Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Trump that has trouble keeping track who Nancy Pelosi and Haley are? Guy that keeps wailing on about windmills and can’t help himself from defaming a person he just lost 5 million dollar defamation case to?

THIS is who you think has a full deck? Get real.

Trump has also clearly declined and this is on top of his seriously bad judgement that got him kicked out of office in 2020, with yet another impeachment and criminal investigations.
Trump ran the presidency, Biden is a mannequin.
Straw grasping. It’s closed.
New evidence comes along, like Biden suddenly claims he remembers this and that contrary to testimony during the investigation, it can be reopened.

Notice Biden claimed to accept responsibility and then suddenly shifted gears, throwing his staff under the bus?

I still think his atty's told him to play the Hillary line. And Joe screwed that up.
Trump ran the presidency, Biden is a mannequin.
sure nutbag, whatever you say.


sure sure
New evidence comes along, like Biden suddenly claims he remembers this and that contrary to testimony during the investigation, it can be reopened.

Notice Biden claimed to accept responsibility and then suddenly shifted gears, throwing his staff under the bus?

I still think his atty's told him to play the Hillary line. And Joe screwed that up.

Sure sure, good luck with that.
Sure sure, good luck with that.
CNN all over his incompetence in one group, the other tripping all over themselves in his defense, much like you. Of course MSNBC is off the charts.
The Washington cabal is flummoxed trying to explain the blatant legal double standard. Pretty sure they are growing tired of Biden disasters.
Who is too senile to be prosecuted, but well enough to be the leader of the free world

lol ... the cowardly special council ... who didn't want the wrath of donny's MAGAts reigning down on him ala ruby freeman & shaye moss style - did nothing more than audition for the AG gig should donny get into the whitehouse again with his personal opining/trashing of biden with absolutely no regard to protocol.

you seem to leave out the parts where the report is scattered with NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing throughout the report.

oh, & btw? any thoughts on how donny is not allowed by law to be any part of a charitable foundation or 'university' ever again, due to his fraudulent criminality, AND very well might be forbidden to CONduct any more biz'niz in the state of NY ... & if facing 91 charges of various said criminality ... AND was just found liable AGAIN for defamation because he lied about raping a woman ...

but can run for prez?
you seem to leave out the parts where the report is scattered with NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing throughout the report.
Willfully removed isn't word salad.

Means stole.....when he wasn't entitled to possession.

Man Ruled Too Senile To Stand Trial Still Fine To Run Country
U.S. — Special Counsel Robert Hur will not recommend charges for Biden's mishandling of classified documents on the grounds that he's too old and senile to stand trial.

"I mean, seriously, have you seen that guy?" said Hur to reporters. "I tried to ask him questions and he attempted to put my notepad in his mouth. The dude is totally zonked out for sure. I mean, we all knew this, right?"

In spite of the report detailing Biden's late-stage dementia, the Special Counsel confirmed Biden is just fine to continue running the country. "Oh yeah, that's no problem," he said. "You heard the Press Secretary. He's so active and alert no one can keep up with him! Impressive!"

When reporters approached the President for a statement, Biden
responded by attempting to put the microphone in his mouth.
Here's what's going to happen...the Washington swamp will let this die down then everyone will pretend like it never happened. Why? Do you think Joe's the only one involved in bribes, extortion, scams, money laundering, influence peddling and other corrupt government shit? Well there you go.
Question....If Biden robbed a bank and was caught, and politely gave the money back along with an apology.
Did he really break any laws?
Well as we all have learned.....that's a sure 'tell'.
Another QAnon'r slippin' into another tantrum of vulgarisms, and naughty-talk.
It's how we know the poster is QAnon.
All who are surprised by his fanboying of QAnon.....raise your hand.

Where We Go One We Go All.....WWG1WGA!
The dishonest and bloviating ass sucker known as the prissy poseur Chilliconcrappe has doubled down on his retardation.

The vainglorious pretender, being the asshole that he is, has come to the unsupported and erroneous conclusion that I am somehow associated with “QAnon.” In short: Chilli is a liar.
Question....If Biden robbed a bank and was caught, and politely gave the money back along with an apology.
Did he really break any laws?
If Biden were a lone actor they would prosecute. The reason they don't is because of so many other politicians and government officials engaged in the same type of corrupt dealings. One goes down they all go down. The swamp is circling the wagons to protect themselves.
It sounds completely ridiculous because it is. So ask yourself why would they let him off scott free? Because if Biden goes down he's likely to take a bunch of other corrupt Washington swamp rats with him. With his decades in Washington he probably has a lot of dirt on people, including Obama.
Willfully removed isn't word salad.

Means stole.....when he wasn't entitled to possession.

lol ... but but but ...

Many will conclude that a president who knew he was illegally storing classified documents in his home would not have allowed a search of his home to discover those documents and then answered the government's questions afterwards. while various parts of this argument are debatable, we expect the argument will carry real force for many reasonable jurors. These jurors will conclude that Mr. Biden-a powerful, sophisticated person with access to the best advice in the world would not have handed the government classified documents from his own home on a silver platter if he had willfully retained those documents for years. Just as a person who destroys evidence and lies often proves his guilt, a person who produces evidence and cooperates will be seen by many to be innocent. To prove that Mr. Biden ... willfully retained the Afghanistan documents, the government must establish that he acted "with a bad purpose either to disobey or to disregard the law. Reasonable jurors could conclude that Mr. Biden discovered the
Afghanistan documents in his Virginia home and then forgot about them almost immediately. Such jurors would likely acquit him.
pp 214-215

Man Ruled Too Senile To Stand Trial Still Fine To Run Country
U.S. — Special Counsel Robert Hur will not recommend charges for Biden's mishandling of classified documents on the grounds that he's too old and senile to stand trial.

"I mean, seriously, have you seen that guy?" said Hur to reporters. "I tried to ask him questions and he attempted to put my notepad in his mouth. The dude is totally zonked out for sure. I mean, we all knew this, right?"

In spite of the report detailing Biden's late-stage dementia, the Special Counsel confirmed Biden is just fine to continue running the country. "Oh yeah, that's no problem," he said. "You heard the Press Secretary. He's so active and alert no one can keep up with him! Impressive!"

When reporters approached the President for a statement, Biden
responded by attempting to put the microphone in his mouth.


... willfully retain that link?

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