Joe Biden is reducing border security measures

At this point we simply need to change strategies.

Let's just bring all illegal border crossers to a dedicated area where employers from all over the country can hire them, transport them, and set them to work picking apples, building houses, or slaughtering pigs; whichever the case may be.

Just consider it a job symposium for illegals and employers. Employers can pick from whoever they want and pay transportation to the job site.

It's a win win!

Or we can close the border, kick out all the illegals and they can have jobs once they pass the citizenship program.
But apparently an inept unelected president can?

George Bush? ... I thought we were over our little temper tantrum because of the Florida recount in 2000 ... but Bush had almost complete support from Congress when he put the Patriot Act into place ...

Trump clearly won in 2016 ... and we still have Obamacare ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HA WHA WHA HWA HWQ ... an inept Congress can't take our rights away ... I don't like it either but that's the way things are ...
Or we can close the border, kick out all the illegals and they can have jobs once they pass the citizenship program.
Close the border? You don't want Americans to travel too and from Mexico?

Regardless, if illegals can get jobs, no closed borders are going to stop them from getting here so our capitalist employers can hire them to maximize profits.

How about we overhaul our visa program, fine employers of illegals so harshly that it is cheaper to hire Americans s then illegals and let's go after the ones already here and working with fake SS numbers. How about expanding ICE and using them to sweep job sites across America doing audits?
Close the border? You don't want Americans to travel too and from Mexico?

Regardless, if illegals can get jobs, no closed borders are going to stop them from getting here so our capitalist employers can hire them to maximize profits.

How about we overhaul our visa program, fine employers of illegals so harshly that it is cheaper to hire Americans s then illegals and let's go after the ones already here and working with fake SS numbers. How about expanding ICE and using them to sweep job sites across America doing audits?
We could sure could use some sensible thinking, when it comes to how we handle not just illegals, but how sponsored foreigners get into our country.
And that is very unlikely too ever happen while immigration is being used as a political football.
Close the border? You don't want Americans to travel too and from Mexico?

Regardless, if illegals can get jobs, no closed borders are going to stop them from getting here so our capitalist employers can hire them to maximize profits.

How about we overhaul our visa program, fine employers of illegals so harshly that it is cheaper to hire Americans s then illegals and let's go after the ones already here and working with fake SS numbers. How about expanding ICE and using them to sweep job sites across America doing audits?

Dementia stopped ICE from further workplace raids.

This is a huge problem that has a simple solution: Caught in this country illegally and it's a felony. Minimum sentence is 5 years in prison. Second offense, 10 years minimum in prison.

No more worries about illegals over staying VISA's, no more extra border agents needed, no more wall building.
At this point we simply need to change strategies.

Let's just bring all illegal border crossers to a dedicated area where employers from all over the country can hire them, transport them, and set them to work picking apples, building houses, or slaughtering pigs; whichever the case may be.

Just consider it a job symposium for illegals and employers. Employers can pick from whoever they want and pay transportation to the job site.

It's a win win!

No. Reward people for breaking our laws can't be a win of any kind. It only encourages more to break our laws.
It that an excuse to not do anything? ... why do Republicans keep sending liberals to Congress ... seems stupid to me ...

Don't get me wrong ... shutting down Congress is the best idea any political party has come up with yet ... but will the non-RINOs step up to their rhetoric and block all future CRs? ..

I agree with you. I hope they do it anyway even if there's not a chance in hell of it passing. But it will expose the left for what they are.
Dementia stopped ICE from further workplace raids.

Further? You mean other then the token raids where they charge supervisors with .99 cent fines before they hire all new illegals?

This is a huge problem that has a simple solution: Caught in this country illegally and it's a felony. Minimum sentence is 5 years in prison. Second offense, 10 years minimum in prison.

I agree but I don't want them in our prisons...unless they are the employers.

No more worries about illegals over staying VISA's, no more extra border agents needed, no more wall building.
Sounds good to me.

