Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Anyways, enjoy your SafeSpace here, BDS losers. We know you're all too scared to say this nonsense in the real world. You've all experienced how everyone laughs at you when you cry about Biden in public.

Biden eldercare ad.jpg
Check it out. The senile Trump cult losers are still crying about Biden. You know, the guy who keeps smacking them around.

It's a chicken or egg question. Does senility lead to BDS, or does BDS rot brains and lead to senility?

Anyways, enjoy your SafeSpace here, BDS losers. We know you're all too scared to say this nonsense in the real world. You've all experienced how everyone laughs at you when you cry about Biden in public.
Why would anyone be happy when their govt smacks them around? You have to be some sort of brainwashed cultist to accept that behavior

Since the vast majority of the country feels they are worse off since xiden took office, it’s easy to find someone in the general public that shares are frustration
And he's oh, so good
And he's oh, so fine
And he's oh, so healthy
In his body and his mind
He's a well respected man about town
Doing the best things so conservatively

Biden stupor.png
Yes, but that’s only because the DOJ has said he’s too senile to stand trial.

How’s that make you feel that you have to project that fact on to others?
Biden is senile, but:

He fixed the Super Bowl!

He got Subhuman Dotard indicted on 91 counts!

Indicted in Georgia!

Got Dotard slapped with an $83 million judgement for defamation in N.Y.!

Started an insurrection on J6 & figured out how to blame Dotard!

Got Dotard indicted in Florida for ripping off top secrets documents even though he's innocent!

Biden got Dotard indicted in N.Y.S. foor paying off a porn star that he was shagging!

Biden is senile but he figured out how to steal the election from Dotard in 2020!

But wait, there's more!

Biden is senile but he's going to steal the election in 2024 unless MAGA stops him!

Biden is senile but he's plotting to destroy the U.S.A.!

Biden is senile, but:

He fixed the Super Bowl!

He got Subhuman Dotard indicted on 91 counts!

Indicted in Georgia!

Got Dotard slapped with an $83 million judgement for defamation in N.Y.!

Started an insurrection on J6 & figured out how to blame Dotard!

Got Dotard indicted in Florida for ripping off top secrets documents even though he's innocent!

Biden got Dotard indicted in N.Y.S. foor paying off a porn star that he was shagging!

Biden is senile but he figured out how to steal the election from Dotard in 2020!

But wait, there's more!

Biden is senile but he's going to steal the election in 2024 unless MAGA stops him!

Biden is senile but he's plotting to destroy the U.S.A.!

Xiden fixed the super bowl? How?

All I know is he committed crimes, according to the years long investigation by our trusted civil servants but they can’t prosecute due to his mental state
Xiden fixed the super bowl? How?

All I know is he committed crimes, according to the years long investigation by our trusted civil servants but they can’t prosecute due to his mental state
"They" can't prosecute? Who's stopping them? Fact of the matter is the SC who's a hack doesn't have the evidence to do it.

Or did "senile" Joe Biden fix that also, MAGA trained seal?
"They" can't prosecute? Who's stopping them? Fact of the matter is the SC who's a hack doesn't have the evidence to do it.

Or did "senile" Joe Biden fix that also, MAGA trained seal?
The law, we don’t prosecute senile people

The report can’t be more clear
Biden has done the same or more with classified documents as Trump has been accused of.

Lied about when he found documents.
Disclosed classified info to persons without security clearance.
Used classified info for personal profit.
Known for improper handling of classified material.
Involved in obstruction of justice.
Then chose not to disclose having classified documents to the public for 68 days.

Biden knew he had classified records at his home as early as February 2017.
Biden said in January 2023 he "immediately" turned over the classified information stored at his Delaware home when the records were discovered in December 2022.
But investigators obtained a recording of a February 2017 conversation in which Biden acknowledged he had "classified stuff" at the Virginia home he rented after leaving office the month prior.

Biden knew his ghostwriter wasn’t authorized to receive classified information, but furnished it, anyway.
Biden proposed hiring his ghostwriter, Zwonitzer, as an official historian for his vice presidential office in 2011. Biden knew at the time that Zwonitzer did not have a security clearance, and Biden’s counsel wrote in a memo at the time that the author would need to obtain one in order to review "any notes or other material that contained classified information.
The memo dissuaded Biden from hiring Zwonitzer as his historian in 2011. Still, Biden read classified passages from his notes to the ghostwriter nearly verbatim in 2017 as the pair worked on Biden’s memoir.
"Some of this may be classified, so be careful," Biden told Zwonitzer during one recorded conversation. "I’m not sure. It isn’t marked classified, but."
Biden then read nearly verbatim his notes from a 2014 Situation Room meeting that, to this day, remain classified at the Secret level, Hur wrote.
Hur said the president’s statement was "incredible," noting that Biden had nearly 50 years of experience dealing with classified information and should know better than to use the term "classified" as a euphemism for "private."

