Joe Biden has turned me into a democrat

White House policies are making sure that there is no middle class. There will be the rich and powerful and the broke peasant class.
They say republican policies will take us back to the tiny Tim era where there’s a small ruling class, small merchant class and the masses were known as the rabble.
They say republican policies will take us back to the tiny Tim era where there’s a small ruling class, small merchant class and the masses were known as the rabble.
Exactly who is they? Some unknown source with no understanding or any real knowledge? So exactly when was this Tiny Tim era? Give us all a time frame of that happening in the US.
If you really think that high inflation and High gas prices will not make paupers out of anyone but the rich you really need to take a course in economics
If I have this right, Joe repeated a finding by our intel agencies and because he did you think we are ignoring other problems internationally and domestically. Even though, for instance, we just announced another military aid package for Ukraine.
In reality, the thread is an insidious (and I would say fatuous) attempt to mindlessly blame Biden for everything under the sun. Happy Easter.......go eat some'll feel better.
Look at the nfl. They are the perfect example of white supremacy, nepotism in corporate America and how the playing field isn’t level. In the nfl the jobs don’t go to the most qualified they go to a son of a former nfl coach.
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Inheritance Must Be Abolished

Notice that, in baseball, the Yankees had their worse decade in a hundred years after Steibrenner's spoiled brat took over. Likewise with the Cubs, a 108-year gap in winning the World Series was the result of its hereditary ownership.

The whole country is sharing the same fate, starting with the unearned elevation of a spoiled HeirHead, JFK, in 1960.
Without whitey we'd all still be up in the trees licking each other's assholes.

Some of you are saying "AND???"

I don't want to know you.

We might be happier, I'll give you that much.... but the lifestyle would be unrecognizable.
Joe finally convinced me to become a democrat after I heard this quote from him.

"We won't ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today: White supremacy is terrorism," Biden said. "We're not going to ignore that either."

Joe biden nailed it! Joe Biden has his finger on the pulse of America and is ready to act because white supremacy is the biggest threat to us all really. In fact, I fear them every time I leave my home. Will this be my last day on planet earth because of their terror? How m any will they lynch today? Will the subvert our democracy and destroy an ongoing approval rating of Congress that has been under 20% for decades? This is no joke, we could lose all of it!

But I will tell you what we should not focus on.

It's not Russia as Putin sweeps across Eastern Europe.

It's not China who is enabling Putin to sweep across Europe by funding him

It's not Covid that has killed far more people under Biden than under Trump

It is not inflation that is crippling families all across America

It is not shortages caused by government Covid shutdowns

It's not the new gender curriculum in our schools that has led to a 4000% increase in gender confusion among children.

It is not the border crisis as South American gangs pour across to terrorize Americans with endless human traffickers to boot.

It is not the narcotics flowing across the border that kills Americans at a rate of close to 200 a day.

No my friends, it is white nationalism.

Won't you help us round up all the Vikings on January 6th so we can throw them in jail for life?
Joe Biden needs to start with Joe Biden

Apparently last night, every Trump-endorsed candidate in Ohio's Republican Primary won.
Well that is just it, there are no qualified black conservatives.

All of them are either stupid and crazy, like Herschel Walker, or the faces of white supremacy, like Larry Elder, or need impeached, like Clarence Thomas. And don't get me started about Alan West and Herman Cain. Just a couple of pervs.

So do you think that all black conservatives get involved in the Republican party because they were born evil and inept or did the Republican party make them as such?
Clarence Thomas; The great White hope!


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He will shrink the gap between rich and rest of us.

Our founders warned us about power and money corrupting our system. It’s already been done. How much does Elon have? He’s going to buy Twitter?
This is true...he will...Xiden and the Dems don't want to make the poor richer though, they want to make the rich, poorer.

That's the problem with your dembot cult agenda
This is true...he will...Xiden and the Dems don't want to make the poor richer though, they want to make the rich, poorer.

That's the problem with your dembot cult agenda
Well when the time comes we need to raise taxes, you're going to suggest raising poor poeple's taxes instead of rich people's taxes. And ultimately, the Republicans are going to raise middle class people's taxes.

You'll see when taxes need to go up, it won't be undoing tax breaks Trump/Bush should have never given. It will be a tax raise across the board or leave rich people and corporations out entirely. And cuts to social programs that you and I will one day want to take advantage of.
Joe finally convinced me to become a democrat after I heard this quote from him.

"We won't ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today: White supremacy is terrorism," Biden said. "We're not going to ignore that either."

Joe biden nailed it! Joe Biden has his finger on the pulse of America and is ready to act because white supremacy is the biggest threat to us all really. In fact, I fear them every time I leave my home. Will this be my last day on planet earth because of their terror? How m any will they lynch today? Will the subvert our democracy and destroy an ongoing approval rating of Congress that has been under 20% for decades? This is no joke, we could lose all of it!

But I will tell you what we should not focus on.

It's not Russia as Putin sweeps across Eastern Europe.

It's not China who is enabling Putin to sweep across Europe by funding him

It's not Covid that has killed far more people under Biden than under Trump

It is not inflation that is crippling families all across America

It is not shortages caused by government Covid shutdowns

It's not the new gender curriculum in our schools that has led to a 4000% increase in gender confusion among children.

