Joe Biden insults Neanderthals...

Bad Bad Joe Biden!

Should have compared far right reactionaries to Neanderthals, just as mainstream Republicans do.
Anyone else notice how INSULTING these elected DEMOCRATS are becoming against YOU THE PEOPLE in this country?

You need to open your eyes folks

Kick this party out of POWER over us...they can all go to hell

Steffy telling the truth?

Wow. This might be a USMess first -

And, just for the record, she is right: Repubs are just one step below neanderthals.

Oh and Steffy, about that avatar ... EXACTLY what war has President Obama "started"?
Seriously? Biden is known in all political circles, both and left, as being the biggest dunce in Washington. He is actually dumber than Dan Quayle. Even the Democrats will begrudgingly admit what an ass hat he is and the OP starts this thread actually believing that any comment coming from Joe Biden's mouth gathers credence with anyone. LOL

Proof please.


Fact is, for all his faults, Joe Biden has shown himself to be a pretty effective veep.

Deal with it.
What a choice democrats are left with. Run a brain damaged V.P. who can't put a sentence together without putting his foot in his mouth or an angry abused woman who spent her entire adult life defending her husband's infidelities in exchange for political power.

Of course, what does that leave you when she kicks ass in 2016? Right now, Hillary Clinton does look like the most viable candidate. The one person that could match her, Governor Christie, will be shot down by the kooks in the GOP. More than likely, Hillary will end up mopping the floor with the likes of Rand Paul, or Paul Ryan.
Anyone else notice how INSULTING these elected DEMOCRATS are becoming against YOU THE PEOPLE in this country?

You need to open your eyes folks

Kick this party out of POWER over us...they can all go to hell

I for one think I should cut Stefannie a little slack, she spews her Republican party hate at Joe Biden for supporting-----for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and-----and based on her pathetic postings, she probably falls into the unfortunate category of white women that...


The Boston Globe's Derrick Z. Jackson highlights a study with staggering implications on a range of issues: Life expectancy in the United States is 37th in the world, and in many cases it is moving backwards. Women in particular lost ground:
Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation this month published a county-by-county analysis of life expectancy. From 1987 to 1997, there were 227 counties where female life expectancy dropped. From 1997 to 2007, the number of counties where women’s life expectancy dropped exploded to 737. Comparisons with the rest of the developed world are more appalling. Of the nation’s 3,147 counties, nearly two-thirds — 2,054 — fell further behind life expectancies for women in the 10 longest-living countries. This is despite the United States having the world’s highest per-capita health spending.
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is the Tpublican bible.
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is the Tpublican bible.

Not really, but I understand you've heard that incessantly in the progressive echo chambers, and thus have been firmly programmed.
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is the Tpublican bible.

Not really, but I understand you've heard that incessantly in the progressive echo chambers, and thus have been firmly programmed.

Are you sure?


Not really, but I understand you've heard that incessantly in the progressive echo chambers, and thus have been firmly programmed.

Are you sure?



Ooooh, a prog writer for a prog rag echo chamber repeating prog horsecrap.

Less than compelling, but I'm not at all surprised you fell for it.

Typical Republican response, too funny. Incompetent GOP Googler attacks the messenger - nothing new about that but-----but c'mon Dave, I thought you were smart enough to back up your claim, c'mon prove me right or-----or was I wrong about how smart I thought you were?

Shame on you Dave

Anyone else notice how INSULTING these elected DEMOCRATS are becoming against YOU THE PEOPLE in this country?

You need to open your eyes folks

Kick this party out of POWER over us...they can all go to hell

Steffy telling the truth?

Wow. This might be a USMess first -

And, just for the record, she is right: Repubs are just one step below neanderthals.

Oh and Steffy, about that avatar ... EXACTLY what war has President Obama "started"?

Did you intentionally misread my post to twist it around...

I was talking about kicking the DEMOCRATS out of power us
Anyone else notice how INSULTING these elected DEMOCRATS are becoming against YOU THE PEOPLE in this country?

You need to open your eyes folks

Kick this party out of POWER over us...they can all go to hell

I for one think I should cut Stefannie a little slack, she spews her Republican party hate at Joe Biden for supporting-----for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and-----and based on her pathetic postings, she probably falls into the unfortunate category of white women that...