Repubs and Dems won't do it. Libertarians support illegal immigration.

I guess we will just continue with finger pointing.
Which is different then the last 40 years how?

When Trump was running the show he reduced border crossings by 90%. It took him a while to fight the left and what they couldn't stop, their commie judges did...... at least temporarily.

But after all of his policies were put in place, illegal migration slowed down to almost nothing. The only problem was the expired VISAs and he even addressed that problem.

When Dementia got in he reversed all those policies and is still trying to reverse others like Title 42. His first day in office he EOd stopping the wall from being built.

So it can be done and Trump is living proof of that. But we have to be smart enough to elect the people that have the border as their top priority.
Further? You mean other then the token raids where they charge supervisors with .99 cent fines before they hire all new illegals?

I agree but I don't want them in our prisons...unless they are the employers.

Sounds good to me.

Repubs and Dems won't do it. Libertarians support illegal immigration.

I guess we will just continue with finger pointing.

What you don't understand is that it's not that easy to convict employers. In our system of justice you are innocent until proven guilty. That means for the feds to prosecute an employer, they must first prove that the employer knowingly hired the illegals. Drug lords (that have illegals smuggle in drugs) exchange their ID services for them to do the job. They have the most sophisticated equipment as their organizations are multi-million dollar ones. Just Google the tunnels they build. hey are not 4 foot wide holes dug underground that people crawl on their belly to get through.

Then of course the left puts employers in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

When Trump was running the show he reduced border crossings by 90%. It took him a while to fight the left and what they couldn't stop, their commie judges did...... at least temporarily.

But after all of his policies were put in place, illegal migration slowed down to almost nothing. The only problem was the expired VISAs and he even addressed that problem.

When Dementia got in he reversed all those policies and is still trying to reverse others like Title 42. His first day in office he EOd stopping the wall from being built.

So it can be done and Trump is living proof of that. But we have to be smart enough to elect the people that have the border as their top priority.
Link for 90 percent please.
Link for 90 percent please.

It's a claim made by Pence but is disputed as accurate figures are not available. But whatever it was it was huge, and even the MSM admitted to that.

What you don't understand is that it's not that easy to convict employers. In our system of justice you are innocent until proven guilty. That means for the feds to prosecute an employer, they must first prove that the employer knowingly hired the illegals. Drug lords (that have illegals smuggle in drugs) exchange their ID services for them to do the job. They have the most sophisticated equipment as their organizations are multi-million dollar ones. Just Google the tunnels they build. hey are not 4 foot wide holes dug underground that people crawl on their belly to get through.

Yes. It will be difficult. The parties need to work together to create a system that holds employers accountable to follow specific guidelines when hiring. If these are not followed, then it is on the employee.

I certainly won't argue with fake IDs, it's one of my arguements against voter id.

Then of course the left puts employers in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

It wasn't the left that puts employers in a bad spot, it is the law. Change the laws.

And it makes sense

I mean, if you are going to allow them in anyway, who even have a head count that will only make you blush come election time?

The only thing Democrats would change about the situation at the border, if they could, would be NOTHING!

The Democrat party is the party of the status quo.

Does that make them conservatives now?

He doesn't believe we are being overrun / are losing our country fast enough.

After the balloon mess, Xi told Biden they need faster access to bring in more Fentynal.
I agree with you. I hope they do it anyway even if there's not a chance in hell of it passing. But it will expose the left for what they are.

If for no other reason, it's a good habit for the House to get back into ... I'm a liberal, not a Democrat, so I can say it would be good for Republicans to take this on ... and show us a better way to manage the nation's money ... that's why God created conservatives ... fiscal responsibility ...

Image if Zipporah had gone on a shopping spree while in Egypt ... spent all Moses' money ... all that work turning staffs into snakes in front of Pharaoh just to have to haul a bunch of worthless junk back on the Great Exodus ... that's not an optic anyone would want ...

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