Joe Biden Delivers Christmas Address Without Saying the Word "Jesus" or "Christ"

But but I thought Biden was deeply devout religious Catholic.


Jesus... there we go, we got the word "Jesus" in.
Maybe he could have spoke about Arsenal FC and how without Jesus they're going to struggle.
What law says the government can't recognize any religion? How the hell is a church awarded 501C3 status without the state recognizing it as such?
it's part of the first amendment "The government shall pass no law respecting an established of religion." In other words, the United States has no officially recognized religion. The government must be secular, not promoting any single religion, or religion as a whole, and not interfering in the free practice of religion, except in cases where a religion's practices violate established law.

The reason churches and other solely religious organizations are given non-profit status is because they are non-profit. Under US law, churches must operate as non-profit organizations, They can not require payment for their religious services. If they do, they lose their status as a religious organization and any protections they received under the first amendment.
As non-profit organizations, churches are exempt from taxes. However this also limits their right to certain conduct. For example, religious organizations are not allowed to promote political candidate or raise money for political campaigns as part of their religious services. This includes not being allowed to donate church money.
This doesn't prevent a minister or other church officials from doing so on their own, but they can not do so, as part of an official church service, nor can they use money collected from church members to do so. If a minister wants to endorse or fund a candidate, they must do so completely separate from their church, and any attempt to use their church to do so could result in the church losing their non-profit status.
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Technically, Biden was wrong to focus solely on Christianity. He softened it somewhat by saying Christians BELIEVE Jesus was the son of G-d (rather than stating it as absolute fact, as many Christians do when arguing disrespectfully with a Jew), but to REALLY keep to the Constitution, he should have said “during this, the Holiday season, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, Jews celebrate the miracle of Hanukah” and so forth.

But I’m OK with the way he said it: he acknowledged what Christians believe - rather than state it as absolute fact, thus endorsing a specific religion.
To Markle:

What’s so funny about what I said? You think Biden should have said “we celebrate the birth of the son of G-d” when other Americans have religions that don’t believe that? That would be endorsing one specific religion and saying others are wrong. Unconstitutional.
Actually...............there are quite a few out there who if you say "Happy Holidays", will get quite bent out of shape and tell you that you're supposed to say "Merry Christmas". Matter of fact, those people are also the ones who get their panties in a bunch of a store has "Happy Holidays" in their window and don't have anything about "Merry Christmas". So yeah................they are kinda saying that we have to celebrate it.

Myself? I personally don't care which form of greeting you use, or even if you use one at all. A simple "hi", and a smile is just as good in my book.
Well, I can understand that....And you're not wrong, I have witnessed that as well..However, what matters is how you respond to people when they show that intolerance? My approach is usually to just smile and tell them I hope they have a wonderful day....
Well, I can understand that....And you're not wrong, I have witnessed that as well..However, what matters is how you respond to people when they show that intolerance? My approach is usually to just smile and tell them I hope they have a wonderful day....
Me too. I get wished Merry Christmas all the time, and I’m Jewish. i just smile and say it back.

What bugs me is when Christians OBJECT to the use of a more generic form of “Happy Holidays“ and insist the greeting should be directed specifically toward Christians. A woman where I worked had fits when HR changed the name of our annual party to “Holiday Party” and threatened that if it wasn’t changed back to ”Christmas Party,” she wasn’t going.
And that is why Dems mock religious people. They want to kill off religion since it’s what is slowing down the nation’s descent into immorality.

Dems don't mock religious people. They mock right wingers who call themselves Christian but don't follow Jesus teachings to "Love one another". Right wingers who want borders closed to refugees are going directly against Jesus' teachings.
Me too. I get wished Merry Christmas all the time, and I’m Jewish. i just smile and say it back.

What bugs me is when Christians OBJECT to the use of a more generic form of “Happy Holidays“ and insist the greeting should be directed specifically toward Christians. A woman where I worked had fits when HR changed the name of our annual party to “Holiday Party” and threatened that if it wasn’t changed back to ”Christmas Party,” she wasn’t going.
One less mouth to feed.
Dems don't mock religious people. They mock right wingers who call themselves Christian but don't follow Jesus teachings to "Love one another". Right wingers who want borders closed to refugees are going directly against Jesus' teachings.
These aren’t “refugees”…. They’re just people looking to take the easy path in the US, instead of making their own country better.
These aren’t “refugees”…. They’re just people looking to take the easy path in the US, instead of making their own country better.
….or applying through regular immigration channels. Instead they try to pretend they are victims and make up bogus asylum claims.
it's part of the first amendment "The government shall pass no law respecting an established of religion." In other words, the United States has no officially recognized religion. The government must be secular, not promoting any single religion, or religion as a whole, and not interfering in the free practice of religion, except in cases where a religion's practices violate established law.

The reason churches and other solely religious organizations are given non-profit status is because they are non-profit. Under US law, churches must operate as non-profit organizations, They can not require payment for their religious services. If they do, they lose their status as a religious organization and any protections they received under the first amendment.
As non-profit organizations, churches are exempt from taxes. However this also limits their right to certain conduct. For example, religious organizations are not allowed to promote political candidate or raise money for political campaigns as part of their religious services. This includes not being allowed to donate church money.
This doesn't prevent a minister or other church officials from doing so on their own, but they can not do so, as part of an official church service, nor can they use money collected from church members to do so. If a minister wants to endorse or fund a candidate, they must do so completely separate from their church, and any attempt to use their church to do so could result in the church losing their non-profit status.
There wasn't any friggin law being pass. It was the President being an asshole in a failed Christmas message.

Only Joe Potatohead can screw up a Christmas message. Just like Obama said in the only thing he ever got right; "never underestimate the ability of Joe to fuck something up".
There wasn't any friggin law being pass. It was the President being an asshole in a failed Christmas message.

Only Joe Potatohead can screw up a Christmas message. Just like Obama said in the only thing he ever got right; "never underestimate the ability of Joe to fuck something up".
what did he say that was wrong?
To Markle:

What’s so funny about what I said? You think Biden should have said “we celebrate the birth of the son of G-d” when other Americans have religions that don’t believe that? That would be endorsing one specific religion and saying others are wrong. Unconstitutional.
According to Christians, Jesus is God they are one and the same.

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