Joe Biden Is At War Against America & Israel

Maybe if you posted what you're talking about people might begin to care about your posts.

Since you don't,Ill take a few guesses.

1. "overthrow an election" - it is Biden & the Democrats who overthrew an election by defrauding it.
2. "deprive women of their rights" -nobody has the "right" to kill people.
3. "know everything" about Trump - Trump supporters know ENOUGH about Trump to know that he was a great president, made America great again, put America first, and are not DUPED by the avalanche of anti-Trump BS from the left.
Everything you just posted including climate change denial. is total fraud with no evidence in the sane world.. Thanks, you just made my case.
50 STATES made the election legitimate including 60 court decisions with no exceptions.
Yes, we DO HAVE A RIGHT to kill under defined conditions.
And yes, every climate research facility, govt, state and related corporation in the world says you’re wrong on climate change.
Oh, Trump is a lying a-hole criminally indicted dip shit.
Only a dufus would support this dip shit.
Maybe if you posted what you're talking about people might begin to care about your posts.

Since you don't,Ill take a few guesses.

1. "overthrow an election" - it is Biden & the Democrats who overthrew an election by defrauding it.
2. "deprive women of their rights" -nobody has the "right" to kill people.
3. "know everything" about Trump - Trump supporters know ENOUGH about Trump to know that he was a great president, made America great again, put America first, and are not DUPED by the avalanche of anti-Trump BS from the left.
Oh, it’s time to talk about the “ deep state” and all your other made up shit. You’re insane.
According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank
Then Netanyahu is an idiot, looking for more useful idiots ......~S~
There is nothing he can do about the $150 Million he gave to the Palestinians, and all the reversals he enacted of the Trump cuts. That resulted in the attack on Israel, and the loss of 1300 lives. That cannot be fixed.
He also stopped enforcing sanctions on Iranian oil, allowing them to sell a reported $60B in oil, the proceeds being used in part to fund the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Abraham Accords completely disinfranchized and betrayed the Palestinians. Have the Jews forgotten that their citizenship, property, human rights were taken from them before they were forced into camps or killed?
Who says the Palestinians needed to be franchised ? To hell with them. Most of them are jihadist Hamas supporters.
Everything you just posted including climate change denial. is total fraud with no evidence in the sane world.. Thanks, you just made my case.
50 STATES made the election legitimate including 60 court decisions with no exceptions.
Yes, we DO HAVE A RIGHT to kill under defined conditions.
And yes, every climate research facility, govt, state and related corporation in the world says you’re wrong on climate change.
Oh, Trump is a lying a-hole criminally indicted dip shit.
Only a dufus would support this dip shit.
Where did I say something about climate change ? I dont recall that.

Nothing I said is fraud, Your brain is fraud. Again >>
1. "overthrow an election" - it is Biden & the Democrats who overthrew an election by defrauding it.
2. "deprive women of their rights" -nobody has the "right" to kill people.
3. "know everything" about Trump - Trump supporters know ENOUGH about Trump to know that he was a great president, made America great again, put America first, and are not DUPED by the avalanche of anti-Trump BS from the left.

You dont have a right to kill pre-born people.

No, eery govt,state ad corporation DOES NOT say im wrong on climate change, because 1) I havent said anything about climate change and 2) many experts say that the world is warming, but not to the degree of that climate alarmists contend.

For 6 years, I have challenged Trump haters to present ON LIE that Trump has ever told. None have ever succeeded.all they do is present phony concocted BS from the left media, which they are DUPED into believing.

Evidently, you are DUPED into believing the criminal indictments against Trump have a shred of credibility, and are something more than just attempts to prevent him from running for president in 2024.
Ho hum. yawn****
Bull shit post. I listed lies the right follows and

Exactly. MAGAs just make up shit.
That's what you do - or you post made up shit from the ;left media.

You listed "lies" ? Yeah ? That's funny. I dont recall seeing that. Maybe they're why you've been told (brainwashed) were lies.
He also stopped enforcing sanctions on Iranian oil, allowing them to sell a reported $60B in oil, the proceeds being used in part to fund the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah.
Iran has been doing a lot of big talking lately. I notice they didn't talk like this what Trump was president.
That's what you do - or you post made up shit from the ;left media.

You listed "lies" ? Yeah ? That's funny. I dont recall seeing that. Maybe they're why you've been told (brainwashed) were lies.
You're a magaturd. OF COURSE you don't recall things. Because CULT.
I posted substance. You're unreliable. Everyone knows it. Maybe keep your 'protectionism' to yourself for awhile.
:puhleeze:So you are unable to ascertain the difference between substance and the hot air, childish, moronic, hot air rhetoric you posted in post # 71.
You also present nothing to base your charge of "unreliable". That also requires substance (evidence). Got a quote ? If so, let's hear it. :biggrin:

You do know that 6 bn is on hold?

The U.S. and Qatar have agreed to deny Iran access to $6 billion in oil proceeds that Washington had previously freed up as part of a prisoner swap reached last month, according to people familiar with the matter.5 days ago

U.S. to Hold Off on Disbursing $6 Billion in Iran Oil Revenue ...

It's on hold now because Sen Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) called for it to be refrozen. Biden is the one who unfroze the $6 Billion.
Who says the Palestinians needed to be franchised ? To hell with them. Most of them are jihadist Hamas supporters.

"We are endowed by our creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are no caveats in that statement. You either believe it or don't.
There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

Biden is a filthy pig. If he is willing to murder American babies by the million and mutilate the genitals of American children then he will have no problem throwing Israel under the bus. He is the reincarnation of Hitler.

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