Joe Biden Is Dead Last in International Poll on “Who Do You Have the Most Respect For?” and 26 Points Behind Putin

Putin is a man's man. Joe Biden is a bureaucratic corrupt hack.
"Man's man" is a two bit insecure authoritarian who will put you in jail or worse if you dare to publicly criticize him or his bloody imprealist wars of choice.

Instead of working on elevating his country's standards of living and world standing, Putler's unyelding power addiction has ensured repression, stagnation and decline for Russia for as far as the eye can see.

This is who you rightwingers think of as a strong leader? Such degradation is both shameful and predictable when your movement hitches itself to amoral, unprincipled men like Trump. He also has zero respect for free and fair democratic process and suffers from deep seeded inability to admit a loss and willingly give up the power.
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"Man's man" is a two bit insecure authoritarian who will put you in jail or worse if you dare to publicly criticize him or his bloody imprealist wars of choice.

Instead of working on elevating his country's standards of living and world standing, Putler's power addiction has ensured repression, stagnation and decline for Russia for as far as the eye can see.

This is who you rightwingers think of as a strong leader? Such degradation is both shameful and predictable when your movement hitches itself to amoral, unprincipled men like Trump.
"a two bit insecure authoritarian who will put you in jail or worse if you dare to publicly criticize him"

"Instead of elevating his country's standards of living and world standing"

Damn, Jack, you're describing Biden.
"a two bit insecure authoritarian who will put you in jail or worse if you dare to publicly criticize him"

"Instead of elevating his country's standards of living and world standing"

Damn, Jack, you're describing Biden.
That just further shows how clueless you rightwingers are.

Zero perspective, zero understanding of anything, just lunatic bullshit as far as the eye can see.

We have half of the political structure and entire media networks dedicated to beating Biden upside the head like a rented mule 24/7. And here you are talking about Joe Biden supposedly jailing someone for criticizing him or his policy, camparing him to Putler. It's fucking insane.

This is what Putin's Russia is like today:

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Keystone XL only benefits the Chinese who own Canadian tarsands. No benefit at all to the US consumer or taxpayer.

Biden is already exporting more oil to China than ever, you dumb bitch. Where the hell do you think our Strategic Oil Reserves went to???

U.S. Exports to China of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)

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Biden is already exporting more oil to China than ever, you dumb bitch. Where the hell do you think our Strategic Oil Reserves went to???

By law they get sold to the highest bidder.

Figure you should know that before posting your standard conspiracy bullshit.
Nobody respects Biden.
In the third year of his presidency, U.S. President Joe Biden receives mostly positive reviews from publics around the world. Across 23 countries in a new Pew Research Center survey, a median of 54% express confidence in Biden, while 39% say they lack confidence in him.

Similarly, overall views of the United States are largely positive: A median of 59% give the U.S. a favorable rating, including around seven-in-ten or more in Poland, Israel, South Korea, Nigeria, Japan and Kenya. Hungary is the only country surveyed where fewer than half see the U.S. favorably.
That just further shows how clueless you rightwingers are.

Zero perspective, zero understanding of anything, just lunatic bullshit as far as the eye can see.

We have half of the political structure and entire media networks dedicated to beating Biden upside the head like a rented mule 24/7. And here you are talking about Joe Biden supposedly jailing someone for criticizing him or his policy, camparing him to Putler. It's fucking insane.

This is what Putin's Russia is like today:

Joe Biden caught 'staring into space' looking âhopelessly disorientedâ

Joe Bidenâs blunders bring Sky News Australia host to tears
That just further shows how clueless you rightwingers are.

Zero perspective, zero understanding of anything, just lunatic bullshit as far as the eye can see.

We have half of the political structure and entire media networks dedicated to beating Biden upside the head like a rented mule 24/7. And here you are talking about Joe Biden supposedly jailing someone for criticizing him or his policy, camparing him to Putler. It's fucking insane.

This is what Putin's Russia is like today:

You have an amazing level of delusion.
World of Statistics


Which current world leader do you have the most respect for and why?

  • 🇺🇸
    Joe Biden

  • 🇮🇳
    Narendra Modi

  • 🇷🇺
    Vladimir Putin

  • 🇺🇦
    Volodymyr Zelenskyy
826,945 votes·Final results

1:29 PM · Aug 7, 2023

An internet poll? You know that Putin had to have the GRU stack the results.
Volodymyr polls way above Vladimir in any honest poll.

Global Leader Approval: *Among all adults

Modi: 76%
López Obrador: 61%
Albanese: 55%
Meloni: 49%
Lula da Silva: 49%
Biden: 41%
Trudeau: 39%
Sánchez: 38%
Scholz: 35%
Sunak: 34%
Macron: 22%
He can sure as hell refuse to sell oil.

The United States is moving forward with a congressionally required sale of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

On Monday, the Energy Department advised that it would sell 26 million barrels from the oil reserve this year — a sale that was required by a 2015 budget law.

I sort of do admire Putin.
It is hard not to be sympathetic for his generation, that had to deal with such hardship and starvation after and during WWII.

Unlike the US that invades or subverts governments all over the world, in order to take from them, Russia has never done that. The countries they get involved with cost them more than they get out of it. Like Cuba, China, Korea, Vietnam, etc.

Look at the Ukraine.
Russia was being nice and let East Germany, and all the Warsaw Pact countries make their own choices.
The only condition was to "not join any alliance hostile to Russia".
So then all these countries either have or like the Ukraine, are trying to join NATO.
Those treaty violations are an act of war.
And Putin is being incredibly patient.
I would have nuked Kyiv the very first day they shot down a single Russian plane with an illegal US Javelin missile.
when the Soviet Union fell, the agreement was that all the former Soviet states could align with whoever they wanted. There was no agreement like the one you just stated.
This is a complete total embarrassment on the world stage. Nobody respects Biden. We need a strong respectable leader. That person is the bold courageous Donald J. Trump, the true duly elected president. He'll bring back respectability and dignity to the United States globally.
Oh...are we back to caring what the rest of the world allegedly cares about now? :auiqs.jpg:
That just further shows how clueless you rightwingers are.

Zero perspective, zero understanding of anything, just lunatic bullshit as far as the eye can see.

We have half of the political structure and entire media networks dedicated to beating Biden upside the head like a rented mule 24/7. And here you are talking about Joe Bidenn supposedly jailing someone for criticizing him or his policy. It's fucking insane.
well the indictments seem to show otherwise.

and to be fair over half of the country wants xiden gone, actually nearly 3/4 of it. His only hope is the demafacist media and political structure
You have an amazing level of delusion.

It’s truly a cult
Oh...are we back to caring what the rest of the world allegedly cares about now? :auiqs.jpg:

When did we stop?

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