Joe Biden For President.But Doesn't He Remind You Of Archie Bunker To Some Extent?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:cul2: Have any of us said this to ourselves? That Joe Biden is very much like the Archie Bunker character? For all of us that were kids watching All In The Family in the 70's, we all remember the racist language coming from Archie for years, and that nowadays, we all know that show would never be allowed to air.
So what do you think? Is Joe Biden our "Modern Day Archie Bunker"?
:lalala: :hyper: :iagree:
i can still remember the classic scene of when archie needed a blood tranfusion and found out that it was from a black nurse
No, I gotta say Biden doesn't remind me of Bunker's character.
The "Archie Bunker" character was how Hollywood libtards saw working class Honky Americans in the early 1970's.

Vice President Biden, who is actually a wealthy millionaire and lifelong card carrying member of the Deep State, just actually believes it all, and is trying to appeal to a mythical American who really didn't exist even back in the day. Shows what a doofus he is.
Biden is a racist, misogynist, and probably a pedophile (or at least borderline). He's the perfect Dem candidate.
Biden is a racist, misogynist, and probably a pedophile (or at least borderline). He's the perfect Dem candidate.
well at least Archie was never caught on tape attempting to feel up a woman under the age of 18
Biden is a racist, misogynist, and probably a pedophile (or at least borderline). He's the perfect Dem candidate.
well, i dont see much difference between Hillary and Archie either
i really feel sorry for Joe, its just sad when Joe speaks about putting them all back in chains
:cul2: Have any of us said this to ourselves? That Joe Biden is very much like the Archie Bunker character? For all of us that were kids watching All In The Family in the 70's, we all remember the racist language coming from Archie for years, and that nowadays, we all know that show would never be allowed to air.
So what do you think? Is Joe Biden our "Modern Day Archie Bunker"?
:lalala: :hyper: :iagree:

Na, he reminds me of a creepy old man who drinks to much and whispers in kids ears while he rubs his boner all over them. Eat thing to happen to the DNC would be a reaper call for Biden.
:cul2: Have any of us said this to ourselves? That Joe Biden is very much like the Archie Bunker character? For all of us that were kids watching All In The Family in the 70's, we all remember the racist language coming from Archie for years, and that nowadays, we all know that show would never be allowed to air.
So what do you think? Is Joe Biden our "Modern Day Archie Bunker"?
:lalala: :hyper: :iagree:

I dunno, I'd almost go with Meathead.
can you imagine if Trump went before a crowd of blacks around this time and told them all that if we elect a Dem in 2020 that he will put yall back in chains? gee, i wonder who would call for impeachment for the 42nd time.
can you imagine if Trump went before a crowd of blacks around this time and told them all that if we elect a Dem in 2020 that he will put yall back in chains? gee, i wonder who would call for impeachment for the 42nd time.
so this whole thread was about trump,,,
:cul2: Have any of us said this to ourselves? That Joe Biden is very much like the Archie Bunker character? For all of us that were kids watching All In The Family in the 70's, we all remember the racist language coming from Archie for years, and that nowadays, we all know that show would never be allowed to air.
So what do you think? Is Joe Biden our "Modern Day Archie Bunker"?
:lalala: :hyper: :iagree:

It's pretty ludicrous to try to compare an actual human to a fictional character. Maybe the OP tired (-: to be cute.

Norman Lear actually ripped off a Brit sitcom, Till Death Do Us Part, which was a very successful show too, and also one that sort of endured with spinoffs and one off's like Archie's Place, which imo was a nice send off since by the mid 80s most of us were feeling better about society and ourselves. Other countries ripped off the series too

The Alf/Archie character was a racist working class and staunch Tory/Republican. Alf did not care for Thatcher though as he didn't think women should be heard unless calling him to dinner. But the racism thing wasn't so much burning crosses and not letting people vote. It was about encroaching competition for jobs didn't entail college educations. And both characters supported the party that was really about capital and bosses. The Brit show could be more explicit because Labour in the 60s and 70s was closer to socialism that even FDR and the New Deal back in the 30s. The Brits didn't a red scare like we had in the 50s because they really were commies in the 30s. LOL

But the genius was both characters skewered the Liberal Labour and Democrat parties because Alf/Archie was no fool and he knew the liberal elite didn't have his interests at heart. The American version was much softer than the brit, imo. Archie was warmer than Alf, and Mike was not an unemployed socialist bordering on outright commie.

People put down Trump supporters for being stupid. And Trump is actually McConnell's pet boy bitch. But for the Trump supporters who hang in there, it's more about an enemy of my enemy is my friend ..... and the Party of Clinton cared as much about workers as the 2016 version of Wal-Mart.

However if you are a religious type who equates an IUD or even dose of Hormones with murder .... then he's your boy.

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