Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Steal....what? Documents? Biden's own lawyers returned everything and Trump appointed prosecutor cleared him.
I believe Hur referred to it as 'willfully removed' know, as a sitting Senator who has no right possessing any classified documents whatsoever outside of DC offices.

Biden's own lawyers returned the 'willfully removed' (stolen) documents, then hid it from the public for some 68 odd days. Real act of transparency?

I'd bet somewhere along the line, after the Trump raid, someone said "hey Joe, you got any documents?

You can compare that to Trump who constatnly corruptly pressured his officials, corruptly pardoned his pals so they wouldn't testify against him, corruptly extorted Ukranian president, corruptly pressured his Vice president to reject 2020 certification, sat by while his MAGAtards sacked Congress because of shameless lies he spread.
Love to see evidence of corruptly pressuring officials. Pardoning is within His presidential powers and is constitutional. Slick Willy pardoned some of his crook pals, Think the 'Bamster did too. I'm sure that was ok though. You are aware there is a constitutional process for rejecting votes, don't you?

All that BEFORE we get to how Trump illicitly retained top secret documents, lied about having returned them and obstructed investigation at every turn.
Illicitly mean like Joe Biden. Trump had absolute delegated power to have documents. You sound like Rachel Maddow is your news source..........I wouldn't be surprised.
I believe Hur referred to it as 'willfully removed' know, as a sitting Senator who has no right possessing any classified documents whatsoever outside of DC offices.

Biden's own lawyers returned the 'willfully removed' (stolen) documents, then hid it from the public for some 68 odd days. Real act of transparency?

I'd bet somewhere along the line, after the Trump raid, someone said "hey Joe, you got any documents?

Love to see evidence of corruptly pressuring officials. Pardoning is within His presidential powers and is constitutional. Slick Willy pardoned some of his crook pals, Think the 'Bamster did too. I'm sure that was ok though. You are aware there is a constitutional process for rejecting votes, don't you?

Illicitly mean like Joe Biden. Trump had absolute delegated power to have documents. You sound like Rachel Maddow is your news source..........I wouldn't be surprised.
It’s not known WHEN documents were removed prior to 2017 (he was already VP in 2009) and all TOP SECRET level documents were from Biden’s Vice Presidency days when he had full declassification powers.

Trump appointed prosecutor couldn’t make a criminal case out of it and that’s obviously much different from INDICTED Trump’s situation without even listing all the corrupt ways he conducted himself in office.
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Pardoning is within His presidential powers and is constitutional
I don’t give a shit if it’s codified as criminal, it’s obviously CORRUPT to pardon dangle your pals so they don’t testify against you.

The fact that you don’t understand that on your own just underscores how morally deprived carrying water for Trump has got you.

You don’t know up from down, right from wrong.
I don’t give a shit if it’s codified as criminal, it’s obviously CORRUPT to pardon dangle your pals so they don’t testify against you.

The fact that you don’t understand that on your own just underscores how morally deprived carrying water for Trump has got you.

You don’t know up from down, right from wrong.
You feel it’s corrupt and wish it was but haven’t clicked your heels three times yet
It’s not known WHEN documents were removed prior to 2017 (he was already VP in 2009) and all TOP SECRET level documents were from Biden’s Vice Presidency days when he had full declassification powers.

Classified documents from his time in the Senate in the 1970s and 1980s were also found in his garage . Despite signs that Biden knowingly retained and disclosed classified materials, Hur's report said criminal charges were not merited for multiple reasons
Trump appointed prosecutor couldn’t make a criminal case out of it and that’s obviously much different from INDICTED Trump’s situation without even listing all the corrupt ways he conducted himself in office.

He could have made a criminal case, yet due to Biden's dementia, chose not to, claiming the jury wouldn't convict a 'nice elderly man'.

I don’t give a shit if it’s codified as criminal, it’s obviously CORRUPT to pardon dangle your pals so they don’t testify against you.

That's interesting. Can you back that up or are you once again full of merde?

I think you suffer two afflictions, one, end stage Trump Derangement Syndrome and second, bullshitus extremus.
Small hands, small ideals.

small... :heehee: ...mushroom.

Oh yes you are.

We will have two options for president. THATS IT.

You actually think we Democrats like that we have 80+ man running the country? Hell no, but we either vote for that or we get a criminal dictator wanna-be with zero respect for any democratic principles.


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