Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs

Inflation...figured the way it was when Trump was Prez is under 3%.

There's your truth
That truth is bullshit and you know it. What people know is that they are sinking rapidly financially. Increased taxation, high energy prices, and climbing grocery bills make for a 20% full on increase regardless of the OFFICIAL CRAP coming out of DC.

The same nonsense was said when inflation was almost 0 under Obama
The same nonsense is the fact that the government ignores the real cost of living and is careful to avoid it's inclusion into THE OFFICIAL BULLSHIT....people on the other hand don't have that luxury.
Inflation? How stupid are you? It’s Al no at identical to what it was.

Under 3%

Dems / Socialists really don’t understand (or choose to willingly manipulate), the numbers. Inflation is closer to 3.5% now, but that rate is 3.5% faster than the earlier record 2022 inflation brought on by the Dem / Socialist Biden politburo.
Dems / Socialists really don’t understand (or choose to willingly manipulate), the numbers. Inflation is closer to 3.5% now, but that rate is 3.5% faster than the earlier record 2022 inflation brought on by the Dem / Socialist Biden politburo.

It’s under 3%. And that’s historically low.

It’s under 3%. And that’s historically low.
Are you actually this dumb or just pretending?
Take an apple, let's say it cost $1 in 2019.
Through record inflation between 2020-2022 it rose to $1.75
By 2023 inflation slowed... and it now cost $1.90
And here YOU are trying to convince people that an apple for $1.90 is awesome.
Jesus Christ.
Are you actually this dumb or just pretending?
Take an apple, let's say it cost $1 in 2019.
Through record inflation between 2020-2022 it rose to $1.75
By 2023 inflation slowed... and it now cost $1.90
And here YOU are trying to convince people that an apple for $1.90 is awesome.
Jesus Christ.
“Let’s say” is not an intelligent argument
At least that is the way the Economist sees it.

It's amazing how the left keeps touting Biden when it seems like 75% of the country thinks the economy sucks.


The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices​

They said it...I'm just showing you that people who seem to know something about economics are calling bull**** on Biden and his Bidenomics program.

I liked this one too. AOC calls inflation....get this.....propaganda......

They've all got their heads stuck in the sand....or worse.

Groceries up 20% ???


Can't wait to read.....some horse**** from the banker on how great things are.

Wonder who in that 20% who are stupid enough to think prices haven't risen he hangs out with.
Everything Democrats do raise prices to everyone and contribute to income inequality and social injustice.

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