Joe Biden Is At War Against America & Israel

The statement applies to LAW-ABIDING people, not murdering terrorists. For them, they have the right to be killed, or imprisoned for life, with zero pursuit of happiness.

Terrorism was invented by Zionists like when Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel, murdering the British high command, so they could no longer prevent the Zionist massacres of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
He has always been anti-Israel, until just now (after Oct 7) - but even now, he is still at odds with the Israelis over their war policy. Weakling that he is, he suggests going lightly with Hamas, to not antagonize other Muslim nations. He's wrong.

Muslims nations like Iran, Turkey, and Jordan have given their support to Hamas, even after the Oct 7 terrorist attacks. This is a continuation of the 1400 year Muslim imperialism-lunacy-idiocy. The legacy of Muhammad > Conquest. These loons still believe in world domination of Islam.

That is incredibly ignorant.
The Jews in the Land of Canaan were defeated first by the Assyrians around 850 BC, and they never really ruled again.
The Romans set them up as puppets, but Herod was actually a Roman who claimed to convert to Judaism.
When Mohammed started Islam around 670 AD, Jews were long gone from the Mideast.
The Jews left around 160 AD, and spread out with the Diaspora Decree.
Islam is against invasion or conquest.
After the Mongol invasion around 1200 AD, the Mongols took over Islam and used it during their conquests, but they were only Moslem in name.
He has always been anti-Israel, until just now (after Oct 7) - but even now, he is still at odds with the Israelis over their war policy. Weakling that he is, he suggests going lightly with Hamas, to not antagonize other Muslim nations. He's wrong.

Muslims nations like Iran, Turkey, and Jordan have given their support to Hamas, even after the Oct 7 terrorist attacks. This is a continuation of the 1400 year Muslim imperialism-lunacy-idiocy. The legacy of Muhammad > Conquest. These loons still believe in world domination of Islam.

So you want an all our war with Muslim countries? LMAO..
All you're doing is showing how "insane" YOU are, and if you have a problem with anything I have said, ADDRESS IT, specifically - or least attempt to.

How about the fact all the census info, from the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate, show that less than 5% of the population of Palestine were Jewish, before the Jewish invasion after 1930 to 1960.
There was no Israel going back to 60 AD. And even that was a fake Roman puppet. The real Israel only lasted from about 1000 BC to 850 BC, and were brutal invaders even then.
There is no such thing as Palestinian land you retard

Palestine is mentioned by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians numerous times.
But Palestine before 1920 was just a region.
It was the Treaty of San Remo that made Palestine an official country.
Israel is not an official country, but just a wild UN declaration without any historic or cultural basis.
Is there a Palestinian language? How about a Palestinian currency? Or a Palestinian history?

Maybe some day, someone will write a book.....

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Palestine changed from being a region to a country by the Treaty of San Remo in 1920.
Their language is Arabic, currency the Palestinian Pound, and their history goes back to the 8,000 BC to the oldest cities in the entire world, like Jericho.
The Palestinians include many groups like the Chaldeans, Philistines, Phoenicians, etc., but their main start was the Canaanites.
So after throwing out a few lies you want to kill all the Muslims... When you decide to butcher

Then you dumbfuck can understand why Joe isn't in on the whole mass genocide thing...

The thing is, you are just doing what Hitler did with the Jews... He threw out a few lies and then he proceeded to try and exterminate them...

So are you proposing retrofitting Auschwitz or are you getting a new facility for your final solution....
1. I notice you don't delinate WHAT these co-called "lies" are, Mr Hit & Run.

2. I didnt' say "kill all the Muslims" - YOU said that. In fact I specified who the enemies are. Looking to win a booby prize in the forum ?

3. I didnt say anything about "mass genocide". Again, YOUR words, not mine.

4. Am still wondering what these so-called lies are supposed to be. Am I talking to a 6 year old ?

5. Speaking of Hitler, the global conquest that he was seeking is exactly what jihadist Muslims have been engaged in for 1400 years, didn't you know ? No charge for the tutoring. I'm happy to cure IGNORANCE.

6. What is YOUR final solution ? Muslim global domination ? Incidentally, it was Muslims who were in partnership with Hitler.


There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

BEATING the same old not really factual drum again?
The war in the Ukraine and the current high prices are Biden's fault since he was responsible for bribing the Maidan coup in the Ukraine in 2014.
That is what Burisma Holdings was for, and where Hunter got all those millions from.

Trump did goof on covid by listening to Fauci who was pushing the fake mRNA vaccines.
But by now Biden should have realized the fake mRNA does not at all work, and is a needless risk of its own.
By now, herd immunity should be the correct strategy being explained to the public.
So, according to you, Russia didn’t invade Ukraine and every one of the 6200 hospitals faked the covid scare.
You are smarter than Johns Hopkins and everyother one of the medical research facilities in the world. Fauci duped not only them but over one million medical doctors in the United States.

You should have the word stupid tatooed to your forehead. It would save a lot of foolish posting time .
There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

Wrong. Newsmax is short for made up shit.
Now the US is involved. One of our ship intercepted (which means shot down) several missiles fired from Yemen by Houthi rebels.

Poopy Pants is gonna get us into a real war sooner rather than later.

Obviously, you are incapable of understanding. I repeat, Trump's actions emboldened the ultra-Orthodox Jews and ultranationalist Jews within Israel. Especially the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem. From the moment he was elected, settlements expanded, settler attacks on Palestinians increased significantly, and every single year since Trump was first elected Israeli troops have attacked worshipers at the Al-Asga mosgue, the third holiest site in Islam, during Ramadan.

Netanyahu’s ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox religious allies say the package is meant to restore power to elected officials. Critics say it is a power grab fueled by various personal and political grievances by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, and his partners, who want to deepen Israel’s control of the occupied West Bank and perpetuate controversial draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox men.

That is what is driving this Palestinian attack. They have made that quite clear.

Regarding Iran and nuclear weapons. Again, this is clearly in Trump's court. He is the one that withdrew from the agreement, causing Iran to kick out IAEA inspectors, rip out the closed circuit monitoring system, and begin to enrich uranium at a richer level. Exactly the same action that Bush initiated with North Korea and the withdrawal from the Carter agreement.

The six billion dollars, every dime of it is still sitting in a bank in Qatar, under the eyes of the US Treasury.

You need to stay off the leftist kook sites.
Is there a Palestinian language?
From the guy who is speaking English, there is irony in that...

How about a Palestinian currency?
Yes there was one...

Or a Palestinian history?

I know what you are doing, you are trying to claim 7 million people living in a land with 7 million refugees around the world don't exist... If they don't exist and there culture doesn't exist then it is far easier to ethnic cleanse...
This is common trait for war criminal use to justify their actions.

Wikipedia. You’re a hoot!
The fact of the matter is there is no one ultimate power on earth.
We are tired of paying. What this evil cretin is going to do is get us into endless spending. The congress for once should have the citizens in consideration. He is currently playing the Israeli card so we can spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars more. The swamp is in control. If you do not see that then you are a shill. A selfish one at that.

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