Joe Biden just addressed the nation!

My god that speech was a joke. Trying to use the federal government to take Liberties away from Americans.

He read from a stupid teleprompter, didn't mention a word about that debacle in Afghanistan and didn't have the courage to answer any questions.

I guess his handlers knew that if he tried to answer any questions he would be a disaster. Trump would have stood there for 90 minutes answering questions.
B. Kidd the more probable problem is something getting out of hand......they probably have orders not to harm Americans/etc, but with a lot of military actions in civilian areas, bad things can't control everyone and everything

The Taliban do not have a central overriding commander. They have multiple tribal commanders, as in plural.
The Taliban cannot guarantee anything!!!
The right wing is kinda of predictable. Look for right wing media to bash Biden for the next few months over Afghanistan..he lost the war..he cut and run and caused all those lives to be lost in vain..yada..yada. Come next years midterms, when campaigns get in full swing, watch for the pivot. All you will hear is how the Chosen One saved us from another 20 years if a useless he and he alone got us out of that quagmire..
All we’re going to hear for the midterms is Covid! Delta! Gamma! Theta!
mamooth the left are the nazis...and Biden totally fkd up in Afghanistan --UNDENIABLE
So that's what you commie cult told you?

And you actually fell for it, despite it being entirely at odds with reality?

Of course you did. If you weren't a devoted mouthpiece for commie/Nazi/jihadist propaganda, you'd get kicked out of the Trump cult.

Now, run along. You're needed. Your masters want another coat of saliva applied.
All we’re going to hear for the midterms is Covid! Delta! Gamma! Theta!

Right. "Vote for Democrats are you all are going to die from the Chinese virus".

I feel sorry for the stupid Moon Bats that think the Democrats can run away from the incompetency of Joe Dufus.

They could lose 100 seats in the House and 10 or more in the Senate.
Here's the deal: Biden takes four days off and rehearses a five minute speech which he reads off a teleprompter but takes no questions. What does that tell you about his capacity to think on his feet? We are in the middle of what might be the worst foreign policy problem in modern history but he feels more comfortable touting covid booster shots. Will it work to deflect attention from Afghanistan?
I like the LEAVE NOW!! at the end of the "speech" and then it ran away like a little bitch. That stuttering shit clown is the laughingstock of the planet.
This crazy fool is talking covid vaccines while he has just screwed 10k american citizens and every sane person in Afghanistan, PLUS OUR ALLIES and the US?? Okay..give me some time to wrap my head around this insanity.
You do understand that the American people overwhelming don't want the USA to be in Afghanistan, right?

THIS WAS NOT the way to do it. US tucking tail and running out on American citizens? WHere's Joe's Jill's handbag?
I think Joe just screwed the pooch on his cred about the Covid Vaxxines. He's going to see cooperation deteriorate and more opposition.

Jimmy Carter says Thanks Joe.
The right wing is kinda of predictable. Look for right wing media to bash Biden for the next few months over Afghanistan..he lost the war..he cut and run and caused all those lives to be lost in vain..yada..yada. Come next years midterms, when campaigns get in full swing, watch for the pivot. All you will hear is how the Chosen One saved us from another 20 years if a useless he and he alone got us out of that quagmire..

Face it, the left and the right wing nuts are all predictable. Afghanistan was lost a long time ago and we delayed the inevitable. However, Biden hasn't handled the exit plan well, at all. In the spring of last year when states started to shut down, many predicted that by the end of summer the left would blame Trump for the downturn, and give Congress the credit for the Cares Act, that all came true. The two sides are just noisemakers, shallow and predictable.
This crazy fool is talking covid vaccines while he has just screwed 10k american citizens and every sane person in Afghanistan, PLUS OUR ALLIES and the US?? Okay..give me some time to wrap my head around this insanity.

His handlers doesn't want him talking about Afghanistan now. They are working up their Democrat talking points to blame everything on Trump so they are not quite ready to roll out the spin campaign yet.

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