Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

What did I lie about?
You have lied for the past 6 years about President Trump. Everything you and your fellow children of Hell have said over and over and over again has repeatedly proven to be lies after lies after lies. When one lie dies, you promote another one. The Cycle never ends and neither will your torment in Hell ever end.
Comparing Trump or Bush to Hitler is equally stupid.

You’ve been whining about Nazis over and over and over again in every single one of your posts. Blah blah blah Nazi blah blah blah Hitler blah blah blah Reich.

You’re a child. An emotional child. This didn’t start on last Thursday. You’re a perfect representation of the meme I posted and we both know it.

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democrats have been BEING Nazis, over and over again.

Tell you what, you dims stop your Pogrom against Der Juden - the hated whites - restore the Bill of Rights, withdraw your Brown Shirts, shut down the Gestapo, and release the political prisoners in the Gulags and I'll stop pointing out that's you're Nazis.

You have lied for the past 6 years about President Trump. Everything you and your fellow children of Hell have said over and over and over again has repeatedly proven to be lies after lies after lies. When one lie dies, you promote another one. The Cycle never ends and neither will your torment in Hell ever end.
ONE EXAMPLE, braindead dupe? LOL...The orange liar and you nuts are the greatest!!!
You already said that. I got it. Biden is Hitler and Democrats and Nazis.

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Wow, what an original post from you...


You're not melting down at all...

Yeah, it's too bad you fuckers ended the Constitution.

On the other hand - it sure polarized those who support liberty and Constitutional Government against you.

You're getting slaughtered in the mid-terms - and you know it.
not a chance, ignoramus fool. Try reality.
Nah, it perfectly describes your inability to discuss anything without screeching that the other side is Nazis. It’s retarded. Like I said, you’re a perfect example of that meme.
Here's the moron who thinks he can defuse fascism with a meme. ^^^
Folks, please read this explanation by this lunatic about what a Nazi is; :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You are who does not know what a Nazi is. If you did know, you wouldn't be one. That explains it right there. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:This is stupidity on steroids.

Nazis and Morons are necessary for the survival of each other.
Didn't you know that DimTard?

What a Nazi is?

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
    • Republicans judge people by the content of their Character
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
    • Republicans support free people trading freely with each other
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
    • Republicans promote individual liberty
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
    • Republicans support rights for all
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
    • Capricious and arbitrary rule by dictators runs against the concepts of liberty
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • The Opposition Candidate for 2024 is polling well ahead of Biden, so he had his goons kick their door in.

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