Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs

At least that is the way the Economist sees it.

It's amazing how the left keeps touting Biden when it seems like 75% of the country thinks the economy sucks.


The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices​

They said it...I'm just showing you that people who seem to know something about economics are calling bull**** on Biden and his Bidenomics program.

I liked this one too. AOC calls inflation....get this.....propaganda......

They've all got their heads stuck in the sand....or worse.

Groceries up 20% ???


Can't wait to read.....some horse**** from the banker on how great things are.

Wonder who in that 20% who are stupid enough to think prices haven't risen he hangs out with.

Interestingly, on 8/23, Biden had this false ad running outside RNC meeting in Milwaukee...


  • They aren't "new jobs."
  • Inflation is absolutely crazy due to Bidenomics.
  • Roads and bridges, eh? Not crime, homeless, drugs.
  • Killing babies is all he's got...
Another outdoor Biden ad from Milwaukee...

I'm not the one crying, you were wrong and can't admit it, so now you disparage me because you got caught lying and tried to minimize your lie.

Biden and Trump need to hang it up and retire, we need fresh leadership and a better economy than the high interest and high inflation that we are currently under.
I admitted I was wrong ( not lying).

When someone is as hung up on “being right” about fucking decimals as you are… you have a problem sweetie
I admitted I was wrong ( not lying).

When someone is as hung up on “being right” about fucking decimals as you are… you have a problem sweetie
You still haven't addressed record high prices either.
You are either too stupid, ignorant or choose to pretend that 3% inflation is a good thing, rather than still means prices are increasing at a time when they are at record high levels....

I'm not the one crying, you were wrong and can't admit it, so now you disparage me because you got caught lying and tried to minimize your lie.

Biden and Trump need to hang it up and retire, we need fresh leadership and a better economy than the high interest and high inflation that we are currently under.
You won't escape from that if a Democrat gets elected. Trump is the only viable alternative.
I admitted I was wrong ( not lying).

When someone is as hung up on “being right” about fucking decimals as you are… you have a problem sweetie
Yes you are wrong, dead wrong, you are spinning your story.
But the economy won't allow people to retire because with increase in costs they have to work longer than they used to.

I also deal with dozens of contractors at work and I see quite a few people retire, then they come back after 3 months because the company they work for had to offer them more money to come back because they can't find people with knowledge and skills to take their place. Guy retired from the company we use to service and repair our forklifts at 67. They doubled his pay to come back because they couldn't find anyone that could do half of what he could or was willing to learn.

No room in the job market from people not retiring is not the issue. There are tons of jobs from menial jobs to skilled labor. The problem is most young people don't want to work. They want to be streamers, have work from home jobs, don't want to actually aquire skills, do real work, want jobs where they get 60 days of "mental health days" a year and so on.
I would much rather see the company struggle than to go back and help them. And they should have been paying the 67 year old double the whole time. The inability to find workers is ALL the fault of the company.
There are abundant jobs for immigrants at $15 an hour.

Everyone else, not so much.
So true...

Staggering figures reveal 1.2MILLION US-born workers lost their jobs last month - replaced by 688,000 foreign-born staff - as Joe Biden allows migrants to flood across the border​

  • The latest data showed that the decrease in the number of native-born workers, month-on-month, has dropped to lows not seen since April 2020
  • The increase in foreign-born people working in the US this summer, 668,000, is the highest July-to-August jump in the last 10 years
At least that is the way the Economist sees it.

It's amazing how the left keeps touting Biden when it seems like 75% of the country thinks the economy sucks.


The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices​

They said it...I'm just showing you that people who seem to know something about economics are calling bull**** on Biden and his Bidenomics program.

I liked this one too. AOC calls inflation....get this.....propaganda......

They've all got their heads stuck in the sand....or worse.

Groceries up 20% ???


Can't wait to read.....some horse**** from the banker on how great things are.

Wonder who in that 20% who are stupid enough to think prices haven't risen he hangs out with.

Here is what makes you're entire post BULLSHIT.

