points.....bitch. ;)
This is right up there with "They gonna put ya'll back in chains", and quite possibly worse. Yet again, this is more proof of the disgusting toxic goo that is lurking in Biden's dumb head.

While strictly true, we've come a long way from the days when black men got lynched. Out of 330 million or so Americans alive today, very few carry that kind of hatred around and when the President of the United States says something that it makes it appear as if the problem is worse than it actually is. He's saying that to divide us further along racial and political lines, and the unspoken assumption is that those white people are republicans. It is a shameless and despicable thing to say, and Joe Biden is a total asshole. Say what you want about Trump, but this SOB is no better. Fuck you, Joe Biden.
If republicans won't help the babies, that justifies killing them.

Why do you hate black babies?

How many more black people would be alive today if democrats didn't kill millions of their babies over the decades?

No paid maternity leave. No job protections for pregnant women. No universal health care. No subsidized child care. The lowest minimum wage in the first world.

The highest rate of maternal death in childbirth in the first world. The highest rate of infant mortality in the first world. The only nation in the world where children have active shooter drills.

80% of the women getting abortions live below, or just above the poverty line. More than half are married or in a committed relationship.

And then some asshole like Ray from Cleveland will rant about women having babies they can't afford to raise. Damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

We keep telling you WHY women get abortions, and you keep ignoring the reasons.
Yeah, and they even want to lynch some white folks (Ayatollah Pence). BTW, how long is your rod?


Biden: White people love watching lynchings, even now

17 Feb 2023 ~~ By Beege Welborn


Biden wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in the chops with a knotted rope. Yeah, he’s all great uniter and cuddle bug do-gooder, right up to where he rolls into accusing some – “SOME” – WHITE folks of still wanting to have a garden party around swinging bodies, complete with pictures and postcards. Today I guess he means TikTok and Instagram videos – what do I know?

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