Joe Biden is a despicable man

It can't hurt him or they wouldn't have done it.
Not everything is a political calculation.

It probably doesn't hurt him with Democrats but I would think at least some independents, myself included, would frown on it.

Of course I don't represent all independents but this isn't earthshaking shit in my book. As I have stated, I generally view it as simply "pretty shitty" and in the context of his likely primary adversary, it is pretty small potatoes.
Not everything is a political calculation.

It probably doesn't hurt him with Democrats but I would think at least some independents, myself included, would frown on it.

Of course I don't represent all independents but this isn't earthshaking shit in my book. As I have stated, I generally view it as simply "pretty shitty" and in the context of his likely primary adversary, it is pretty small potatoes.
Oh yes it is. Everything is political for Democrats, especially at the Presidential level.
But not for Republicans?
It's far beyond political for the Trumpsters.

They wear the clothes, they paint their trucks, they fly the flags, they sleep on the pillows, they speak the language, they tithe, they buy the products and financial farces, they attend the revivals/rallies, they believe the conspiracy theories, they cover their yards with the signs, they avoid the woke businesses.

For them, it's cultural. It's their self worth. It's who they are.
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It's far beyond political for the Trumpsters.

They wear the clothes, they paint their trucks, they fly the flags, they sleep on the pillows, they speak the language, they tithe, they buy the products and financial farces, they attend the revivals/rallies, they believe the conspiracy theories, they cover their yards with the signs, they avoid the woke businesses.

For them, it's cultural. It's their self worth. It's who they are.
Or it's just a job in another country.

By the hour or by the post, not sure which.
Saying Biden is "the most ordinary, mediocre, benign, typical politician you can find" is not defending him in Normal World.

Maybe in yours. Not my problem.
When he's accused of being a scumbag for not even acknowledging his grand daughter exists, it is a defense.

If you are so ashamed of being a Biden apologist, stop being one. Simple
What does Trump have to do with Biden rejecting his four year old granddaughter

Certainly all people are sleazy for one thing or another but I would say cheating on all three of your wives, one wife who was home with a newborn baby sort of makes Biden's last name drama seem pretty mild.

What do you think?
Trump has never disowned any child or grandchildren. He has no known bastard children that he refuses to support.
I'm sure it doesn't.

I'm also sure that being a sexual abuser doesn't provide any solace to the three different wives Trump cheated on.

I suspect if the roles were reversed and it was Biden who cheated on three different wives, one at home with a newborn; and Trump refused to let a grandkid have his last name, most likely you would be screaming about Biden's cheating from the rooftops and dismissing Trump's last name decision.
Why do you suppose none of Trump’s wives or ex wives don't speak out against him? None had to chase him down in court for support. Ivana held an executive position in the Trump Corporation until she died. Why doesn't Hunter give Lunden Roberts an executive position in his company?

Trump cheated on his wives. Is that as reprehensible as taking advantage of a widow's grief and fucking your dead brother's wife? Okay, that is really about as low as low can go. It's one step above fucking your brother's wife, in the hospital, while he's on a ventilator. Or, maybe they did that too.

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