Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies”

Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies”


Operation HIDE JOE is in full swing.

"And for God's sake, Joe - don't go to NY. Cuomo sill shove your ass in a nursing home!"
-- Barry

Operation STOP TRUMP RALLIES is also in full swing.

They can't win if Trump holds rallies.
What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and have for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
I smell your fear and resignation.
What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and have for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
False! Trump has White Power and Privilege. Biden has mental health problems and his own base has realized he would be unfit for his duties as president.

Let's see, no Biden rallies and now a virtual convention where the Democrat delegates stay home. Yep! President Trump has this election sewed up for a second term.

Wow, my man, I've never met a fellow poster here whose name alone is an ad hominem attack. Brilliant! That being said, I agree with your Biden campaign comments. He could become a corpse marionette before November and still receive tens of millions of votes. Weekend at Biden's anyone?
His name relegates him to the kids table as far as im concerned.
Let's see, no Biden rallies and now a virtual convention where the Democrat delegates stay home. Yep! President Trump has this election sewed up for a second term.

A nom de plume of "White Power Matters" puts you in a select category, along with the half dozen or more unabashed racists who loiter around here. Do you know racism is a social disease? It is based on ignorance, hate and fear; the usual rhetoric people like you cheer at Trump Rallies. With any luck you will be able to attend one of his newest rallies, and sit side by side with other mentally retarded fools who won't wear a mask.
Let's see, no Biden rallies and now a virtual convention where the Democrat delegates stay home. Yep! President Trump has this election sewed up for a second term.

The conventions are going to help Democrats and hurt Republicans. The Democrats are taking precautions against coronavirus while Republicans are not. It will put in focus the weak leadership Trump and the Republicans have shown. Even Jacksonville does not want the convention. It is not because they are anti-Trump but concern over the coronavirus.
Biden doesn't want to get anywhere near the President....a blithering old man against probably the finest debater and master of the one-liner in our history. Let Joe 4 months he'll be a footnote in history.

When Trump spouts his one-liners, it is usually bad news for Republicans. Trump couldn't win a debate against a 5 year old child.
Mr. Biden's announcement about canceling rallies because of doctor's orders is the most humorous and pitiful statement that I have heard all day.

Is he going to find a doctor who advises him against debates, too?
When Trump spouts his one-liners, it is usually bad news for Republicans. Trump couldn't win a debate against a 5 year old child.

Well thankfully you ran an even younger child (second childhood) against him, eh? Which childhood is Creepy Joe in these days 3rd, 4th? Do you think he may try to sniff Trump's hair on national television?
What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and have for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
I smell your fear and resignation.

No you don't, what you smell is the bullshit you use to fill in your posts.
you need to hire Ozzy Osbourne to interpret Biden's speeches. that's why he wont make them. the man cant speak, so he wont
What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and have for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
False! Trump has White Power and Privilege. Biden has mental health problems and his own base has realized he would be unfit for his duties as president.

Your link is ludicrous, thankfully I didn't have my mouth full of coffee when I read the comment below its banner - I laughed out loud. People like you claim the Main Street Media is fake news. This claim that Biden is demented is one more BIG LIE biddable people who are easily led believe, and echo it all over the Internet. They bleat it over and over again, making the BIG LIE.

Honestly, the only rhetoric used by Trump&Co. is hate, fear and character assassinations. People like you don't have the skills or knowledge to create a defense for someone such as Trump. In fact in many of my posts I've written a clear and concise examination of Trump's behaviors which reflect serious Personality Disorders; something anyone with an inclination can read in the link to DSM 5; of course nothing so clear and concise cannot be uncovered by someone like you who state VP Biden is suffering from dementia.


Those who take the time and read through this link, and consider each one of the PD's defined will see Trump in at least five of them.
Let's see, no Biden rallies and now a virtual convention where the Democrat delegates stay home. Yep! President Trump has this election sewed up for a second term.

Aid- Joe nobody will really come to your rally’s. We have a hard time filling up coffee shops so arenas are out.

Joe- You dog faced pony fucker! I had my best Corn Pop stories to endear me to the darkies!

Aid- Yeah, then there’s that. So anyway we’re cancelling them even though we never planned them to begin with but we can’t say that.

Joe- Just blame the thing.

Aid- What thing?

Joe- Not the thing from before the other thing.

Aid- Right. So we’re going to blame the doctors cause it’s kinda true. He said there’s no way we should let this demented fool near crowds of people to talk. We’ll just change that to the virus is dangerous.

Joe- Who are you again? I can’t remember what you smell like come here.

Aid- So there ya go. See you next time. I’m asking your wife for a raise.

Joe- My sister is here? Why didn’t you tell me?
Biden doesn't want to get anywhere near the President....a blithering old man against probably the finest debater and master of the one-liner in our history. Let Joe 4 months he'll be a footnote in history.

When Trump spouts his one-liners, it is usually bad news for Republicans. Trump couldn't win a debate against a 5 year old child.
When Biden speaks its gaffes and lies. But he has the solemn look and looks to the left and right with determination. If Biden was Pinocchio, Geppetto would have a full time job shaving down his nose. And the drool coming from his mouth has caused wood rot.
I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies”
In related news, to show solidarity with Biden Yoko Ono has announced she won’t be booking every NFL stadium for a concert tour. Because... you know, covid.

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