Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

Another random thought out of thin cloth folks. :laughing0301:🤪:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg::aargh::spinner:Pay attention; The FBI illegally raided Trump's home only to find out that any classified emails Trump had were actually print outs of Hillary Clinton's emails which were already declassified to protect her and her boss Obama. So much value right? Dude, you are so pitiful.
You responded didn't you little fascist DemNazi wannabe?
Heil Shitler!
But doesn't know what one is. :spinner::laughing0301::spinner::laughing0301::laughing0301::spinner::laughing0301::spinner::laughing0301: He's fucking lost it.
Shower time is Family Fun Time!

Why do you have Demnazi Genocidal Extermination camps in Black Communities set up and created by an Organization that gives credit to their existence to Adolph Hitler's views on Eugenics?

You did Nazi that one coming, did you little DemNazi?
Section 8 Housing sponsored by government white racist privilege, going all the way back to the sixties, and still continues today. Even Trump didn't want them in his apartments, remember?
Section 8 Housing sponsored by government white racist privilege, going all the way back to the sixties, and still continues today. Even Trump didn't want them in his apartments, remember?
JOE wants to ask you if his new outfit makes him look fat.

He will be wearing it for the next SOTU speech
That's good. Meri-burger size! When we get you suited up, at least we know you'll make a big noise when you hit the floor.
I usually do when I overhead slam assholes. It was fun being security before I got into IT. You get to beat ass legally all day long.
Especially when people are all mouth and no action. Good times. You ever seen a dude picked up 4 feet off the ground and choke slammed to the floor like a wet rag? It's not good enough to just be big and powerful. You need to know leverage, angles of attack and be swift and ferocious.

The best way to dispatch a threat is with extreme prejudice and full throttle. If you like noise, I am the dude to bring it.
I don't have to do anything you'd like me to do.

But you dear in your unrepentant recalcitrant and wicked state will bow your knees to God even in Hell.

That's the ironic part for you Children of Hell.

You will spend your entire existence hating God, pursuing Evil and even when your day is done, you will come before God for your judgment and are cast into Hell, you will still bow before Him.

You will also cry out for Him, but He will no longer hear you, and you will be forgotten as every word you write on this forum will be forgotten.

But your soul will live on in anguish and with the knowledge of your wasted life, forever separated from God, never to be loved, never to find peace, never to find rest, living in eternal torment and regret, and knowing there is a God that you rejected forcing Him to reject you forever.

Not even people who once cared for you will have any recollection of you. There are no regrets in Heaven and in Eternity, so all memories of you will be erased....FOREVER.

Enjoy some of that.

You earned it.
You support people who murdered cops on Jan 6th, yet say I'm from hell?
You support people who murdered cops on Jan 6th, yet say I'm from hell?
Yes, because you are not only delusional, you lie and deceive others and waste your time and energy investing in lies and promoting lies.
That makes you a liar worthy of Hell. That is what Hell is for. The unrepentant recalcitrant hardened sinners like you.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... too bad your little Reichstag Fire / Kristallnacht thing on January 6, 2021, didn't work out, eh?

Then again, most of Rump's MAGA trailer-trash couldn't find their a$$e$ with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors...

Won't be the first time that grotesque incompetency and cowardice on the part of Insurrectionists have saved the Republic...

"Trial by combat?"

"Fight like hell?"

More like the Rhode Island chapter of the Girl Scouts armed with baseball bats and brass knuckles and knives and clubs and pop-guns...

You idiots have been played like fools... you're just not bright enough to figure it out... and Rump is laughing at you when your back is turned.
Yeah, it's too bad you fuckers ended the Constitution.

On the other hand - it sure polarized those who support liberty and Constitutional Government against you.

You're getting slaughtered in the mid-terms - and you know it.

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