Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

There is no definitive information that Biden approves of abortion. He approves of it being a woman's decision.
You just negated your first sentence with
your second. Did you realize that?

I believe that we are all better off with the fewer abortions performed. The fewest abortions performed since Roe vs Wade was the last year of the Obama Presidenct. If you outlaw abortions you may not reduce abortions. Many anti-abortionists do not believe in birth control, sex education and counciling of sexually active youth. As a result there are many more pregnancies. This young girls go for illegal abortions.
I'm not an abortion absolutist and most people aren't. I think most people believe in abortion as long as it doesn't become a means of birth control.

I am for reducing the number of abortions but making abortions illegal will not do that by its self. Simple minded people think so. Simple minded people can result with more abortions.
I don't disagree.
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.
There is no definitive information that Biden approves of abortion. He approves of it being a woman's decision. I believe that we are all better off with the fewer abortions performed. The fewest abortions performed since Roe vs Wade was the last year of the Obama Presidenct. If you outlaw abortions you may not reduce abortions. Many anti-abortionists do not believe in birth control, sex education and counciling of sexually active youth. As a result there are many more pregnancies. This young girls go for illegal abortions.
I am for reducing the number of abortions but making abortions illegal will not do that by its self. Simple minded people think so. Simple minded people can result with more abortions.
and do you apply that same logic with guns? that gun bans wont cut down on gun deaths?
I do feel the fewer the guns the better. There are many ways of reducing the number of guns without outlawing guns.
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

Evangelicals have little to do with the Catholic Church. As a Catholic, I know what I signed up for and what the rules are. I know that I can be denied Communion or even excommunicated for my behavior or views that are in conflict with the Church’s teachings. Same goes for Biden. He can always leave the Church.
I suppose he could but he would be one of the millions who have given up on religion because the people who remain are intolerant, hypocritical dicks. If religion has a value to humanity it is doing a terrible job making the case.

Intolerant hypocritical dicks obstruct the rights of others who don’t agree with them and call it free speech.
Funny you should say it like that. I don't even have time to list all the things the religious people of the world want to ban outright. They insist on the freedom to worship but feel we do not have the right to resist them politically in their secular agenda.
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

Evangelicals have little to do with the Catholic Church. As a Catholic, I know what I signed up for and what the rules are. I know that I can be denied Communion or even excommunicated for my behavior or views that are in conflict with the Church’s teachings. Same goes for Biden. He can always leave the Church.
I suppose he could but he would be one of the millions who have given up on religion because the people who remain are intolerant, hypocritical dicks. If religion has a value to humanity it is doing a terrible job making the case.

Intolerant hypocritical dicks obstruct the rights of others who don’t agree with them and call it free speech.
Funny you should say it like that. I don't even have time to list all the things the religious people of the world want to ban outright. They insist on the freedom to worship but feel we do not have the right to resist them politically in their secular agenda.

Tell that to Biden.
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat

The Democrats follow the prince of the world, Satan. They don't believe in his existence, of course, but they do his bidding and they advocate for all of the things that Satan wants. They are fools and they have been deceived.
This a good example of why the history of Christianity is division and subdivision, which obviously is continuing. The guys who run the Catholic Church (and they are all guys) decided to make abortion some sort of litmus test, which is absurd. There are all sorts of beliefs, theories, and conclusions on the subject, among both individuals and religious organizations, both Christian and not. And abortion is not the only subject on which opinions differ widely.

There is always a problem when one gets involved in an authoritarian organization. A small group of hand-picked individuals gets to make decisions for everyone. I have never regretted leaving the RC Church, which I did years before Roe v. Wade was decided. It is important to note here, before any posters go crazy that I have some obligation to continue as an RC, that I did not choose the RC Church, my parents enrolled me from birth. A close friend of mine switched not long ago from RC to Unitarian, and she is so happy she did.

As Biden has held a public office twice, and could again, I think that he is smart enough to know that a public official must exercise his/her duties on behalf of all the people, not just those of his/her own faith, even if the RCs want to reel him in.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?

Yes. But there is a big difference between a potential human and a human. There are various stages to embryonic/fetal development. I think that you are being hysterical.

And yes, we do kill humans. What do you think that all of your fancy guns and expensive bombs are for? Do you think that AR-15s and AK-47s were created to make cookies? We've certainly spent billions killing humans.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.
This a good example of why the history of Christianity is division and subdivision, which obviously is continuing. The guys who run the Catholic Church (and they are all guys) decided to make abortion some sort of litmus test, which is absurd. There are all sorts of beliefs, theories, and conclusions on the subject, among both individuals and religious organizations, both Christian and not. And abortion is not the only subject on which opinions differ widely.

