Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

I'm probably already there!
Nah, this is paradise compared to what is in store for you.
There is always a chance you can come to your senses if your soul has not been calcified and there is still some love left in your heart for God who still loves you even in your wicked and misguided fallen state.

The sad thing is, God doesn't separate you from Himself to punish you. He does it to preserve Peace in Heaven and on The New Earth when it comes.

Paradise cannot be paradise with assholes in it who embrace Evil, who lie, cheat, thieve, pervert, and deceive. So God separates The Wicked Goats from those who want to follow Him and The True Path to Eternal Life.

Think of it as cleansing the spiritual gene pool.

You might not make the cut.

You can't walk in God's garden picking apples from The Devil's Orchard.
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Nah, this is paradise compared to what is in store for you.
There is always a chance you can come to your senses if your soul has not been calcified and there is still some love left in your heart for God who still loves you even in your wicked and misguided fallen state.

The sad thing is, God doesn't separate you from Himself to punish you. He does it to preserve Peace in Heaven and on The New Earth when it comes.

Paradise cannot be paradise with assholes in it who embrace Evil, who lie, cheat, thieve, pervert, and deceive. So God separates The Wicked Goats from those who want to follow Him and The True Path to Eternal Life.

Think of it as cleansing the spiritual gene pool.

You might not make the cut.

You can't walk in God's garden picking apples from The Devil's Orchard.
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
I don't have to do anything you'd like me to do.

But you dear in your unrepentant recalcitrant and wicked state will bow your knees to God even in Hell.

That's the ironic part for you Children of Hell.

You will spend your entire existence hating God, pursuing Evil and even when your day is done, you will come before God for your judgment and are cast into Hell, you will still bow before Him.

You will also cry out for Him, but He will no longer hear you, and you will be forgotten as every word you write on this forum will be forgotten.

But your soul will live on in anguish and with the knowledge of your wasted life, forever separated from God, never to be loved, never to find peace, never to find rest, living in eternal torment and regret, and knowing there is a God that you rejected forcing Him to reject you forever.

Not even people who once cared for you will have any recollection of you. There are no regrets in Heaven and in Eternity, so all memories of you will be erased....FOREVER.

Enjoy some of that.

You earned it.
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Actually only the 13% who believe election fraud

That isn't what Adolf said. "Maga Republicans," that would be any of the 74 million who voted for Donald Trump.

I get it, Nazi Joe hates American and the idea of making America great offends you filth. So you want to throw those who support the Constitution in prison - or kill them.

You're following a script we've seen before - in the 1930's in Germany.
That's why 87% of GOP wants abortion Trump is election poison, dolt lol....
What? :lmao:

Making shit up again, I see.

Tell me Nazi - I support "Plan B" and the "Morning After Pill," anything prior to heart and brain activity (around 6 weeks) - so do I "want abortion rights" according to you Nazi demagogues?
That isn't what Adolf said. "Maga Republicans," that would be any of the 74 million who voted for Donald Trump.

I get it, Nazi Joe hates American and the idea of making America great offends you filth. So you want to throw those who support the Constitution in prison - or kill them.

You're following a script we've seen before - in the 1930's in Germany.

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.
Until the overturn of Roe-v-Wade the Republicans were on-track to generate a Red Tsunami in the mid-terms...,

In addition to pi$$ing-off vast legions of female voters who might have been flirting with the idea of voting Republican again once Rump was gone...

Now we have the disclosure of potential criminal charges to be filed against the former President, several of which are "high crimes and misdemeanors"...

Including the possession of ultra-top-secret profiles of foreign nuclear defense capabilities, and lying about being in possession of same...

The Dems aren't anywhere NEAR as worried about the mid-terms OR 2024 than they were a mere couple of months ago...

The GOP... through recent and past behaviors and decisions... have "done a solid" for the Dems and the idiot Dems are now breathing a little easier...

Like the Palestinians... the GOP never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity... and routinely snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory... :cool:

As to comparing Rump with Hitler... violent political actions and threatening and bullying... brown-shirts storming the Reichstag... Stab-in-the-Back Theory...

Well... if the foo $hits, wear it... :itsok:

Thankfully, the Orange Baboon-God and his lieutenants and minions are far less competent than their historical counterparts.
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Until the overturn of Roe-v-Wade the Republicans were on-track to generate a Red Tsunami in the mid-terms...,

In addition to pi$$ing-off vast legions of female voters who might have been flirting with the idea of voting Republican again once Rump was gone...

Now we have the disclosure of potential criminal charges to be filed against the former President, several of which are "high crimes and misdemeanors"...

Including the possession of ultra-top-secret profiles of foreign nuclear defense capabilities, and lying about being in possession of same...

The Dems aren't anywhere NEAR as worried about the mid-terms OR 2024 than they were a mere couple of months ago...

The GOP... through recent and past behaviors and decisions... have "done a solid" for the Dems and the idiot Dems are now breathing a little easier...

Like the Palestinians... the GOP never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity... and routinely snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory... :cool:

As to comparing Rump with Hitler... violent political actions and threatening and bullying... brown-shirt storming the Reichstag... Stab-in-the-Back Theory...

Well... if the foo $hits, wear it... :itsok:

Of course then you Nazis had Adolf Biden out making sure the nation votes Red.

Of course then you Nazis had Adolf Biden out making sure the nation votes Red.

View attachment 693055
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... too bad your little Reichstag Fire / Kristallnacht thing on January 6, 2021, didn't work out, eh?

Then again, most of Rump's MAGA trailer-trash couldn't find their a$$e$ with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors...

Won't be the first time that grotesque incompetency and cowardice on the part of Insurrectionists have saved the Republic...

"Trial by combat?"

"Fight like hell?"

More like the Rhode Island chapter of the Girl Scouts armed with baseball bats and brass knuckles and knives and clubs and pop-guns...

You idiots have been played like fools... you're just not bright enough to figure it out... and Rump is laughing at you when your back is turned.
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Right, it isn't that Biden got up and ranted about his hatred of "MAGA Republicans."

Because that was just right and good - Heil Biden.
Right. And Trump never said anything mean about anyone. LoL.

Thank you for proving my point. You’re far too emotional about this to discuss it rationally.

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