Joe Biden just addressed the nation!

The idiot President's speech today was a planned deflection from his unprecedented failure in the Afghan debacle. His approval rating should be negative shortly. It would be already if there were not 47million useful idiots kissing his freshly wiped ass.

I don't listen to what Xiden says unless someone happens to post a video of his uselessness. It's easy to know what he's going to say, which is always nothing, back up my a whole lot of nothing else.

When someone relies on cue cards, and parroting BS (e.g. RACISM) & twists all the time, then it comes easy to ignore their pitch. There's not a genuine bone or message in his body, same with all Demoncracks, it's just that Xiden's pitch includes dementia and oh fuck that guy should be walking his dog if he could only escape injury, he's unfit to run his own household less what is it again? Oh yeah, the PRESIDENT.

If PROGS didn't know how to devalue everything, they wouldn't be so happily miserable.
Berated those not vaccinated, begged people to get the vaccine, announced he is forcing vaccine on any nursing home employees if the home takes Medicare.

Then left without taking a question.

Nothing on his clusterfuck in Afghanistan.

Simply amazing.
Wrong address.....return to sender.
We are in the Biden Depression, folks. We're just going to have to deal with it until President Trump can win again!
The Trump cult is so triggered at how the nation supports President Biden here. They just can't comprehend why everyone doesn't embrace their fascist propaganda.

Nice deflect when the Corrupt Joe administration is leading this country further into another recession.
The truth hurt your feelings, you will get over it. Biden ran from reporters without even mentioning his Afghanistan disaster.

If anyone's feelings hirt it's certainly not mine. In regard to not answering questions, check to see if TRUMP didn't do the same.
It was no disaster. It was well planned and why would anyone want to stay in that shithole for another twenty years.
You didn't care about them when they were bombing the shit out of them but now you're whining because Biden pull out. Don't make me vomit you hypocrite.
Pelosi just shrugged off Biden handing the Taliban huge volumes of WEAPONS OF WAR. Dems remember weapons of war right, they yap about banning them in this country all the time. Well Biden just gifted the Taliban actual weapons of war by the boat loads.

I think you'll find the intention was for the
Trained army to use but you know everything so I'll leave it with you.
Another stupid post. Talk about Fascist ? What about stopping the Keystone Pipeline putting thousands out of work, WOKE Mentality being forced on Students, DEMANDING people get the Vaccine even if they have the antibodies, etc. etc. You are a Moron
You're parroting weirdass cult nonsense there. I know you don't understand that, due to your brainwashing, but normal people do.

Outside of your cult, nobody is having the hysterical meltdowns that we now see coming from nearly every Trump cultist on this board. You're all off in your own special bedwetter-reality. Your masters deliberately keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. They make up enemies to terrify you, then they claim that only they can save you from those enemies, provided that you obey. It's a classic fascist tactic.
Biden is getting more and more irritated at questions every day. How DARE he be questioned. His covid speech today without addressing solutions for his super spreader border was a joke. Even democrats are starting to talk 25th Amendment. If so, Kumquat Harris will resign rather than "have this shit pinned on her",

He's always been that way, "come on man!"

The guy is such a fake and hypocrite.
If anyone's feelings hirt it's certainly not mine. In regard to not answering questions, check to see if TRUMP didn't do the same.
It was no disaster. It was well planned and why would anyone want to stay in that shithole for another twenty years.
You didn't care about them when they were bombing the shit out of them but now you're whining because Biden pull out. Don't make me vomit you hypocrite.
Do ya think just maybe it would have been a good idea to get the civilians out first?
Do ya think just maybe it would have been a good idea to get the civilians out first?
I am not familiar with the circumstances in the ground and neither are you. We can only assume the military know what they are doing. Don't try to be smart.
Let's speak facts there is no humanity left in him I pray for the people suffering In Afghanistan.
I don't listen to what Xiden says unless someone happens to post a video of his uselessness. It's easy to know what he's going to say, which is always nothing, back up my a whole lot of nothing else.

When someone relies on cue cards, and parroting BS (e.g. RACISM) & twists all the time, then it comes easy to ignore their pitch. There's not a genuine bone or message in his body, same with all Demoncracks, it's just that Xiden's pitch includes dementia and oh fuck that guy should be walking his dog if he could only escape injury, he's unfit to run his own household less what is it again? Oh yeah, the PRESIDENT.

If PROGS didn't know how to devalue everything, they wouldn't be so happily miserable.
The worst Presidential debacle in many decades and Joe Dufus wouldn't even address the crisis and was too chickenshit to answer questions.
You're parroting weirdass cult nonsense there. I know you don't understand that, due to your brainwashing, but normal people do.

Outside of your cult, nobody is having the hysterical meltdowns that we now see coming from nearly every Trump cultist on this board. You're all off in your own special bedwetter-reality. Your masters deliberately keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. They make up enemies to terrify you, then they claim that only they can save you from those enemies, provided that you obey. It's a classic fascist tactic.
Tell that to our Military, the Unemployed that were working on the pipeline, and the thousands of US citizens who are being adversely affected by the illegals pouring into this Country. You are a Moron
Bullshit! It's elementary...

It would be to you being an intellectual giant and a sound knowledge of all military procedures. The fact remains as, as you obviously missed, it was happening before you heard about it. Do some research before you open your ignorant big mouth. You know nothing but hate for dems. Grow up.

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