The ENTIRE WORLD is experiencing crippling inflation at the moment. The USA has one of the lowest rates of inflation in the First World. But since Americans have no interest in ANYTHING going on in the rest of the world, fools like YOU whine like little bitches about how bad YOU'VE got it.

Pull your head out of your ass, take a good look around at how bad it is in the rest of the world, and thank your lucky stars that Donald Trump isn't still dismantling the US economy and trade deals, and running your nation into the ground.

Stop blaming Joe Biden because your life isn't fucking perfect.
At least that is the way the Economist sees it.

It's amazing how the left keeps touting Biden when it seems like 75% of the country thinks the economy sucks.


The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices​

They said it...I'm just showing you that people who seem to know something about economics are calling bull**** on Biden and his Bidenomics program.

I liked this one too. AOC calls inflation....get this.....propaganda......

They've all got their heads stuck in the sand....or worse.

Groceries up 20% ???


Can't wait to read.....some horse**** from the banker on how great things are.

Wonder who in that 20% who are stupid enough to think prices haven't risen he hangs out with.
So COVID and the shut down and a shortage of goods being made worldwide, with backlogs in manufacturing....and a shortage of workers....once we came out of restrictions/lockdowns, had nothing to do with it?

If inflation is all Biden's fault, then why was there inflation, WORLDWIDE, and why did the USA have lower inflation rate than the rest of the western world....the E.U. and why have we faired better than ALL of our allies with the worldwide inflation rate rise????
But the economy won't allow people to retire because with increase in costs they have to work longer than they used to.

I also deal with dozens of contractors at work and I see quite a few people retire, then they come back after 3 months because the company they work for had to offer them more money to come back because they can't find people with knowledge and skills to take their place. Guy retired from the company we use to service and repair our forklifts at 67. They doubled his pay to come back because they couldn't find anyone that could do half of what he could or was willing to learn.

No room in the job market from people not retiring is not the issue. There are tons of jobs from menial jobs to skilled labor. The problem is most young people don't want to work. They want to be streamers, have work from home jobs, don't want to actually aquire skills, do real work, want jobs where they get 60 days of "mental health days" a year and so on.

This is 40 years of Republicans playing politics and doing nothing for the working people of America.

How can you save for retirement, when your wages don't cover your living expenses, and you're getting food stamps and earned income credits to keep your family afloat?

How can you have a well trained and modern workforce for the 21st Century, when the Republican Party continues to dismantle and underfund your public education system, because children are being taught modern ideas, like Climate Change is real, as is Evolution, slavery was bad, history is full of things we shouldn't be proud of and should never do again.

It's time to stop destroying your schools and trying to prevent children from learning about life in the 21st Century, where they have to get along with all races, creeds, religions and beliefs.

Dragging culture wars into the schools and banning books and ideas is trying to drag the USA back to the 20th Century, and ideas that are both false and destructive - like white people are a superior race.
Inflation is 100% due to Trump's money printing. Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents COMBINED!!!!! Biden has been shrinking the money supply faster than any president in history!!!
The inflation was inevitable and was going to happen regardless of who was in the White House, with massive pent-up demand coming out of lockdowns, then global supply chains collapsing, and then the Fed waiting far too fucking long to address it.

I know they're told something quite different in the alternate universe, and that's a shame. But, of course, not a surprise.
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JOey Buyme has sparked a big uptick in the sale of adult diapers and Miralax

You need to create posts that make sense. That reads like the drunken ramblings of a someone who is in an advanced stage of Alzheimers.


You go girl.

You were RIGHT.

You won an inconsequential internet argument!
See told you a lot of spin from a dishonest poster, he just can’t stop, his actions proved he lied and was caught!
The inflation was inevitable and was going to happen regardless of who was in the White House.
Mostly true.. but Biden made it worse by twice times extending the Covid giveaways despite overwhelming advice against it by the business world.
Also by adding the Inflation Reduction Act, which is nothing more than a gigantic corporate giveaway to Fortune 500 companies that will INCREASE inflation despite the name.

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