Biden preserved his classified notes for personal profit.
Hur reports that as early as July 2010, Biden identified three reasons to retain classified notes: defense of his record, his future presidential aspirations, and his personal profit to finance his retirement.
A military detailee expressed concern in 2016 that Biden was mishandling classified notes
Biden’s insistence that he keep his classified notes for use in writing a book "after the [Obama] administration has ended" spooked one military detailee so much that she warned Biden’s notes were "being mishandled" in an October 2016 memo.
Biden’s ghostwriter tried to delete incriminating evidence.
Much of Hur’s report is based on recordings between Biden and his ghostwriter, Zwonitzer, as they worked on the president’s 2017 memoir.
But if Zwonitzer had his way, those recordings would have never seen the light of day. The ghostwriter deleted most of the recordings from his laptop after learning of Hur’s appointment, but before being contacted by FBI investigators seeking records related to his work with Biden.
Investigators used forensic tools to recover the deleted recording

Eventful Events​

In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (“if it was 2013, when did I stop being Vice President?”), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (“in 2009, am I still Vice president?”). He did not remember even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him.”

The disclosure raises not a few uncomfortable questions. If Mr. Biden’s declining mental condition was apparent to federal attorneys interviewing him — admittedly not top psychologists — then wouldn’t the same picture present itself to the scores of assistants and subalterns busy toiling with the president around the clock for three years in the White House? Not to mention the myriad other government officials, agency heads, corporate nabobs, and news media notables streaming through the Oval Office every hour of the day? And yet, every last one of them has gone along with the pretense that Mr. Biden is doing just fine and is capable of running for reelection. Weird, a little bit.
That impression was only reinforced by listening to the president of our supposed adversary, Russia, Mr. Putin, in his confab with independent journalist Tucker Carlson. For one thing, Mr. Putin dared to express the likelihood that somebody, or group of somebodies, must be secretly running the executive branch of America’s government behind the mentally vacant figurehead “President Biden,” but Mr. Putin would not venture to guess who that might be.
This Friday morning, the USA is fraught with events unspooling. As I write, with dawn just breaking, there is almost zero opinion yet formed about these troubling matters on the vast Internet — but it will probably come in hot-and-heavy as the day ticks on. If Mr. Biden is truly mentally incompetent, as established more-or-less legally by Special Counsel Hur, then there is the obvious remedy of the 25th amendment — removal of a president for reason of disability. A debate over this would seem unavoidable now. The question also implies that Mr. Biden’s charade of running for reelection must come to an end. What will the Democratic party do about that?


Pelosi said:

“It’s really sad what the special counsel came out with. He is — he should’ve — you’re a prosecutor, you don’t — it’s a professional thing to do.”

“To start deciding on somebody’s age — do you know that before Trump was President, before he was President, so, now we’re going back about, what, seven years, so he was 70 or 69 at the time, over 1,000 times, he said, I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

“I don’t know? Again, over 1,000 times in depositions. So, people say that in depositions, some.”

“1,000 times, something’s wrong there, but nonetheless.”

“So, for this report to go into the personal aspects of somebody saying, I don’t know, I don’t remember, when they didn’t really call it out on other people, but anyway, we don’t agonize, we organize.”

It appears Pelosi WANTS BIDEN to stand trial for mishandling classified documents.

Pelosi said:

“It’s really sad what the special counsel came out with. He is — he should’ve — you’re a prosecutor, you don’t — it’s a professional thing to do.”

“To start deciding on somebody’s age — do you know that before Trump was President, before he was President, so, now we’re going back about, what, seven years, so he was 70 or 69 at the time, over 1,000 times, he said, I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

“I don’t know? Again, over 1,000 times in depositions. So, people say that in depositions, some.”

“1,000 times, something’s wrong there, but nonetheless.”

“So, for this report to go into the personal aspects of somebody saying, I don’t know, I don’t remember, when they didn’t really call it out on other people, but anyway, we don’t agonize, we organize.”

It appears Pelosi WANTS BIDEN to stand trial for mishandling classified documents.
That’s what it sounds like, sounds like she thinks he should stand trial for the crimes
Only trouble with your premise is he willfully retained documents from the 1970's and 80's.

lol ... & yet he wasn't charged. mike pense either. hmmmm ... no crimes committed. no intent to comitt any either for them.

can't say that about donny & his multiple lies & obstruction. oh well,, too bad, so sad.

& neener neener for those factiods.

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