Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

The Democrat Party died when Jimmy Carter left office. They have gone to The Dark Side even since then despising virtue and pursuing Greed and Power at all costs since that day.

They are worse now than the slave owning Democrats that put a literal black mark on on history since this nation's founding. There is literally NO VIRTUE and NOTHING GOOD about the current DemNazi party.

They are all bad, all the time and have nothing to sell but death, poverty, and destruction.
you own stock in insulin or something? lol. I liked Jimmy a lot. Teddy screwed him and America. Jc wanted to cut taxes like Reagan- until Raygun went crazy going out the door...

BTW, WTF are you talking about? Pedo FBI? lol

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.
Making us a powerful nation was the exact doctrine for Hitler and Musillini. So how could Biden be possibly wrong on this?
The 13% who believe the election was stolen despite all "evidence" totally discredited GARBAGE. Russian/Chinese/Iranian/GOP Trump GARBAGE.

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.
/—-/ Majority of Americans say Biden’s vilifying ‘MAGA Republicans’ crossed line into dangerous territory
A majority of Americans think President Biden’s prime-time speech last week framing Republicans as anti-democratic extremists was a “dangerous escalation in rhetoric,” according to a new poll.

In a nationwide survey by the Trafalgar Group, 56.8% of respondents viewed the speech as dangerous and said it was “designed to incite conflict among Americans,” while 35% viewed the rhetoric as “acceptable campaign messaging” in an election year.
Poor Joey Xiden….here’s a hint, don’t have a demafasict agent and you won’t be compared to Hitler
I've never compared the dementia ridden fool to Hitler. I have to an over baked Potato
But this makes it so easy!

you own stock in insulin or something? lol. I liked Jimmy a lot. Teddy screwed him and America. Jc wanted to cut taxes like Reagan- until Raygun went crazy going out the door...

BTW, WTF are you talking about? Pedo FBI? lol
Carter was the last decent human being in The Democrat Party. Anyone with any virtue or common sense died, was assassinated, or ostracized.

Now The stench of Evil Hangs over them like the fairy princess flutters around in Gavin Newsome's head.
Making us a powerful nation was the exact doctrine for Hitler and Musillini. So how could Biden be possibly wrong on this?
Because Biden and his puppeteers are using The Exact Same Blueprint Hitler and Mussolini used to Usurp Democracy and Freedom in Italy and Germany.

Biden is God's curse upon America for wicked people like you and your friends continuing to commit crimes against Freedom, Humanity, Decency, Democracy and God and for remaining unrepentant and recalcitrant.

You are deluded and therefore God's judgment cannot be far behind. I believe He has washed His hands of you already, and is only holding back judgment for those few people still left to come to repentance.

You have sowed to the wind, and you will reap The Whirlwind.
Carter was the last decent human being in The Democrat Party. Anyone with any virtue or common sense died, was assassinated, or ostracized.

Now The stench of Evil Hangs over them like the fairy princess flutters around in Gavin Newsome's head.
One example of this horrible evil? Electricity investment? Mr. Brainwash?
Because Biden and his puppeteers are using The Exact Same Blueprint Hitler and Mussolini used to Usurp Democracy and Freedom in Italy and Germany.

Biden is God's curse upon America for wicked people like you and your friends continuing to commit crimes against Freedom, Humanity, Decency, Democracy and God and remaining unrepentant and recalcitrant.

You are deluded and therefore God's judgment cannot be far behind. I believe He has washed His hands of you already, and is only holding back judgment for those few people still left to come to repentance.

You have sowed to the wind, and you will reap The Whirlwind.
such as?
Because Biden and his puppeteers are using The Exact Same Blueprint Hitler and Mussolini used to Usurp Democracy and Freedom in Italy and Germany.

Biden is God's curse upon America for wicked people like you and your friends continuing to commit crimes against Freedom, Humanity, Decency, Democracy and God and remaining unrepentant and recalcitrant.

You are deluded and therefore God's judgment cannot be far behind. I believe He has washed His hands of you already, and is only holding back judgment for those few people still left to come to repentance.

You have sowed to the wind, and you will reap The Whirlwind.
Get this one thing straight, God does not support people who kill cops!

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.

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