Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.


btw - the OT god had no problem with abortion; in fact it was sanctioned.
what a load of crap what the fake Christian spewed Conservative Christians care all which she claims we dont just because we rather provide that care that help personally or through the church and not the government

Its why the largest chartable organization that ever existed is the Christian church and the least charitable are liberals and atheists

What it the Catholic position on immigration?
Republican "fake" Christians have perverted politics and religion to suit their own narrow-minded twisted beliefs. The Old Testament is vicious - but they have even perverted and twisted the kinder and gentler New Testament.
Washington redskin,
Little minded fool, If the Bible is not taken as a whole it is absolute gibberish. And it is a lifetime study That the politically correct could not possibly understand. Fact
The bible was written by schizzos who heard voices and ate locust in desert

Actually, the Holy Bible was written by Almighty God.

And just because He has asked mankind to not to take it in the ass, doesn't mean he's a "schizzo."
Why are any Christians Democrats? Atheists are overwhemingly Democrats. One look at this board serves as exhibit A. The left is constantly bashing Christianity and making snide comments about those who believe in a "fairy tale." It just doesn't make sense to support a political party that is obviously adverse to a belief that is supposed to be the preeminent force in your life.

Everything is coming into play just as the Bible predicts. God is using Donald Trump as a vessel to fulfill prophecy.....proof of this was election night 2016. The Democrats will become more and more radical embracing socialism and persecuting Christians because Satan is controlling them.

Unfortunately, I think you are correct. It is all prophecy and can't be stopped. the Democrats are falling in line, just as fortold.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
Would this priest give communion to Donald Trump who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, 5 children with 3 wives, multiple affairs, separates children from their parents, continually lies.
Of course many Priests have more moral sins than Trumps.

Yes this same priest or any other Catholic priest would refuse communion to TRUMP based on TRUMP not being Catholic. If TRUMP were to go up for communion he would receive a blessing.

Biden was refused communion because he publicly advocates for abortion.
I have had communion at a Catholic Church and I am not Catholic
The Catholics' views on the spiritual office are reflected in the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, a rite commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples before his crucifixion. Once consecrated by a priest in the name of Jesus, bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Non-Catholics may not participate in Communion.
In the Protest Church, every baptized person is invited to share and is allowed to lead the Lord's Supper. This approach is not accepted by Catholics.

Additionally, Eucharist has a different meaning for Catholics and Protestants. The bread, known as the Host, embodies Jesus and can therefore be prayed to. For Protestants, the ritual only serves to commemorate Jesus' death and resurrection.
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.


btw - the OT god had no problem with abortion; in fact it was sanctioned.
what a load of crap what the fake Christian spewed Conservative Christians care all which she claims we dont just because we rather provide that care that help personally or through the church and not the government

Its why the largest chartable organization that ever existed is the Christian church and the least charitable are liberals and atheists

What it the Catholic position on immigration?
Not sure but I am sure of the 30 foot high wall around the vatican

There is a reason for the decline in super-naturalism. Seriously, this magical power the church professes of somehow transmuting a little wafer and wine into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, seems to me a little suspect.

But to each his own.
Only in the cult of the Catholic Church

Reformation - Wikipedia
Republican "fake" Christians have perverted politics and religion to suit their own narrow-minded twisted beliefs. The Old Testament is vicious - but they have even perverted and twisted the kinder and gentler New Testament.
Washington redskin,
Little minded fool, If the Bible is not taken as a whole it is absolute gibberish. And it is a lifetime study That the politically correct could not possibly understand. Fact
The bible was written by schizzos who heard voices and ate locust in desert

Actually, the Holy Bible was written by Almighty God.

And just because He has asked mankind to not to take it in the ass, doesn't mean he's a "schizzo."
The bible was written by humans. Jesus specifically chose Mathew the tax collector because he could read and write

Why would god write a book for muslims to burn
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.


btw - the OT god had no problem with abortion; in fact it was sanctioned.
what a load of crap what the fake Christian spewed Conservative Christians care all which she claims we dont just because we rather provide that care that help personally or through the church and not the government

Its why the largest chartable organization that ever existed is the Christian church and the least charitable are liberals and atheists

What it the Catholic position on immigration?

There is nothing in the Bible promoting Illegal Aliens at all
Republican "fake" Christians have perverted politics and religion to suit their own narrow-minded twisted beliefs. The Old Testament is vicious - but they have even perverted and twisted the kinder and gentler New Testament.
Washington redskin,
Little minded fool, If the Bible is not taken as a whole it is absolute gibberish. And it is a lifetime study That the politically correct could not possibly understand. Fact
The bible was written by schizzos who heard voices and ate locust in desert

It is a collection of writings chosen by some holy moly counsel at some point in time.
Republican "fake" Christians have perverted politics and religion to suit their own narrow-minded twisted beliefs. The Old Testament is vicious - but they have even perverted and twisted the kinder and gentler New Testament.
Washington redskin,
Little minded fool, If the Bible is not taken as a whole it is absolute gibberish. And it is a lifetime study That the politically correct could not possibly understand. Fact
The bible was written by schizzos who heard voices and ate locust in desert

:disagree: These are the types in the Democratic Party. What could possible go wrong with subscribing to their militant anti-religious beliefs? Communist hate religion because they want government to be God. The left is hard at work to fulfill this agenda but are too ignorant to recognize it.
Holy crap, I see some folks here quoting the Bible and wonder if lighting can hit us on a freakin' message board.

