Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs

And the fact that inflation could be 0% - and prices would still be at a historical high.
Some people are just too stupid to not know this.
Democrats are notorious for this. During Bush and Trump low unemployment, low inflation, Democrats were there telling us it wasn’t real or that the future is gloom. Then, when the future got here and it was gloom under their watch, they try and tell us how great things are.

Inflation is going to happen. High unemployment is going to happen. I judge politicians in the policies they pursue to help drive down Inflation and Unemployment.
“Let’s say” is not an intelligent argument
I just looked at an inflation calculator.

That apple would now cost $1.20. And at the current rate that apple would cost $1.24 next year.

You math is suspect genius
More people retiring at a faster rate would help businesses and the economy.

But the economy won't allow people to retire because with increase in costs they have to work longer than they used to.

I also deal with dozens of contractors at work and I see quite a few people retire, then they come back after 3 months because the company they work for had to offer them more money to come back because they can't find people with knowledge and skills to take their place. Guy retired from the company we use to service and repair our forklifts at 67. They doubled his pay to come back because they couldn't find anyone that could do half of what he could or was willing to learn.

No room in the job market from people not retiring is not the issue. There are tons of jobs from menial jobs to skilled labor. The problem is most young people don't want to work. They want to be streamers, have work from home jobs, don't want to actually aquire skills, do real work, want jobs where they get 60 days of "mental health days" a year and so on.
“Let’s say” is not an intelligent argument
It illustrates the mindset of Democrats. “Inflation is under 3 percent” is a relative term. Under 3 percent compared to what???

Again, people have got to feel it to believe it.

It’s under 3%. And that’s historically low.
You still don’t understand. Inflation is the rate of increase in a number of core goods and services. The inflation rate rising at 3.5% currently means aggregate prices are rising at 3.5% vs. prices rising at 12% to 15% compared to 2022. The rate of increase is slightly lower now meaning that prices are still rising, just at a slower rate.

See if you can understand the numbers from the USDA. We will see price increases during 2023 of 6.3% on top of the 11% prices increases during 2022.'ll,3%25%20in%202024%20or%202025.
“The USDA predicts we'll see an overall price raise of 6.3% in 2023—higher than average, but not as bad as the more than 11% increases we saw last year. Rickard suggests we might return to a more normal price increase rate of approximately 3% in 2024 or 2025.Jun 20, 2023”
Was at a store to pick up supplies for my trip. An older woman in front of me was obviously buying her monthly groceries. First of the month. One full cart. $371. Two years ago it would have been $250 or less. People on fixed incomes can’t afford that.
We’ll the jobs are there. If they won’t take them it’s on them
Dodging and deflecting are your favorite things aren't they?
Do you convulse, or go into bouts of depression if you acknowledge reality?
You still don’t understand. Inflation is the rate of increase in a number of core goods and services. The inflation rate rising at 3.5% currently means aggregate prices are rising at 3.5% vs. prices rising at 12% to 15% compared to 2022. The rate of increase is slightly lower now meaning that prices are still rising, just at a slower rate.

See if you can understand the numbers from the USDA. We will see price increases during 2023 of 6.3% on top of the 11% prices increases during 2022.'ll,3%25%20in%202024%20or%202025.
“The USDA predicts we'll see an overall price raise of 6.3% in 2023—higher than average, but not as bad as the more than 11% increases we saw last year. Rickard suggests we might return to a more normal price increase rate of approximately 3% in 2024 or 2025.Jun 20, 2023”
Oh she understands. But her dedication to defending Democrats is much, much stronger than any desire to accept reality. I mean... she is defending a President who is literally unable to even speak a single sentence without having to pause to gather thoughts, or completely fuck up what he wants to say.
My biggest problem with this horrendous inflation - is the inability to save/invest money remotely close to what we have before 2022.
Our goal has been $1000/month for several-several years now. And we were very successful in doing that a few years ago.. This year so far is averaging an abysmal $455. That is staggeringly bad.
If I remove one large purchase we couldn't avoid - it is still only $571.
That means our cost of living has risen, on average about $430 a month. For 2 people.
Considering most of our expenses are static.. that is WHOPPING inflation.
It illustrates the mindset of Democrats. “Inflation is under 3 percent” is a relative term. Under 3 percent compared to what???

Again, people have got to feel it to believe it.
And she is doing the same simpleton sheep exercise that the left media is doing.
If you have a year where inflation averaged 7%.
And the next year 3%... sure it is good that the inflation is slowing, but you are STILL PAYING 10% more for the same goods as two years ago.
If Trump was President right now, she would be saying "Prices are still at record highs!!!" - because she would be robotically parroting what she heard on CNN.
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Dumbass,you are an idiot!

US Inflation Rate (I:USIR)​

3.18% for Jul 2023

That is right from the top of the page! Give it up asshole, you are a loser!
You pompous disingenuous asshole. I read quickly and saw "value for last month 2.98%

Did I misread? Yes. Did I lie. No you friggin jackass

And the difference between 2.97 and 3.18 is minimal especially in light of this statement from that link
US Inflation Rate is at 3.18%, compared to 2.97% last month and 8.52% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 3.28%.

So eat the corn outta my shit you weasel

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