Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.

Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.
True, Quit forcing your political correctness on other people… It’s an cowardly act.
This a good example of why the history of Christianity is division and subdivision, which obviously is continuing. The guys who run the Catholic Church (and they are all guys) decided to make abortion some sort of litmus test, which is absurd. There are all sorts of beliefs, theories, and conclusions on the subject, among both individuals and religious organizations, both Christian and not. And abortion is not the only subject on which opinions differ widely.

There is always a problem when one gets involved in an authoritarian organization. A small group of hand-picked individuals gets to make decisions for everyone. I have never regretted leaving the RC Church, which I did years before Roe v. Wade was decided. It is important to note here, before any posters go crazy that I have some obligation to continue as an RC, that I did not choose the RC Church, my parents enrolled me from birth. A close friend of mine switched not long ago from RC to Unitarian, and she is so happy she did.

As Biden has held a public office twice, and could again, I think that he is smart enough to know that a public official must exercise his/her duties on behalf of all the people, not just those of his/her own faith, even if the RCs want to reel him in.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?

Yes. But there is a big difference between a potential human and a human. There are various stages to embryonic/fetal development. I think that you are being hysterical.

And yes, we do kill humans. What do you think that all of your fancy guns and expensive bombs are for? Do you think that AR-15s and AK-47s were created to make cookies? We've certainly spent billions killing humans.
well a genius to a stupid fk is different, can they each be killed for being different? the lengths you have to go to to justify killing babies is amazing to me. fk dude, there isn't any logic or sense to it. it's just pure kill babies.

It is your conclusion that abortion is "killing babies." It is my conclusion that it is not. Your level of hysteria does not change my conclusion. It is up to anyone contemplating having a abortion to determine the answer for herself according to her own reasoning, ideology, and any advice that she decides to seek from others whom she chooses to advise her, if any.

This notion that perfect strangers, including big government, should be able to impose an answer on this individual, when their advice is unsolicited, is an unwarranted and ridiculous denial of freedom, in terms of both respecting the individual's right to physical sovereignty and her right to religious freedom.
You are still forgetting there are three parties involved in an abortion, the innocent one pays ultimate price… Every time
The Catholic Church has always been against the Abortion Trade, Mr. Biden should have probably known that before he decided to attend a mass.

Its crazy when someone who is seeking high office doesn't understand the basics of the teachings of major religious groups in America. President Trump is considered to be an "ignoramus" by the left, but he knew enough not to serve ham during his annual Iftar celebration at the WH in honor of the Islamonazis. What could Bite Me have been thinking in Florence?
God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
God kills babies everyday with disease and starvation. This supposedly omnipotent being sits on his non-existent ass while misery kills children by the thousands and you so-called Christians refuse to do anything either. So fucking concerned with the fate of the unborn but don't give a damn after they exit the womb. Get off your high horse, there are babies suffering terribly right now somewhere. do something about that and then I might believe you care about something other than putting women back in their place.

First you assert God in not a Republican and Evangelicals are killing Christianity then assert God doesn't exist.

A little advise, don't join a college debate team.
The total disconnect between how you want to treat the unborn versus how you want to treat children lost you that debate long ago.

Hillaryous. Christians provide more humanitarian assistance than any other organization on this planet.
This unholy alliance the Christian right has made with republican politics makes you seem schizophrenic. There is practically nothing on the republican platform that reflects christian values. War, racism, capital punishment, "let them die"? The Christian right has only one mission: to create moral justifications for being horrible people.
This post my friends is the result of riding the cotton pony and drinking a bottle of cooking sherry in the morning.
Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.

If you support abortion, you obviously have no belief in God nor in his commandments to not kill and to be fruitful and multiply. Abortion violates both.
Jesus never mentioned Abortion. The abortion of his day was taking unwanted infants to the edge of the village in the middle of the night and abandoning them to the tender mercies of the wild beasts. He knew about this, everyone did and he didn't say anything. In fact the only time the Bible mentions abandonment it turns out pretty good for Moses. Answer that one since you know the mind of God.
That is what the Bible is for, and it’s the only way to know the mind of God. It’s an lifetime study.

You only win when this World loses its grip on you… Fact
Well, you think the universe caused itself to come into existence so...

Which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has everything to do. You don't follow God's teachings because you don't believe that he exists. Unwittingly, you do Satan's bidding.

