Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

wouldn’t apply retroactively

post your stupidity on the board.
Ummm, prolific posters QAgain and's free advice. And worth every penny.

Do this: Reach into your clue-bag and get a clue on how to find --- your sense of humor.

Life is too short, and too goshdarn fun to be so angry, aggrieved, unhappy, and failed.

You can improve. Work harder, run faster, be better. Succeed. You can do it.

But,....if laughing is a bridge too far for you right now, well.........well then, be kindly to someone you don't know, and then smile at 'em. Give 'em a 'thumbs-up'.

It will make you a better human.

Trust me.
Ummm, prolific posters QAgain and's free advice. And worth every penny.

Do this: Reach into your clue-bag and get a clue on how to find --- your sense of humor.

Life is too short, and too goshdarn fun to be so angry, aggrieved, unhappy, and failed.

You can improve. Work harder, run faster, be better. Succeed. You can do it.

But,....if laughing is a bridge too far for you right now, well.........well then, be kindly to someone you don't know, and then smile at 'em. Give 'em a 'thumbs-up'.

It will make you a better human.

Trust me.
Prissy poseur Chilliconcrappe:

My advice to you is cleaner, sharper and of actual value: go fuck yourself.

You’re welcome.
Wait I thought we were talking about Biden, not Trump.

You have 2 problems here.
1) I am not a Rumpist
2) I am not bound by the false binary system.

The only difference between the Pubs and the Dems is the speed in which allow the system to collapse.
2) I am not bound by the false binary system.

Oh yes you are.

We will have two options for president. THATS IT.

You actually think we Democrats like that we have 80+ man running the country? Hell no, but we either vote for that or we get a criminal dictator wanna-be with zero respect for any democratic principles.
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CNN all over his incompetence in one group, the other tripping all over themselves in his defense, much like you. Of course MSNBC is off the charts.
What else did FOX and Russia tell you to repeat?

You are a reliable parrrot, and your masters appreciate that.

Anyways, we get it. You're obviously kind of senile, and extreme BDS has ravaged whatever few neurons you had left. Tell us, do you feel a special thrill when you go off on a deranged BDS fantasy rant? That would explain why you do it so often. It's how the cult controls their perv base, by helping them get a hateboner.
Oh yes you are.

We will have two options for president. THATS IT.

You actually think we Democrats like that we have 80+ man running the country? Hell no, but we either vote for that or we get a criminal dictator wanna-be with zero respect for any democratic principles.

Why is that any different than what the Pubs believe? You a tough guy?
What else did FOX and Russia tell you to repeat?

You are a reliable parrrot, and your masters appreciate that.

Anyways, we get it. You're obviously kind of senile, and extreme BDS has ravaged whatever few neurons you had left. Tell us, do you feel a special thrill when you go off on a deranged BDS fantasy rant? That would explain why you do it so often. It's how the cult controls their perv base, by helping them get a hateboner.
You got bat's in the doubt about it....

Biden has been exposed as having severe cognitive disability issues .......proven on the world stage.

Bob Costas Says If Biden’s ‘Hubris’ Won’t Let Him Step Aside Then He Must ‘Be Shown The Door’ By Dems
/——/ You’re still ridin with Biden????

I’m riding with keeping corrupt criminals out of the White House.

Always will.

If you rightwingers would have enough sense to drop loser Trump and nominate Haley I'd be sitting this one out.

Biden really old and can die in office, but has the policy I want, the other prime aged, but opposition (though strong on Ukraine). Meh, right about break even point.
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What else did FOX and Russia tell you to repeat?

This poll was taken BEFORE Hur released his report.........oh boy I bet the next one's a real Loo Loo.

A whopping 89 percent of Americans have concerns, to varying degrees, that President Joe Biden lacks the physical and mental health for a second term, according to an NBC News poll.

The poll published Tuesday — ahead of Biden’s press conference Thursday where he was grilled about his age and mental acuity — found that 62 percent of registered voters nationally have “major concerns” that he does not have “the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term.” Another 14 percent have “moderate” worries, while 13 percent expressed “minor concerns.”

Conversely just over one in ten of the registered voter respondents said they had “no real concerns” about Biden’s physical and mental health if he was to serve a second term.


The poll sampled 1000 registered voters from January 26-30, and the margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

The survey was released days before Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on the Biden classified document case was published Thursday, where Hur cited Biden’s memory as a factor in the decision not to prosecute, as Breitbart News Capitol Hill Correspondent Bradley Jaye noted:

The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Yet Hur’s assessment of Biden’s “significantly limited” memory also played a part in his decision not to prosecute.
“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”

NBC Poll

Biden White House in overdrive to hide Joe's mental decline.

I’m riding with keeping corrupt criminals out of the White House.

Always will.

Biden corruption qualify?
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It's ok if he steals as long as he doesn't get caught, correct?
Steal....what? Documents? Biden's own lawyers returned everything and Trump appointed prosecutor cleared him after full cooperation.

You can compare that to Trump who constantly corruptly pressured his officials, corruptly pardoned his pals so they wouldn't testify against him, corruptly extorted Ukrainian president, corruptly pressured his Vice president to reject 2020 certification, sat by while his MAGAtards sacked Congress because of shameless election lies he spread.

All that BEFORE we get to how Trump illicitly retained top secret documents, lied about having returned them and obstructed investigation at every turn.

All that BEFORE we get to Trump claiming that Presidents are above the law, can’t ever be criminally held to account. Before his want-to-be-dictator nonsense.

The two are not even the same universe of comparison.
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I’m riding with keeping corrupt criminals out of the White House.

Always will.

If you rightwingers would have enough sense to drop loser Trump and nominate Haley I'd be sitting this one out.

Biden really old and can die in office, but has the policy I want, the other prime aged, but opposition (though strong on Ukraine). Meh, right about break even point.
/——-/ If you thought Trump couldn’t win, and Niki can, why would you want her to run?
I have to laugh at lefties who give us advice on how to defeat the democRATs.
Don’t you see how disingenuous you are?
/——-/ If you thought Trump couldn’t win, and Niki can, why would you want her to run?
I have to laugh at lefties who give us advice on how to defeat the democRATs.
Don’t you see how disingenuous you are?

I think it highly unlikely that Trump can win - and EVEN THAT IS TOO MUCH RISK for our country and world at large.

I’ll take 100% Haley win over 10% Trump win chance 7 times a week.

What is that small chance mostly? Biden suddenly dies or becomes incapacitated before election.
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