Romans 3:10-12 English Standard Version (ESV)
10 as it is written:
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.
Everyone gets is
Nazis hate Jews
Klan hates Blacks
Democrats hate Evangelicals
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.


btw - the OT god had no problem with abortion; in fact it was sanctioned.
I will repeat, there are three parties involved in an abortion... One of the three is innocent.
That being the only one that pays the ultimate price. Fact
Last edited:
Republican "fake" Christians have perverted politics and religion to suit their own narrow-minded twisted beliefs. The Old Testament is vicious - but they have even perverted and twisted the kinder and gentler New Testament.
Washington redskin,
Little minded fool, If the Bible is not taken as a whole it is absolute gibberish. And it is a lifetime study That the politically correct could not possibly understand. Fact
The bible was written by schizzos who heard voices and ate locust in desert
and Liberal are open minded and tolerant of other cultures lol
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

Evangelicals have little to do with the Catholic Church. As a Catholic, I know what I signed up for and what the rules are. I know that I can be denied Communion or even excommunicated for my behavior or views that are in conflict with the Church’s teachings. Same goes for Biden. He can always leave the Church.
I suppose he could but he would be one of the millions who have given up on religion because the people who remain are intolerant, hypocritical dicks. If religion has a value to humanity it is doing a terrible job making the case.
Humanity has nothing to do with spirituality, Controlling what other people think and believe will get no one anywhere. Hell is and will be full souls as it says in the Bible....

Political correctness is a game for fools. Fact
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.
There is no definitive information that Biden approves of abortion. He approves of it being a woman's decision. I believe that we are all better off with the fewer abortions performed. The fewest abortions performed since Roe vs Wade was the last year of the Obama Presidenct. If you outlaw abortions you may not reduce abortions. Many anti-abortionists do not believe in birth control, sex education and counciling of sexually active youth. As a result there are many more pregnancies. This young girls go for illegal abortions.
I am for reducing the number of abortions but making abortions illegal will not do that by its self. Simple minded people think so. Simple minded people can result with more abortions.
You’re still missing the point, there are three parties involved in an abortion. The innocent one pays the ultimate price. Fact

And are you forgetting? baby butchery is extremely profitable for the politically correct.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
Would this priest give communion to Donald Trump who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, 5 children with 3 wives, multiple affairs, separates children from their parents, continually lies.
Of course many Priests have more moral sins than Trumps.

Yes this same priest or any other Catholic priest would refuse communion to TRUMP based on TRUMP not being Catholic. If TRUMP were to go up for communion he would receive a blessing.

Biden was refused communion because he publicly advocates for abortion.
I have had communion at a Catholic Church and I am not Catholic
The Catholics' views on the spiritual office are reflected in the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, a rite commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples before his crucifixion. Once consecrated by a priest in the name of Jesus, bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Non-Catholics may not participate in Communion.
In the Protest Church, every baptized person is invited to share and is allowed to lead the Lord's Supper. This approach is not accepted by Catholics.

Additionally, Eucharist has a different meaning for Catholics and Protestants. The bread, known as the Host, embodies Jesus and can therefore be prayed to. For Protestants, the ritual only serves to commemorate Jesus' death and resurrection.
God doesn't care about silly rituals, people do
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.
There is no definitive information that Biden approves of abortion. He approves of it being a woman's decision. I believe that we are all better off with the fewer abortions performed. The fewest abortions performed since Roe vs Wade was the last year of the Obama Presidenct. If you outlaw abortions you may not reduce abortions. Many anti-abortionists do not believe in birth control, sex education and counciling of sexually active youth. As a result there are many more pregnancies. This young girls go for illegal abortions.
I am for reducing the number of abortions but making abortions illegal will not do that by its self. Simple minded people think so. Simple minded people can result with more abortions.
and do you apply that same logic with guns? that gun bans wont cut down on gun deaths?
I do feel the fewer the guns the better. There are many ways of reducing the number of guns without outlawing guns.
You have zero credibility on the matter, it isn’t for you to say.

Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

Evangelicals have little to do with the Catholic Church. As a Catholic, I know what I signed up for and what the rules are. I know that I can be denied Communion or even excommunicated for my behavior or views that are in conflict with the Church’s teachings. Same goes for Biden. He can always leave the Church.
I suppose he could but he would be one of the millions who have given up on religion because the people who remain are intolerant, hypocritical dicks. If religion has a value to humanity it is doing a terrible job making the case.

Intolerant hypocritical dicks obstruct the rights of others who don’t agree with them and call it free speech.
Funny you should say it like that. I don't even have time to list all the things the religious people of the world want to ban outright. They insist on the freedom to worship but feel we do not have the right to resist them politically in their secular agenda.
Of course there is free will, but there is no such thing as spiritual free will. Fact

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