Joe Biden just addressed the nation!

The right wing is kinda of predictable. Look for right wing media to bash Biden for the next few months over Afghanistan..he lost the war..he cut and run and caused all those lives to be lost in vain..yada..yada. Come next years midterms, when campaigns get in full swing, watch for the pivot. All you will hear is how the Chosen One saved us from another 20 years if a useless he and he alone got us out of that quagmire..

LOL.... Okay.....

All you have to do is look at the state of the country leading up to prior midterm elections to know that right now things are not looking very good for you next year.
You do understand that the American people overwhelming don't want the USA to be in Afghanistan, right?
Yes, we do know that. Do you understand that the American people are overwhelmingly horrified by what they saw during that sloppy withdrawal? Even Pravda isn't covering for Biden on that one. That's how bad it is.
His handlers doesn't want him talking about Afghanistan now. They are working up their Democrat talking points to blame everything on Trump so they are not quite ready to roll out the spin campaign yet.

the fact that he abandoned americans.....any spin they can manufacture is going to fail. Sons of bitches.
Yes, we do know that. Do you understand that the American people are overwhelmingly horrified by what they saw during that sloppy withdrawal?
Did our crazy right-wing media tell you that?

And you actually fell for it?

Of course you did. You always do.

Now, run along. There are more right-wing talking points out there, and an "independent" like you needs to make sure he parrots them all.

Even Pravda isn't covering for Biden on that one. That's how bad it is.
Says the one now repeating Russian propaganda. You can't make this stuff up.
Even if he were to take questions they would have been screened beforehand and teleprompter prepared.

Did you guys hear "the white house approved a booster shot" for COVID? Yeah, that would be for the guys who already had their magical COVID shot(s). This is an ongoing affair.

The right wing is kinda of predictable. Look for right wing media to bash Biden for the next few months over Afghanistan..he lost the war..he cut and run and caused all those lives to be lost in vain..yada..yada. Come next years midterms, when campaigns get in full swing, watch for the pivot. All you will hear is how the Chosen One saved us from another 20 years if a useless he and he alone got us out of that quagmire..

Who the heck needs the right wing media to bash Biden, the Taliban, Russia and China will be doing that for the next three years....dumbass.
I think Joe just screwed the pooch on his cred about the Covid Vaxxines. He's going to see cooperation deteriorate and more opposition.

Jimmy Carter says Thanks Joe.

Jimmy Carter was glad when The Worthless Negro came along and took his place as Worst President.

Now the Worthless Negro is very happy that Joe Dufus is taking his place.

Joe Dufus undeniable Worst President Ever.
Even if he were to take questions they would have been screened beforehand and teleprompter prepared.

Did you guys hear "the white house approved a booster shot" for COVID? Yeah, that would be for the guys who already had their magical COVID shot(s). This is an ongoing affair.

The idiot President's speech today was a planned deflection from his unprecedented failure in the Afghan debacle. His approval rating should be negative shortly. It would be already if there were not 47million useful idiots kissing his freshly wiped ass.
Biden is getting more and more irritated at questions every day. How DARE he be questioned. His covid speech today without addressing solutions for his super spreader border was a joke. Even democrats are starting to talk 25th Amendment. If so, Kumquat Harris will resign rather than "have this shit pinned on her",
Berated those not vaccinated, begged people to get the vaccine, announced he is forcing vaccine on any nursing home employees if the home takes Medicare.

Then left without taking a question.

Nothing on his clusterfuck in Afghanistan.

Simply amazing.
I call it pathetic....He left the elephant in the room hanging...
Biden is getting more and more irritated at questions every day. How DARE he be questioned. His covid speech today without addressing solutions for his super spreader border was a joke. Even democrats are starting to talk 25th Amendment. If so, Kumquat Harris will resign rather than "have this shit pinned on her",
OMG, and leave Pelosi as POTUS? Good Gawd!
The Trump cult is so triggered at how the nation supports President Biden here. They just can't comprehend why everyone doesn't embrace their fascist propaganda.

Another stupid post. Talk about Fascist ? What about stopping the Keystone Pipeline putting thousands out of work, WOKE Mentality being forced on Students, DEMANDING people get the Vaccine even if they have the antibodies, etc. etc. You are a Moron
Berated those not vaccinated, begged people to get the vaccine, announced he is forcing vaccine on any nursing home employees if the home takes Medicare.

Then left without taking a question.

Nothing on his clusterfuck in Afghanistan.

Simply amazing.
He can't be put off script...this is the script...ignore the chaos around you, keep playing the fiddle....while Rome burns

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