Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Oh really? Have you seen the Biden friendlies on CNN or MSNBC? Biden is cool because he isn't playing with a full deck, yet Trump can't have control of the nuclear football.

You see how idiotic is the crap you and your cronies are buying into?

At least Biden recognizes his own wife.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you telling us that Putin invaded Ukraine after getting a go ahead from Biden — because of Trump?

after go ahead from Biden….son are you on drugs again?

Maybe YOUR memory is shot, but I clearly remember Putin building up troops months before Feb. Biden was WARNING the world that an invasion is likely coming, preparing international sanctions, telling to Putin don’t do it or else. This while you right wingers were screaming about how Biden is supposedly a warmonger.
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Oh really? Have you seen the Biden friendlies on CNN or MSNBC? Biden is cool because he isn't playing with a full deck, yet Trump can't have control of the nuclear football.

You see how idiotic is the crap you and your cronies are buying into?


Trump that has trouble keeping track who Nancy Pelosi and Haley are? Guy that keeps wailing on about windmills and can’t help himself from defaming a person he just lost 5 million dollar defamation case to?

THIS is who you think has a full deck? Get real.

Trump has also clearly declined and this is on top of his seriously bad judgement that got him kicked out of office in 2020, with yet another impeachment and criminal investigations.
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Kinda funny you see a need to divert the issue from Biden to Trump.

Biden willfully 'stole' classified documents, lied about it, disclosed them, was involved in obstruction of justice and Trumps a bad guy?
Special Counsel Robert Hur just found Joe Biden was guilty of violating national security laws in removing classified documents – after examining then Senator and Vice President Biden's some 15 year habit of removing classified files to his offices and residences, where they were stored in unsecured fashion.
Biden shouted back at Peter Doocy, “I’m well-meaning, I’m an elderly man, and I know what the hell I’m doing.”

after go ahead from Biden….son are you on drugs again?

Maybe YOUR memory is shot, but I clearly remember Putin building up troops months before Feb. Biden was WARNING the world that an invasion is likely coming, preparing international sanctions, telling to Putin don’t do it or else. This while you right wingers were screaming about how Biden is supposedly a warmonger.
Your memory is as bad as Biden’s. Biden gave Putin a green light
Just leave poor Joe alone. The demofascists are desperate to get rid of him.

Don't make their task any easier.
Joe isn't going anywhere. They pulled him out of retirement pretty much against his will.... He's had four miserable years of personal life in DC..... Where all his dirty laundry got thrown out to the public and his family has been dragged through the mud.... And now they want him to just sit down and shut up. I Actually don't blame the guy for giving them the finger.
No, pootin invaded under Biden because he didn't want everyone to know the former fuckup was his bitch.
So doesn’t that make Biden Putin’s bitch?

And you’re going to vote for the Biden Body Double if they run it again in November right?
As the wheels come off, will Jill say enough and tell him to resign?

Hur's claim that Biden is a doddering old man so he couldn't be prosecuted is NOT a proper decision for a prosecutor. Hur has Biden cold.

Biden needs to be charged, let a judge/jury decide if he's too imbecilic to be convicted.

But nothing speaks more to the selective prosecution of Donald Trump than the Hur decision. And Trump was President and had a right to papers while Biden stole classified documents from his time as Senator and VP.

That is exactly what the GOP DOESN'T need!
  1. Charged, indicted or impeached, the DNC now has a clear path to replacing Joe with a younger, fresher, more erudite candidate who can play off of Trump's age!!
  2. Left to his own designs, Joe has little option but to follow through with his second term! Can you imagine this guy now with this mentally fit baggage following him on his head? Much less what this guy will be like by the time Sept and Oct roll around and Joe is dragged up on a stage arguing with Trump!
As to number one in your post... Unfortunately you should be correct but you're forgetting that you dealing with the least educated political populace on the planet that reflexively votes its feelings and emotions ahead of its thoughts and logic. A newer, younger candidate for either party will be completely destroyed by the older more familiar candidate from the other party.

Ergo....Haley would be crushed in a landslide, anyone but Biden will be completely thumped by Trump.
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"Hey, fuckstick; STFU."

No, no......really, I meant it. It's a sincere question.
  • Can our QAnon'rs on this message-board function without their excessive use of the f-bomb?.... and vulgarity in general?

I'm merely asking if they can. I have no desire to discuss the qualities of their parents, or any deficiencies in their childhood, or the quality of their education, or their ability to somewhat function in the rest of society.

I'm merely asking if they can communicate without vulgarity? It's an intellectual curiosity, not a criticism.


'At least Biden recognizes his own wife.' funny.
A hat-tip to poster JD.

ps....EJeane Carroll "ain't my type".
I would venture some sort of medical statement to come forth from the WH concerning Joe's fitness to serve ......

I would venture some sort of medical statement to come forth from the WH concerning Joe's fitness to serve ......

They would be better off to ignore it and walk away from it because the more attention they draw to it the more damaging it becomes.
No, no......really, I meant it. It's a sincere question.
  • Can our QAnon'rs on this message-board function without their excessive use of the f-bomb?.... and vulgarity in general?

I'm merely asking if they can. I have no desire to discuss the qualities of their parents, or any deficiencies in their childhood, or the quality of their education, or their ability to somewhat function in the rest of society.

I'm merely asking if they can communicate without vulgarity? It's an intellectual curiosity, not a criticism.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- funny.
A hat-tip to poster JD.

ps....EJeane Carroll "ain't my type".
When backed into a corner, the demented LEFT spew Q.....
What is Q?
Where is Q?
Who is Q?
Q is YOU!!!

They would be better off to ignore it and walk away from it because the more attention they draw to it the more damaging it becomes.
probably so JO, but then the rest of us will need to bite our tounges while Joe toddles about with his HH on backwards, with a pocket full of nuke codes.... :rolleyes: ~S~

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