Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

Prior to last Thursday it was retarded to compare an American political leader to Hitler?

Look, democrats spent 4 years claiming Trump was Hitler, and 8 years claiming Dubya was. Your Crocodile tears are hollow.
How long have you been doing exactly that?


You tell me? When was the first time I referred to Quid Pro as "Hitler?"

Now I've recognized the Nazi democrat party for what it is for years, and there is no denying it.

Your Reich claims Biden is a unifier, did last Thursday's Hitler speech seem "unifying" to you? Or did Biden declare war on 74 million Americans?
Where's your proof liar? You don't have any. You're a worthless pos liar.
Seems to me I have enough value in what I say to piss your DemNazi Globalist Lying Fascist ass off.
Thank you for valuing my comments.
Don't come to an intelligent conversation with a D (-) GPA, dope.
In DimTard terms.....don't be the only MORON at a Genius convention.
Invite some of your moron friends so you won't be alone.
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While not knowing what a Nazi is right?
You are who does not know what a Nazi is. If you did know, you wouldn't be one.
They are horrible people, like you.
Nazis and Morons are necessary for the survival of each other.
Didn't you know that DimTard?
How delusional ARE you? If you cant see how badly democrats are losing the culture war, you are blind. :cuckoo:
That's why you and Trump are now election poison. Abortion overreach, and crazy conspiracies like election fraud, FBI DOJ, Vax bs etc etc etc....change the gd channel, dupe of big money garbage...

This thread and MAGA repulsion is all about election fraud bs which IS semi-fascist and anti-American......and Russian Chinese iranian BTW!!!
Joe clearly hit a nerve. All the MAGA calling press "enemy of the people," using violence to get their way, "otherizing" anyone not just like them, being OK with those at the top enriching themselves at expense of the country or appointing unqualified cronies/family to positions of power. Calling for banning of books, whitewashing history, putting bounties on women seeking abortions or teachers teaching inclusion and diversity....yup, "shoe" meet "fits." The voice of progressives in every town in America

You're not quite lucid there, are you sploogy?

You want to try again without just vomiting out mindless hate?
Biden has a few ideas that will help the average guy and then republicans come out with this fascist stuff. Really funny, them acting all upright and pure. Don't work so well considering how trump and the republicans tried to over throw our government. It was even cool if Pence had to be sacrificed. No, if any one's fascist, it's certain republicans and especially their god....trump.
Biden has a few ideas that will help the average guy and then republicans come out with this fascist stuff. Really funny, them acting all upright and pure. Don't work so well considering how trump and the republicans tried to over throw our government. It was even cool if Pence had to be sacrificed. No, if any one's fascist, it's certain republicans and especially their god....trump.

So, arresting Biden's political opponents "helps the average guy?"

"trump and the republicans tried to over throw our government."

Now that is the dumbest fucking thing I've even heard.

Protesting your filthy Reich isn't "overthrowing our government."

However, fake FISA warrants, spying on the POTUS, and buying fabricated dossiers from the Kremlin is. All done by you traitor fuck Nazis.
That's why you and Trump are now election poison. Abortion overreach, and crazy conspiracies like election fraud, FBI DOJ, Vax bs etc etc etc....change the gd channel, dupe of big money garbage...

This thread and MAGA repulsion is all about election fraud bs which IS semi-fascist and anti-American......and Russian Chinese iranian BTW!!!
Ok, i guess you are blind then. Democrats are getting crushed in this culture war. Way to read the room, dipshit. :cuckoo:
Look, democrats spent 4 years claiming Trump was Hitler, and 8 years claiming Dubya was. Your Crocodile tears are hollow.


You tell me? When was the first time I referred to Quid Pro as "Hitler?"

Now I've recognized the Nazi democrat party for what it is for years, and there is no denying it.

Your Reich claims Biden is a unifier, did last Thursday's Hitler speech seem "unifying" to you? Or did Biden declare war on 74 million Americans?
Actually only the 13% who believe election fraud
That's why you and Trump are now election poison. Abortion overreach, and crazy conspiracies like election fraud, FBI DOJ, Vax bs etc etc etc....change the gd channel, dupe of big money garbage...

This thread and MAGA repulsion is all about election fraud bs which IS semi-fascist and anti-American......and Russian Chinese iranian BTW!!!
The Democrat Party died when Jimmy Carter left office. They have gone to The Dark Side even since then despising virtue and pursuing Greed and Power at all costs since that day.

They are worse now than the slave owning Democrats that put a literal black mark on our history and nearly destroyed this nation over their greed and lust for power over other human beings since this nation's founding. There is literally NO VIRTUE and NOTHING GOOD about the current DemNazi party.

They are all bad, all the time and have nothing to sell but death, poverty, slavery and destruction.
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So, arresting Biden's political opponents "helps the average guy?"

"trump and the republicans tried to over throw our government."

Now that is the dumbest fucking thing I've even heard.

Protesting your filthy Reich isn't "overthrowing our government."

However, fake FISA warrants, spying on the POTUS, and buying fabricated dossiers from the Kremlin is. All done by you traitor fuck Nazis.
just the violent nutjob criminals...election stolen bs is a bridge too far...but everything you know is bs...
Actually only the 13% who believe election fraud

You lie! 75 million Americans does not equate to 13% of America.


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