Joe Biden just addressed the nation!

It would be to you being an intellectual giant and a sound knowledge of all military procedures. The fact remains as, as you obviously missed, it was happening before you heard about it. Do some research before you open your ignorant big mouth. You know nothing but hate for dems. Grow up.
Oh? Show me
You're parroting weirdass cult nonsense there. I know you don't understand that, due to your brainwashing, but normal people do.

Outside of your cult, nobody is having the hysterical meltdowns that we now see coming from nearly every Trump cultist on this board. You're all off in your own special bedwetter-reality. Your masters deliberately keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. They make up enemies to terrify you, then they claim that only they can save you from those enemies, provided that you obey. It's a classic fascist tactic.

Oh the irony. The indoctrination of lefties has been going on for decades and is coming to fruition. Even a complete loser like Joe Biden isn’t enough to break the through to them. Biden is a corrupt, incompetent, demented career politician who is a puppet of the far-left and our enemies. Indoctrinated Democrats are blinded by their teachings from pre-school and can’t see the obvious. Our enemies are in love with the Biden administration for good reason.
Do ya think just maybe it would have been a good idea to get the civilians out first?
The Biden Crime Family administration and the Marxist/communist DNC wants to import all of the illegal voters they possibly can before worrying about the American citizens left behind in Afghanistan.

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