Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

"Ukrainian officials tell CNN's Matthew Chance that they are "shocked" and "stunned" at President Biden's remarks during a White House press conference about Russian President Vladimir Putin."

But that's the Progressive Hiveminded Cult for you

Dummy, Biden told Putin that if he keeps forces in occupied territories we may have milder response, otherwise we will arm Ukraine and levy heavy international sanctions, with Nordstream II project Russia poured billions into building getting immediately shut down by Germany.

Instead, Putin began invasion directly into Ukrainian controlled territory, immediately triggering everything Biden told him will happen.

Biden did everything to dissuade Putin from starting a bloody war and Putin was too full of his own bullshit about his army to listen.

You now saying that somehow Biden OKed the war is pure nutbag nonsense, like most of what you post.
Dummy, Biden told Putin that if he keeps forces in occupied territories we may have milder response, otherwise we will arm Ukraine and levy heavy international sanctions, with Nordstream II project Russia poured billions into building getting immediately shut down by Germany.

Instead, Putin began invasion directly into Ukrainian controlled territory, immediately triggering everything Biden told him will happen.

Biden did everything to dissuade Putin from starting a bloody war and Putin was too full of his own bullshit about his army to listen.

You now saying that somehow Biden OKed the war is pure nutbag nonsense, like most of what you post.

You're as bright as Biden

Biden predicts Russia ‘will move in’ to Ukraine, but says ‘minor incursion’ may prompt discussion over consequences

That's CNN! Your Bible!
You guys crack me up. Literally will make anything up to feel better about yourselves. The opposing candidate tweets hate in all caps about twice a week. This stuff wins over zero people.
Biden correctly rebukes MAGA terrorists.
Horsey wouldn't know a terrorist from a pipe full of hallucinagenic mushroom dust.
The whole DNC is committed to terrorism.
Sometimes, people with Alzheimer’s disease lash out. They may get upset or angry easily. They may curse, hurl insults, or scream. They might even throw things or resist caregivers by pushing and hitting. This kind of aggression usually begins when people nearing the later stages of the disease.

Never watched her before and you are deflecting from my question.
Because for a discussion to take place, you have to approach it from a stance of mutual respect, and honesty…Your approach has never been from that point as long as you’ve been on this board…Therefore, it’s a waste of my time to engage you…
Because for a discussion to take place, you have to approach it from a stance of mutual respect, and honesty…Your approach has never been from that point as long as you’ve been on this board…Therefore, it’s a waste of my time to engage you…
When was I dishonest or not respectful? (Since the new year).

Did you want to answer the question or talk about me?
When was I dishonest or not respectful? (Since the new year).

Did you want to answer the question or talk about me?
The question you asked would take quite some time to compile, with links, quotes, and thoughtful commentary to make the point, all for you in the end to say essentially “nuh uh”…. Just not worth it.

Now, if you were to narrow your question, I’d have a look…My guess is that you won’t because you want me tied up in your meaningless goose chase. I won’t.
No, no......really, I meant it. It's a sincere question.
I meant it, too, you prissy poseur: fuck off.
  • Can our QAnon'rs on this message-board function without their excessive use of the f-bomb?.... and vulgarity in general?
I wouldn’t know. Ask your asshole questions of the right people and maybe you’ll get the crucial information you need to deflect.

The actual thread topic, prissy poseur Chilliconcrappe, is about President Potato.
No, no......really, I meant it. It's a sincere question.
  • Can our QAnon'rs on this message-board function without their excessive use of the f-bomb?.... and vulgarity in general?

I'm merely asking if they can. I have no desire to discuss the qualities of their parents, or any deficiencies in their childhood, or the quality of their education, or their ability to somewhat function in the rest of society.

I'm merely asking if they can communicate without vulgarity? It's an intellectual curiosity, not a criticism.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- funny.
A hat-tip to poster JD.

ps....EJeane Carroll "ain't my type".
LOL Do you simply scroll past the Bidenfluffer's posts?
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The question you asked would take quite some time to compile, with links, quotes, and thoughtful commentary to make the point, all for you in the end to say essentially “nuh uh”…. Just not worth it.

Now, if you were to narrow your question, I’d have a look…My guess is that you won’t because you want me tied up in your meaningless goose chase. I won’t.
From post 483...

"From what I gathered, the report said, in their opinion, their are no prosecutorial crimes."

What crimes did Hur say Biden committed?

Is that simple enough?

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