Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Follow the Doc’s Orders, I Will Not Hold Any Rallies”

What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and have for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is not mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
I smell your fear and resignation.

You smell all right, just like the dog shit you post.
What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and have for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is not mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
I smell your fear and resignation.
You’re reading my mail
They will keep him in the basement until November.

When it comes to Sleepy Joe, less is more! ;)
Seems reasonable. The more he sleeps, the higher in the polls. He could win by 20 pts if he went into hibernation
Let's see, no Biden rallies and now a virtual convention where the Democrat delegates stay home. Yep! President Trump has this election sewed up for a second term.

His doctor doesn't want him to get the virus.

Same as the trumpturd

What is really funny is the Jacksonville mayor which happens to be a huge trump supported just mandated face masks in his city.
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What is seen in this thread is panic, the trumpsters should wake up and recognize Donald Trump is a lame duck and has been for a long time. Thus they hold "rallies" like this thread, also known as a circle jerk, and have been attacking The Democratic Party and VP Biden with hackneyed BIG LIES and distorted character attacks because they cannot defend Trump's behavior; he does not set a good example for our children and grandchildren.

Most Americans are aware that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and too incompetent to serve another term in office. Yet trumpsters cannot make a case for casting their vote for Trump in November, thus they attack VP Biden with scurrilous attacks and echo each other time after time after time.

Even When facts supported by evidence are posted to support the claim that Trump is mentally fit to serve as President, the only thing they can do in his defense is to echo TDS.
Plugs is going to forced to talk eventually. And its just going to be that much worse. You just think he's a stuttering fuck now... wait a few months.

That "news conference" the other day was laughable. Even fielding prescreened, lobbed softballs from the friendly politburo he had to shuffle thru cue cards.... like a 4th grader trying to give a book report on a book he didn't read.

Trump is running unopposed.
Biden says he hasn't been tested for COVID because he doesn't want to take someone else spot, but it's okay because everyone around him gets tested...:confused:
Biden might accidentally vote for Trump:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:.


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