Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Many will conclude that a president who knew he was illegally storing classified documents in his home would not have allowed a search of his home to discover those documents and then answered the government's questions afterwards.
Is that the same person who hid the news he had illegally obtained classified documents from the public?

WASHINGTON — The decision by President Biden and his top advisers to keep the discovery of classified documents secret from the public and even most of the White House staff for 68 days was driven by what turned out to be a futile hope that the incident could be quietly disposed of without broader implications for Mr. Biden or his presidency.
Is that the same person who hid the news he had illegally obtained classified documents from the public?

WASHINGTON — The decision by President Biden and his top advisers to keep the discovery of classified documents secret from the public and even most of the White House staff for 68 days was driven by what turned out to be a futile hope that the incident could be quietly disposed of without broader implications for Mr. Biden or his presidency.

uh-huh ... what's the rest of that there story, 'eh? oh that's right - there's a paywall.

nice try, delldude - but not good enough & kinda sneaky.

anyhoo ... where's the link you're willfully retaining?
'If Biden robbed a bank and was caught, and politely gave the money back along with an apology.'
Well, that's one hypothetical.

Another, I suppose, could be: The docs in Biden's possession weren't classified.

Biden 'de-classified' them on January 20th, 2021*.


*By the rules of our QAnon constituency here --- he could do that, by just thinking about doing it. Need not articulate it. Need not inform anyone. Need not record it.
He's the sole arbiter. He has that power. The all-powerful 'Nation's Secrets' classifier....and de-classifier. A Committee.....of 1.

Some QAnon'rs here think that curious rule applies to Don Trump.
Ergo then, it applies to Joe Bidenl. No?
How many times, in how many ways does it need to be explained that the report says nothing of the sort?
How many times, how many ways do you need to realize this has been the worst day ever in Biden's presidency?

Flat tailspin in his campaign effort.....his handlers are freaking out.

It's bad when his dem propaganda media stays on top of it.
Well, that's one hypothetical.

Another, I suppose, could be: The docs in Biden's possession weren't classified.

Biden 'de-classified' them on January 20th, 2021*.


*By the rules of our QAnon constituency here --- he could do that, by just thinking about doing it. Need not articulate it. Need not inform anyone. Need not record it.
He's the sole arbiter. He has that power. The all-powerful 'Nation's Secrets' classifier....and de-classifier. A Committee.....of 1.

Some QAnon'rs here think that curious rule applies to Don Trump.
Ergo then, it applies to Joe Bidenl. No?
Retard led Poseur Chilliconcrappe, your ignorance is profound.

If Potato had declassified everything he possessed bearing classified markings when he took Office, it still wouldn’t apply retroactively to when he stole the documents or to all of the time he illegally and insecurely retained them.

And you persist in misusing the term QAnon, you fuckwit lying scumbag.
How many times, how many ways do you need to realize this has been the worst day ever in Biden's presidency?
Thats your opinion, but what does that have to do with the fact that you are posting pure bullshit?

Special Prosecutor never said that Biden is not compepetent to stand trial, on the contrary, most of the report is dedictated to discussing how JURY DURING TRIAL would see this case.
How many times, how many ways do you need to realize this has been the worst day ever in Biden's presidency?

Flat tailspin in his campaign effort.....his handlers are freaking out.

It's bad when his dem propaganda media stays on top of it.

the media wants a shit show. they are only interested in ratings. biden was too boring for 'em, so they need to create the news.
Well, that's one hypothetical.

Another, I suppose, could be: The docs in Biden's possession weren't classified.

Biden 'de-classified' them on January 20th, 2021*.


*By the rules of our QAnon constituency here --- he could do that, by just thinking about doing it. Need not articulate it. Need not inform anyone. Need not record it.
He's the sole arbiter. He has that power. The all-powerful 'Nation's Secrets' classifier....and de-classifier. A Committee.....of 1.

Some QAnon'rs here think that curious rule applies to Don Trump.
Ergo then, it applies to Joe Bidenl. No?
Being that he stole them when he wasn't even president, makes it a crime in itself.
If you had some common sense, you wouldn't need to post your stupidity on the board.
Thats your opinion, but what does that have to do with the fact that you are posting pure bullshit?

Special Prosecutor never said that Biden is not compepetent to stand trial, on the contrary, most of the report is dedictated to discussing how JURY DURING TRIAL would see this case.
Yes and he said the jury would see his mental issues and how they could sympathize with him. OK, so if his mental state is bad enough that a jury couldn't find him guilty due to his dementia/ the hell does he have his shit together then, to run a country?

Babylon Bee is bullshit?
feel free to c/p the whole thing whilst i withhold judgement.
Opened twice for me before, now since I posted it here, won't open.

However, here it is:

Just for you, Darling.....

Shit show or not, legacy media is covering it pretty good. Not good for 'The Brand'.

okey dokey! still not indicted. on anything.

& it's dark brandon.


Opened twice for me before, now since I posted it here, won't open.

However, here it is:

Just for you, Darling.....

my little green norton check mark turned into an orange exclamation point & i bailed. i won't click on anything else you got unless i know the source.
We are getting terrible returns on our infrastructure spending. Yes, a race to green energy is bone-headed by all accounts. Helping the middle class? You mean freebees at the expense of others with increase in things like child tax credits and EITC? Yeah, higher earners don’t get any of that, they just pay for it. Biden is only helping Israel because of a small, but wealthy and influential base of Jewish voters. The majority of his base are anti-semites as can be seen on this forum.

Takers like Biden and Democrats. Globalists like Biden and Democrats. Green energy wackos like Biden and Democrats. Kids like Biden and Democrats. Illegals like Biden and Democrats. Our enemies LOVE Biden and Democrats. Our NATO allies like Biden and Democrats.(We are their Sugar Daddy). The list goes on an on.
Small hands, small ideals.

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