It is not the border crisis as South American gangs pour across to terrorize Americans with endless human traffickers to boot.

It is not the narcotics flowing across the border that kills Americans at a rate of close to 200 a day.

No my friends, it is white nationalism.

Won't you help us round up all the Vikings on January 6th so we can throw them in jail for life?
The threat of Russians was Hillary, Obama, Biden and their treasonous 'Russian Collusion' scandal, the largest ctiminal political scandal in US history.
- Although Barry is only half-white, the others could definately qualify as criminal, self-serving white supremacists, especially since blacks, Latinos, andothers are fleeing them and the Democratic Party.

Democrats, themselves, attempted to overthrow the US govt through coups and criminal Impeachments during which they were caught manufacturing fake evidence. Barry's and Biden's NSA, CIA, AND FBI were proven to betrayed their oaths, the country, and Americans during the continuous scandals. They incited a pitical assassination attempt against fellow politicians, hot 2 Republican shot, and have threatened USSC Judges, putting their lives in danger.

BLM and Antifa have caused literally billions of dollars in damages through their terrorist attacks and action,looting, burning, destroying, and killing while scamming their own followers out of millions they used for personal wealth and buying mansions.

And Biden says millions of Trump supporters are the biggest threat this country faces....and the liberal sheep blindly follow.
The threat of Russians was Hillary, Obama, Biden and their treasonous 'Russian Collusion' scandal, the largest ctiminal political scandal in US history.
- Although Barry is only half-white, the others could definately qualify as criminal, self-serving white supremacists, especially since blacks, Latinos, andothers are fleeing them and the Democratic Party.

Democrats, themselves, attempted to overthrow the US govt through coups and criminal Impeachments during which they were caught manufacturing fake evidence. Barry's and Biden's NSA, CIA, AND FBI were proven to betrayed their oaths, the country, and Americans during the continuous scandals. They incited a pitical assassination attempt against fellow politicians, hot 2 Republican shot, and have threatened USSC Judges, putting their lives in danger.

BLM and Antifa have caused literally billions of dollars in damages through their terrorist attacks and action,looting, burning, destroying, and killing while scamming their own followers out of millions they used for personal wealth and buying mansions.

And Biden says millions of Trump supporters are the biggest threat this country faces....and the liberal sheep blindly follow.
You're nuts you know that?
Well when the time comes we need to raise taxes, you're going to suggest raising poor poeple's taxes instead of rich people's taxes. And ultimately, the Republicans are going to raise middle class people's taxes.

You'll see when taxes need to go up, it won't be undoing tax breaks Trump/Bush should have never given. It will be a tax raise across the board or leave rich people and corporations out entirely. And cuts to social programs that you and I will one day want to take advantage of.
No, I am not going to ever advocate for there to be a time to raise anyone's taxes.

Yes, we need reform to entitlement programs that are the largest drivers of know this, everyone knows this. What I suggest is following the Sweden model. They had the crisis that we have been trying to avoid years ago, and corrected it. We need to do it.

I get you hate the Bush and Trump tax cuts that cut taxes across the board for all working Americans....
Joe finally convinced me to become a democrat after I heard this quote from him.

"We won't ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today: White supremacy is terrorism," Biden said. "We're not going to ignore that either."

Joe biden nailed it! Joe Biden has his finger on the pulse of America and is ready to act because white supremacy is the biggest threat to us all really. In fact, I fear them every time I leave my home. Will this be my last day on planet earth because of their terror? How m any will they lynch today? Will the subvert our democracy and destroy an ongoing approval rating of Congress that has been under 20% for decades? This is no joke, we could lose all of it!

But I will tell you what we should not focus on.

It's not Russia as Putin sweeps across Eastern Europe.

It's not China who is enabling Putin to sweep across Europe by funding him

It's not Covid that has killed far more people under Biden than under Trump

It is not inflation that is crippling families all across America

It is not shortages caused by government Covid shutdowns

It's not the new gender curriculum in our schools that has led to a 4000% increase in gender confusion among children.

It is not the border crisis as South American gangs pour across to terrorize Americans with endless human traffickers to boot.

It is not the narcotics flowing across the border that kills Americans at a rate of close to 200 a day.

No my friends, it is white nationalism.

Won't you help us round up all the Vikings on January 6th so we can throw them in jail for life?
Enough with your fear monger. Both sides have bad, and yet both have good. Not just one side. It's people like you who encourage the division.
I have always feared the woke NFL.

They have murdered countless Americans, and their lynchings are crossing a red line if you ask me.

Will the NFL stop terrorizing blacks all over the US of A.

Just look what they did to know who I mean.

The man was reduced to ruins because of the NFL. Now all he does all day is pick cotton.

Great post BTW
Which is a rare miracle feat for him,he needs to stick to the sports section instead of trolling of how the Demonrat party is who we should vote for.i have always said the nfl is as evil and corrupt as our government is only for the fact it needs to be called the no fan loyalty league the fact these evil owners only care about shiny new stadiums instead of history moving from one state to another all the time and letting the cheatriots cheat all the time to win big games ,so I agree they are evil,that can’t be debated but where do you come up they murder people and lychings not thst I wouldn’t be surprised but where is the evidence on thst Votto

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