Joe Biden Is At War Against America & Israel

We are tired of paying. What this evil cretin is going to do is get us into endless spending. The congress for once should have the citizens in consideration. He is currently playing the Israeli card so we can spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars more. The swamp is in control. If you do not see that then you are a shill. A selfish one at that.
If you have not noticed the US has been spending money since day one....President Washington loaned France 40k for a revolt in Haiti...
overthrow an election" - it is Biden & the Democrats who overthrew an election by defrauding it.
Ha ha. Trumps lawyer has plead guilt to conspiring in election fraud. Eventhing you minions whine about Dems doing, Trump and his crew of criminals are doing it.
Ha ha. Trumps lawyer has plead guilt to conspiring in election fraud. Eventhing you minions whine about Dems doing, Trump and his crew of criminals are doing it.
Actually it was 6 misdemeanors for interfering with an election official…not voter fraud

Nor was it a coup or insurrection, nor was it his lawyer
So you want an all our war with Muslim countries? LMAO..
Muslims adhere to the Koran. The Koran commands Muslims to make all out war against "infidels" (non-Muslims). In past centuries, this resulted in marauding Muslims conquering land on 3 continents, and more area than the Roman Empire at its height.

It also resulted in Muslims killing 270 million people around the globe over 1400 years. 60 million Christians. 80 Million Hindus, 10 Million Buddhists, and 120 Million Africans.

What we're seeing in Israel/Gaza, is merely an continuation of this centuries old jihad. And you ask if I want an all out war with muslim countries That shows you dont know anything about what's going on here. :rolleyes:
Ha ha. Trumps lawyer has plead guilt to conspiring in election fraud. Eventhing you minions whine about Dems doing, Trump and his crew of criminals are doing it.
Actually it was 6 misdemeanors for interfering with an election official…not voter fraud

Nor was it a coup or insurrection, nor was it his lawyer
Strike 3, Dagosa.
You should consider not further poisoning your addled mind by reading that nonsensical bull crap and join the rest of us here in the real world. The place where one can vehemently disagree with the policies instituted by Joe Biden without fatuously accusing him of being at war with America.
Why shouldn't he be accused of being at war with America ? The lines are clearly drawn.On on side is Israel and many countries. On the other side, is practically the entire Islamic world, supporting the Palestinians and Hamas. adding to that support was Jie Biden giving thm $150 million. Now he is compounding that idiotic error, by giving them another $100 Million, which will likely become bombs & rockets fired at Israel. It will rebuild the Hamas HQ, which Israeli jet pilots destroyed.

Biden has made his bed in support of Hamas. Now let him sleep in it.
Terrorism was invented by Zionists like when Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel, murdering the British high command, so they could no longer prevent the Zionist massacres of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
You have no grasp of history. Terrorism was invented long before Menachim Begin, and tht includes the 1400 years of murderous imperialism, carried out by marauding Muslim savages, all over the middle east, Europe, deep into Asia, plus North Africa.
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There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

There's no way they'll ever stop Islamic terrorists. They'll just keep coming back.
That is incredibly ignorant.
The Jews in the Land of Canaan were defeated first by the Assyrians around 850 BC, and they never really ruled again.
The Romans set them up as puppets, but Herod was actually a Roman who claimed to convert to Judaism.
When Mohammed started Islam around 670 AD, Jews were long gone from the Mideast.
The Jews left around 160 AD, and spread out with the Diaspora Decree.
Islam is against invasion or conquest.
After the Mongol invasion around 1200 AD, the Mongols took over Islam and used it during their conquests, but they were only Moslem in name.
Islam is against invasion or conquest ? Wow. Somebody has got you deeply DUPED.

EARTH TO RIGBY. - Islam IS invasion & conquest.
It has never not been that. Read the Koran. Get informed.

Marauding Muslims killed 270 million people in all their conquests over 3 continents. This has not stopped, as it is commanded to them by the Koran, of which not one word has been changed in 1400 years.

The idea of Muslims like the Palestinians claiming land to be theirs, is preposterous. They do not rightfully own one acre, and no Muslims rightfully own any land in all of the world.

Lastly, the overwhelming majority (possibly 99%) of people who today call themselves Muslims are descendants of Christians & Jews, who only became Muslims at the point of a sword.

Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim. :doubt:
Yeah after they kill others too
Is there a Palestinian language? How about a Palestinian currency? Or a Palestinian history?

Maybe some day, someone will write a book.....

View attachment 845275

There were Palestinian stamps, also currency, passports, newspapers even in 1920. There were lots of Palestinians working for ARAMCO in 1950. Some were Christian and attended church or Mass with us. How old are you?

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