The Boston Globe's Derrick Z. Jackson highlights a study with staggering implications on a range of issues: Life expectancy in the United States is 37th in the world, and in many cases it is moving backwards. Women in particular lost ground:
Researchers at the University of Washington&#8217;s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation this month published a county-by-county analysis of life expectancy. From 1987 to 1997, there were 227 counties where female life expectancy dropped. From 1997 to 2007, the number of counties where women&#8217;s life expectancy dropped exploded to 737. Comparisons with the rest of the developed world are more appalling. Of the nation&#8217;s 3,147 counties, nearly two-thirds &#8212; 2,054 &#8212; fell further behind life expectancies for women in the 10 longest-living countries. This is despite the United States having the world&#8217;s highest per-capita health spending.

wtf are whining and babbling about now? you do stay on your knees for all Democrats don't you...get knee pads
and I suppose this post about me was some Democrat LOVE you are spewing?
go to hell
Last edited:
It's going to be fun watching Biden take on Hillary and libtards turn Biden into a Alzheimer victim.
Anyone else notice how INSULTING these elected DEMOCRATS are becoming against YOU THE PEOPLE in this country?

You need to open your eyes folks

Kick this party out of POWER over us...they can all go to hell

I for one think I should cut Stefannie a little slack, she spews her Republican party hate at Joe Biden for supporting-----for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and-----and based on her pathetic postings, she probably falls into the unfortunate category of white women that...


The Boston Globe's Derrick Z. Jackson highlights a study with staggering implications on a range of issues: Life expectancy in the United States is 37th in the world, and in many cases it is moving backwards. Women in particular lost ground:
Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation this month published a county-by-county analysis of life expectancy. From 1987 to 1997, there were 227 counties where female life expectancy dropped. From 1997 to 2007, the number of counties where women’s life expectancy dropped exploded to 737. Comparisons with the rest of the developed world are more appalling. Of the nation’s 3,147 counties, nearly two-thirds — 2,054 — fell further behind life expectancies for women in the 10 longest-living countries. This is despite the United States having the world’s highest per-capita health spending.

wtf are whining and babbling about now? you do stay on your knees for all Democrats don't you...get knee pads
and I suppose this post about me was some Democrat LOVE you are spewing?
go to hell

It might be-----it might be "some Democrat LOVE [for Americans] you are spewing?" but-----but if you are a white woman you-----you should be very-very concerned, if you are a white woman living in America - especially if you live in the American South or Appalachia.

For the first time in American history odds are dropping for white women living longer than their mothers or possibly even grandmothers, so I have to wonder why-----why you hate Joe Biden for his support for VAWA, why you hate FLOTUS for promoting healthy lifestyles, and why you hate Bob Dole et al for supporting individual mandates for health insurance, i.e for trying to extend your life and-----and quality of life.

Just wondering, do you prefer Alan Grayson's Republican alternative to VAWA/Obamacare...


I for one think I should cut Stefannie a little slack, she spews her Republican party hate at Joe Biden for supporting-----for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and-----and based on her pathetic postings, she probably falls into the unfortunate category of white women that...


The Boston Globe's Derrick Z. Jackson highlights a study with staggering implications on a range of issues: Life expectancy in the United States is 37th in the world, and in many cases it is moving backwards. Women in particular lost ground:
Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation this month published a county-by-county analysis of life expectancy. From 1987 to 1997, there were 227 counties where female life expectancy dropped. From 1997 to 2007, the number of counties where women’s life expectancy dropped exploded to 737. Comparisons with the rest of the developed world are more appalling. Of the nation’s 3,147 counties, nearly two-thirds — 2,054 — fell further behind life expectancies for women in the 10 longest-living countries. This is despite the United States having the world’s highest per-capita health spending.

wtf are whining and babbling about now? you do stay on your knees for all Democrats don't you...get knee pads
and I suppose this post about me was some Democrat LOVE you are spewing?
go to hell

It might be-----it might be "some Democrat LOVE [for Americans] you are spewing?" but-----but if you are a white woman you-----you should be very-very concerned, if you are a white woman living in America - especially if you live in the American South or Appalachia.

For the first time in American history odds are dropping for white women living longer than their mothers or possibly even grandmothers, so I have to wonder why-----why you hate Joe Biden for his support for VAWA, why you hate FLOTUS for promoting healthy lifestyles, and why you hate Bob Dole et al for supporting individual mandates for health insurance, i.e for trying to extend your life and-----and quality of life.

Just wondering, do you prefer Alan Grayson's Republican alternative to VAWA/Obamacare...


Crickets? LMAO @ U

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