There is always a problem when one gets involved in an authoritarian organization. A small group of hand-picked individuals gets to make decisions for everyone. I have never regretted leaving the RC Church, which I did years before Roe v. Wade was decided. It is important to note here, before any posters go crazy that I have some obligation to continue as an RC, that I did not choose the RC Church, my parents enrolled me from birth. A close friend of mine switched not long ago from RC to Unitarian, and she is so happy she did.

As Biden has held a public office twice, and could again, I think that he is smart enough to know that a public official must exercise his/her duties on behalf of all the people, not just those of his/her own faith, even if the RCs want to reel him in.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?

Yes. But there is a big difference between a potential human and a human. There are various stages to embryonic/fetal development. I think that you are being hysterical.

And yes, we do kill humans. What do you think that all of your fancy guns and expensive bombs are for? Do you think that AR-15s and AK-47s were created to make cookies? We've certainly spent billions killing humans.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...
This a good example of why the history of Christianity is division and subdivision, which obviously is continuing. The guys who run the Catholic Church (and they are all guys) decided to make abortion some sort of litmus test, which is absurd. There are all sorts of beliefs, theories, and conclusions on the subject, among both individuals and religious organizations, both Christian and not. And abortion is not the only subject on which opinions differ widely.

There is always a problem when one gets involved in an authoritarian organization. A small group of hand-picked individuals gets to make decisions for everyone. I have never regretted leaving the RC Church, which I did years before Roe v. Wade was decided. It is important to note here, before any posters go crazy that I have some obligation to continue as an RC, that I did not choose the RC Church, my parents enrolled me from birth. A close friend of mine switched not long ago from RC to Unitarian, and she is so happy she did.

As Biden has held a public office twice, and could again, I think that he is smart enough to know that a public official must exercise his/her duties on behalf of all the people, not just those of his/her own faith, even if the RCs want to reel him in.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?

Yes. But there is a big difference between a potential human and a human. There are various stages to embryonic/fetal development. I think that you are being hysterical.

And yes, we do kill humans. What do you think that all of your fancy guns and expensive bombs are for? Do you think that AR-15s and AK-47s were created to make cookies? We've certainly spent billions killing humans.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?

Yes. But there is a big difference between a potential human and a human. There are various stages to embryonic/fetal development. I think that you are being hysterical.

And yes, we do kill humans. What do you think that all of your fancy guns and expensive bombs are for? Do you think that AR-15s and AK-47s were created to make cookies? We've certainly spent billions killing humans.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.
Yes. But there is a big difference between a potential human and a human. There are various stages to embryonic/fetal development. I think that you are being hysterical.

And yes, we do kill humans. What do you think that all of your fancy guns and expensive bombs are for? Do you think that AR-15s and AK-47s were created to make cookies? We've certainly spent billions killing humans.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.

If you support abortion, you obviously have no belief in God nor in his commandments to not kill and to be fruitful and multiply. Abortion violates both.
It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.

If you support abortion, you obviously have no belief in God nor in his commandments to not kill and to be fruitful and multiply. Abortion violates both.
Jesus never mentioned Abortion. The abortion of his day was taking unwanted infants to the edge of the village in the middle of the night and abandoning them to the tender mercies of the wild beasts. He knew about this, everyone did and he didn't say anything. In fact the only time the Bible mentions abandonment it turns out pretty good for Moses. Answer that one since you know the mind of God.
It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.

If you support abortion, you obviously have no belief in God nor in his commandments to not kill and to be fruitful and multiply. Abortion violates both.

How do you know that I don't believe in a Supreme Being/Creator? As far as the "thou shalt not kill" in the Ten Commandments honored by those of the Jewish and Christian faiths, this historically has been massively ignored and still is to this day. Guns, wars, nuclear armaments costing billions, genocides, medieval wars between Christian religious factions, murdering people in ghastly ways for "witch craft," lynchings, dumping out water left for those thirsting in the desert so that they die instead. I could go on. Your obsessive worry about abortion is rank hypocrisy.

You just want to get us rational people to march to the tune of your pathetic, supposedly "religious," leaders, who, by the way, are infested with misogyny.
Right me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the man was only denied communion. If he was not shown the door, then I guess everyone is welcome at church.

God bless you always!!!

He went up the aisle to receive communion and the priest said f u baby killer shit for brains...……..