You know nothing of my beliefs. You speak only of your's. Moreover, my beliefs are none of your business.

If you support abortion, you obviously have no belief in God nor in his commandments to not kill and to be fruitful and multiply. Abortion violates both.

How do you know that I don't believe in a Supreme Being/Creator? As far as the "thou shalt not kill" in the Ten Commandments honored by those of the Jewish and Christian faiths, this historically has been massively ignored and still is to this day. Guns, wars, nuclear armaments costing billions, genocides, medieval wars between Christian religious factions, murdering people in ghastly ways for "witch craft," lynchings, dumping out water left for those thirsting in the desert so that they die instead. I could go on. Your obsessive worry about abortion is rank hypocrisy.

You just want to get us rational people to march to the tune of your pathetic, supposedly "religious," leaders, who, by the way, are infested with misogyny.
True, It is between every individual and God. Fact

And political correctness has nothing to do with anything good… In fact it inspires to be the opposite.
Republican "fake" Christians have perverted politics and religion to suit their own narrow-minded twisted beliefs. The Old Testament is vicious - but they have even perverted and twisted the kinder and gentler New Testament.
Washington redskin,
Little minded fool, If the Bible is not taken as a whole it is absolute gibberish. And it is a lifetime study That the politically correct could not possibly understand. Fact
The bible was written by schizzos who heard voices and ate locust in desert
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
Mortal Priests, some of who are pedophiles, are the ones giving the communion.
You or the Priests are not the ones to make a final judgement.
Who's talking about a final judgement?
I think the church is perfectly capable and correct when they decide a big supporter of tearing a child from the womb and dismembering him/her is definitely not following the dictates of the church or God.

It's a really easy call.


btw - the OT god had no problem with abortion; in fact it was sanctioned.
what a load of crap what the fake Christian spewed Conservative Christians care all which she claims we dont just because we rather provide that care that help personally or through the church and not the government

Its why the largest chartable organization that ever existed is the Christian church and the least charitable are liberals and atheists

What it the Catholic position on immigration?
Not sure but I am sure of the 30 foot high wall around the vatican

The Catholic Church represents the Catholic Church and only the Catholic Church. And has nothing to do with Christianity. fact
Holy crap, I see some folks here quoting the Bible and wonder if lighting can hit us on a freakin' message board.

Romans 3:10-12 English Standard Version (ESV)
10 as it is written:
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Yeah, that's one of the best excuses I usually hear.
Holy crap, I see some folks here quoting the Bible and wonder if lighting can hit us on a freakin' message board.

Romans 3:10-12 English Standard Version (ESV)
10 as it is written:
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Yeah, that's one of the best excuses I usually hear.
Isn’t it refreshing to hear truth instead of political correctness?
If the Catholic Church is going to deny Communion to everyone who supports Roe v Wade, those lines are going to be very short

Holy crap, I see some folks here quoting the Bible and wonder if lighting can hit us on a freakin' message board.

Romans 3:10-12 English Standard Version (ESV)
10 as it is written:
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Yeah, that's one of the best excuses I usually hear.
Isn’t it refreshing to hear truth instead of political correctness?
Da Troof.

Yeah, I get that claim from both ends.
Holy crap, I see some folks here quoting the Bible and wonder if lighting can hit us on a freakin' message board.

Romans 3:10-12 English Standard Version (ESV)
10 as it is written:
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Yeah, that's one of the best excuses I usually hear.
Isn’t it refreshing to hear truth instead of political correctness?
Da Troof.

Yeah, I get that claim from both ends.
So you would agree getting along is way overrated?
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
Good for Fr. Morey

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Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
Would this priest give communion to Donald Trump who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, 5 children with 3 wives, multiple affairs, separates children from their parents, continually lies.
Of course many Priests have more moral sins than Trumps.
If Trump asks for forgiveness, no reason the priest should judge. But when you go in and you're not asking for forgiveness and still support the sin, you get nothing.
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
God kills babies everyday with disease and starvation. This supposedly omnipotent being sits on his non-existent ass while misery kills children by the thousands and you so-called Christians refuse to do anything either. So fucking concerned with the fate of the unborn but don't give a damn after they exit the womb. Get off your high horse, there are babies suffering terribly right now somewhere. do something about that and then I might believe you care about something other than putting women back in their place.
Clearly you are misguided.

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