Joe Biden Delivers Christmas Address Without Saying the Word "Jesus" or "Christ"

If he believed in his Catholic teachings he would follow them instead of trashing them. He should choose another religion that tolerates disobedience.

He didn't trash Catholicism. He took an oath to uphold the US Constitution.. what part of that don't you understand?
If he believed in his Catholic teachings he would follow them instead of trashing them. He should choose another religion that tolerates disobedience.

As far as I know, Catholicism and Christianity BOTH tolerate disobedience. Catholics say that by confessing your sins (disobedience to God), you can be absolved or forgiven of them. Christians say that if you believe in Jesus, your sins (disobedience to God) are forgiven because you are saved. Forgiving sins that one has committed is tolerating them. If they weren't tolerated, there would be serious consequences for disobedience, but there isn't...............all you have to do is become "saved" (whatever that means, because different sects of Christianity have different definitions), or simply confess and ask to be forgiven.
He didn't trash Catholicism. He took an oath to uphold the US Constitution.. what part of that don't you understand?
Part of that is to protect and defend the U.S.

There are questions as to whether obliterating any form of a border to allow semi-literate illegal aliens in, in an effort to weaken our country, is protecting us.
As far as I know, Catholicism and Christianity BOTH tolerate disobedience. Catholics say that by confessing your sins (disobedience to God), you can be absolved or forgiven of them. Christians say that if you believe in Jesus, your sins (disobedience to God) are forgiven because you are saved. Forgiving sins that one has committed is tolerating them. If they weren't tolerated, there would be serious consequences for disobedience, but there isn't...............all you have to do is become "saved" (whatever that means, because different sects of Christianity have different definitions), or simply confess and ask to be forgiven.
Thank you Pope Francis.
As far as I know, Catholicism and Christianity BOTH tolerate disobedience. Catholics say that by confessing your sins (disobedience to God), you can be absolved or forgiven of them. Christians say that if you believe in Jesus, your sins (disobedience to God) are forgiven because you are saved. Forgiving sins that one has committed is tolerating them. If they weren't tolerated, there would be serious consequences for disobedience, but there isn't...............all you have to do is become "saved" (whatever that means, because different sects of Christianity have different definitions), or simply confess and ask to be forgiven.
That’s all you have to do to be forgiven - confess and ask? Do you not have to make a concerted effort to refrain from the sin in the future, or perhaps take some action to “make up” for it?
Thank you Pope Francis.

Not a Pope, just a regular guy who spent time with different religions (Christianity, Episcopalian and Baptist, just to name a few) due to living in foster care with different families. Bitch about changing families like I did growing up is that each family seemed to have a different belief in God based on their denomination. Every time I went to a new family, I was told to forget what the previous one taught me, because they were going to hell, and I would end up there unless I believed as the current family I was living with.

Kinda confusing to be told that as a kid, which is one of the reasons I'm not overly fond of religion today. Now? I believe that as long as I try to do right by my fellow humans (and animals), and follow some form of the 10 Commandments (interestingly enough, ALL religions have them in one form or another), as well as believe that there is something bigger out there than just myself, I'm able to talk to God (and actually have Him answer me on occasion) without having to go through a middle man (religion). I'm not a human being looking for a religious experience, but rather a spiritual being having a human one.
That’s all you have to do to be forgiven - confess and ask? Do you not have to make a concerted effort to refrain from the sin in the future, or perhaps take some action to “make up” for it?

Dunno...............because it's kinda confusing as to how each denomination believes on that subject. Matter of fact, one of the reasons Martin Luther left the Catholic religion and formed Protestantism was because of the Catholic practice of "indulgences", meaning you could pay for the sin in advance, so you could commit it later. Many Christians that I have known have said it's okay if they sin, because Jesus paid the price for them and all they have to do is ask for forgiveness.
Not a Pope, just a regular guy who spent time with different religions (Christianity, Episcopalian and Baptist, just to name a few) due to living in foster care with different families. Bitch about changing families like I did growing up is that each family seemed to have a different belief in God based on their denomination. Every time I went to a new family, I was told to forget what the previous one taught me, because they were going to hell, and I would end up there unless I believed as the current family I was living with.

Kinda confusing to be told that as a kid, which is one of the reasons I'm not overly fond of religion today. Now? I believe that as long as I try to do right by my fellow humans (and animals), and follow some form of the 10 Commandments (interestingly enough, ALL religions have them in one form or another), as well as believe that there is something bigger out there than just myself, I'm able to talk to God (and actually have Him answer me on occasion) without having to go through a middle man (religion). I'm not a human being looking for a religious experience, but rather a spiritual being having a human one.
You are entitled to your beliefs but don't disparage others that may disagree with you.
You are entitled to your beliefs but don't disparage others that may disagree with you.

I wasn't disparaging anyone when I said that Christianity and Catholicism tolerate disobedience, because they do. Matter of fact, it says in the Bible to love the sinner but hate the sin. Sounds kinda tolerant to me. Intolerance would mean that you have to hate both.
Part of that is to protect and defend the U.S.

There are questions as to whether obliterating any form of a border to allow semi-literate illegal aliens in, in an effort to weaken our country, is protecting us.

We have asylum laws. Maybe you should look at them.
I wasn't disparaging anyone when I said that Christianity and Catholicism tolerate disobedience, because they do. Matter of fact, it says in the Bible to love the sinner but hate the sin. Sounds kinda tolerant to me. Intolerance would mean that you have to hate both.
Like I said you are entitled to your beliefs.
We have asylum laws. Maybe you should look at them.
Maybe you should look into the fact that 90% of the claims are bogus, and they thus should be waiting in Mexico until their hearing to determine if they are among the 10% who should be here.
Calm down. The Trumps are always saying insane things several times a week.
Calm down. Why should you do what dishonest people like you do LIE and get away with it. Honestly I feel truly sorry for you that you think you can get away with lying. Just so sad you don’t understand that people just can’t trust ANYTHING you say. I truly feel sorry for you.
Like I said you are entitled to your beliefs.

Thanks for being tolerant. Many Christians have disparaged me for my beliefs and told me that I was going to hell unless I was saved by Jesus and believed as they do. They get strangely silent on that subject when I ask if all Jewish people are going to hell because they don't believe in Jesus as Christians do. Especially when I tell them that Jesus was Jewish.
This is misleading. Biden's Christmas message was actually very Christian and did refer to Christ as the Son of God. I quote from his message:

And we look to the sky, to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God; miraculously now, here among us on Earth, bringing hope, love and peace and joy to the world.

Yes, it’s a story that’s 2,000 years old, but it’s still very much alive today. Just look into the eyes of a child on Christmas morning, or listen to the laughter of a family together this holiday season after years — after years of being apart. Just feel the hope rising in your chest as you sing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” even though you’ve sung the countless times before.

Yes, even after 2,000 years, Christmas still has the power to lift us up, to bring us together, to change lives, to change the world.
Wow, pretty pathetic when folks have to parse a CHRISTMAS ADDRESS, by the President of the United States to find references to Jesus and Christ. Just pathetic.
But but I thought Biden was deeply devout religious Catholic.



You keep losing, loser!


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