Biden has 2 choices, see the light and stop killing children which will not happen, or hit the road with Satan

PS. If God tapped on your shoulder you wouldn't recognize him...………………..
If them choice of words are really what the preacher had to say to Mr. B., how much better of a person does that make the preacher? Denying someone communion is bad enough, but swearing in the house of the Lord will only dig a person's hole deeper...and that preacher calls himself a man of the cloth? Since when did taking communion become such a harmful thing to do anyways? If Mr. B. had brought a gun into the Lord's house, then this story would be way more different and not in a good way.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If the Lord tapped you on the shoulder, how well would you know that it was him standing there?
Right me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the man was only denied communion. If he was not shown the door, then I guess everyone is welcome at church.

God bless you always!!!

He went up the aisle to receive communion and the priest said f u baby killer shit for brains...……..

Biden has 2 choices, see the light and stop killing children which will not happen, or hit the road with Satan

PS. If God tapped on your shoulder you wouldn't recognize him...………………..
If them choice of words are really what the preacher had to say to Mr. B., how much better of a person does that make the preacher? Denying someone communion is bad enough, but swearing in the house of the Lord will only dig a person's hole deeper...and that preacher calls himself a man of the cloth? Since when did taking communion become such a harmful thing to do anyways? If Mr. B. had brought a gun into the Lord's house, then this story would be way more different and not in a good way.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If the Lord tapped you on the shoulder, how well would you know that it was him standing there?
Biden is a baby killer just like you. See kid when you vote for and defend the killer you are part of the killing.

If God spoke to you thru the internet you would go right on defending the butcher to god. Or do you think you can fool the Lord? Been tried before, all have failed and will continue failing

Enjoy the rest of your meager godless sustenance on Earth
Right me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the man was only denied communion. If he was not shown the door, then I guess everyone is welcome at church.

God bless you always!!!

He went up the aisle to receive communion and the priest said f u baby killer shit for brains...……..

Biden has 2 choices, see the light and stop killing children which will not happen, or hit the road with Satan

PS. If God tapped on your shoulder you wouldn't recognize him...………………..
If them choice of words are really what the preacher had to say to Mr. B., how much better of a person does that make the preacher? Denying someone communion is bad enough, but swearing in the house of the Lord will only dig a person's hole deeper...and that preacher calls himself a man of the cloth? Since when did taking communion become such a harmful thing to do anyways? If Mr. B. had brought a gun into the Lord's house, then this story would be way more different and not in a good way.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If the Lord tapped you on the shoulder, how well would you know that it was him standing there?
Biden is a baby killer just like you. See kid when you vote for and defend the killer you are part of the killing.

If God spoke to you thru the internet you would go right on defending the butcher to god. Or do you think you can fool the Lord? Been tried before, all have failed and will continue failing

Enjoy the rest of your meager godless sustenance on Earth
If Mr. B.'s heart is not pure enough and just like you actually, I don't believe that is, I believe that the Lord is who should be the one to take care of the problem.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And don't worry, I have no intention of voting for Mr. B., but I am not going to go as far as that "man of the cloth" may have gone either,.
Right me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the man was only denied communion. If he was not shown the door, then I guess everyone is welcome at church.

God bless you always!!!

He went up the aisle to receive communion and the priest said f u baby killer shit for brains...……..

Biden has 2 choices, see the light and stop killing children which will not happen, or hit the road with Satan

PS. If God tapped on your shoulder you wouldn't recognize him...………………..
If them choice of words are really what the preacher had to say to Mr. B., how much better of a person does that make the preacher? Denying someone communion is bad enough, but swearing in the house of the Lord will only dig a person's hole deeper...and that preacher calls himself a man of the cloth? Since when did taking communion become such a harmful thing to do anyways? If Mr. B. had brought a gun into the Lord's house, then this story would be way more different and not in a good way.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If the Lord tapped you on the shoulder, how well would you know that it was him standing there?
Biden is a baby killer just like you. See kid when you vote for and defend the killer you are part of the killing.

If God spoke to you thru the internet you would go right on defending the butcher to god. Or do you think you can fool the Lord? Been tried before, all have failed and will continue failing

Enjoy the rest of your meager godless sustenance on Earth
If Mr. B.'s heart is not pure enough and just like you actually, I don't believe that is, I believe that the Lord is who should be the one to take care of the problem.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And don't worry, I have no intention of voting for Mr. B., but I am not going to go as far as that "man of the cloth" may have gone either,.
The priest stood up for the least of gods children. This man is welcome at my table. You will dine with satan, eating the bodies you aborted
^^^ For the record, I have never killed anyone and I don't encourage anyone to until it is in self defense. Oh and anyone who looks at a baby as something life threatening, they do not get my vote, but I will not kick them to the floor either. The Lord can do that for me. Please forgive me for not being one to steal from the Lord.

God bless you always!!!

Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
It’s always a bad thing when the cult you joined dis’es you publicly. Lol

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