Joe Biden Delivers Christmas Address Without Saying the Word ‘Jesus’; Calls for Americans to ‘Drain’ Political ‘Poison’


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
Next month, when America celebrates MLK's birthday, will Sleepy Joe neglect to mention King's name?

Its a disgrace that he wouldn't mention the name of Jesus H. Christ on the holiday this nation set aside to recognize His birth in Bethlehem.
Next month, when America celebrates MLK's birthday, will Sleepy Joe neglect to mention King's name?

Its a disgrace that he wouldn't mention the name of Jesus H. Christ on the holiday this nation set aside to recognize His birth in Bethlehem.

Really? "Jesus H. Christ"? What was the "H" for, or do you know? The only time I've heard "Jesus H. Christ" was when people were using it as a cuss word.

"Christ", "Jesus", or "Jesus Christ" would have been appropriate, but not "Jesus H. Christ".
The president spoke about a “child” born on Christmas but did not speak the child’s name...

No mentioning of Jesus for this President.

This is unbelievable.

Pedo Pete is a full reservoir of political poison.
Christian types often show their disrespect for the constitution when their faith is placed on the same level as all others by the government.
'We look to the sky to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest guiding us to the birth of a child, a child that Christians believe to be the Son of God,” he said.- Joke Biden

what an interesting statement
Well, it is apparent that poster Skye (the OP) is aping a Christian angel schtick.
Meaning ----always up in the air harpin' about somethin'.

Jeeeezus H.!......some of our posters seem to scour the internet to find some outrage, some offense that helps gin up their internal motors. Grievance as a sugar rush. "Pissed-offedness' as a personality trait.

The holiday at this time of the year long pre-dates the birth of Jesus Christ (with or without a middle initial). The Winter Solstice was a thing to the ancients. So the 3rd or 4th century Christianists piggybacked onto the ancient observance as their Baby Wonder's b-day.

Notably nowhere in the bible is Christmas mentioned or are people directed to celebrate. Christians are commanded in Galatians 4:10-11 to not observe days of the year such as Christmas, "for they are an abomination to the Lord God."

"The holiday we know as Christmas long predates Jesus Christ. Elements of the celebration can be traced to ancient Egypt, Babylon and Rome.
Members of the early Church would have been astonished at the customs and practices we associate with Christmas being incorporated into a celebration of Christ’s birth. Not until centuries after them would His name be attached
to this popular Roman holiday."
Joe Biden and the Democrats spread hate 24/7.
Biden has called his fellow Americans names such as virulent dregs of society and fascists.
The Democrats have been illegally using the DOJ and the FBI as their political police force to spy upon, harass, censor, arrest and imprison their opponent.
Joe is wrong again.
It is the dirty Democrat Party who needs to be detoxified.
"Biden has called his fellow Americans names such as virulent dregs of society....."

Give the forum members a link that supports your allegation.
Man up, put up, or..................

Give the forum members a link that supports your allegation.
Man up, put up, or..................
y r u 2 lazy to do it yourself
The president spoke about a “child” born on Christmas but did not speak the child’s name...

No mentioning of Jesus for this President.

This is unbelievable.

Did he not mention anyone else whose birthday is not December 25th?
"Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Virulent People,’ The ‘Dregs Of …"

Yes, Joe Biden did call some of the people who attempted to undermine our Democracy as "dregs of our society".
And who would argue with that description of those 'some' that Biden so carefully isolated?

Can we argue with all the convictions arising out of J6?
Most especially, the 'Seditious Conspiracy' convictions?
Most especially the convictions for assaulting and injuring a uniformed police officer upholding his oath to protect our Capitol and our representatives in governance?

Can we argue against all the guilty-please arising from J6?

So, for me personally, such traitorous behavior....even if blinded by partisanship.....eminently qualifies some as 'dregs'.
If you self-identify with those "some" people, poster Rdumb, well, that is on you.
Not on me. Not on any others on this forum.
It is on you.

Yes, Joe Biden did call some of the people who attempted to undermine our Democracy as "dregs of our society".
And who would argue with that description of those 'some' that Biden so carefully isolated?

Can we argue with all the convictions arising out of J6?
Most especially, the 'Seditious Conspiracy' convictions?
Most especially the convictions for assaulting and injuring a uniformed police officer upholding his oath to protect our Capitol and our representatives in governance?

Can we argue against all the guilty-please arising from J6?

So, for me personally, such traitorous behavior....even if blinded by partisanship.....eminently qualifies some as 'dregs'.
If you self-identify with those "some" people, poster Rdumb, well, that is on you.
Not on me. Not on any others on this forum.
It is on you.

Well Joe Biden is despicable demagogue.
He exploits the hate and ignorance of the Corrupt Democratic Party's voter base.
There was no insurrection.
There was no secret conspiracy for an insurrection.
Nancy Pelosi's Jan 6 committee is just far left propaganda and another one of her notorious smear campaigns like her crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy was.
The Jan 6 hearings are just being used to stimulate the hate and fear of the low IQ left wing crackpot Troglocrat Voters.
Intelligent people know that Pelosi's Jan 6 hearings are total BS.

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