Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

Republicans continue to refer to dems as communists and Marxist and fascists.
THAT is hate filled Republican propaganda and lies.
So when it comes to intelligence, don't Labour under the delusion you have more than anyone. You don't even understand what the subject is about. So get a ticket, get in line and take you criticism.
It looks like YOU are the one who is lacking intelligence (and knowledge)

Democrats ARE communists & Marxists, who wish to redistribute wealth by raising taxes on the rich, and the corporate tax. I know quite well because I was one of them for 40 years. They are also fascists. All the key elements of fascism are present with the Democrats and Biden administration >>

1. Big, powerful, centralized government. Massive federal control.

2. Massive regulation of businesses and people.

3. Severe gun control (if not confiscation)

4. Suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter/Facebook), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs)

You're as predictable as the sun coming up. Right in que out spews the same ratbag personal opinions and hatreds and all unsubstantiated with evidence.

Has the government been increased more since trump? You don't know? Sorry. More opinion.

Where's the regulation of private enterprise businesses? Massive? You're a liar.

Esactly what gun controls has democrats placed in you? Name them.
You've had weapons since the the constitution and you have yet to use them for what you say but justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom. Bullshit.

When did drmocrats stop your freedom of speech? Twitter and Facebook are privately owned and are not under control of any government so that's another unsupported idiotic blurt.
When have they stopped you worshipping a ghost or forbidden you from from hating gays? You're paranoid son.

You're exactly what I said previously. No one hates like republicans and you probed it.
You're as predictable as the sun coming up. Right in que out spews the same ratbag personal opinions and hatreds and all unsubstantiated with evidence.

Has the government been increased more since trump? You don't know? Sorry. More opinion.

Where's the regulation of private enterprise businesses? Massive? You're a liar.

Esactly what gun controls has democrats placed in you? Name them.
You've had weapons since the the constitution and you have yet to use them for what you say but justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom. Bullshit.

When did drmocrats stop your freedom of speech? Twitter and Facebook are privately owned and are not under control of any government so that's another unsupported idiotic blurt.
When have they stopped you worshipping a ghost or forbidden you from from hating gays? You're paranoid son.

You're exactly what I said previously. No one hates like republicans and you probed it.
Predictable ? So what ? That's OK. I don't mind being predictable. I should be predictable, because unlike rookies like you, I've been in this forum for 8 years, and have posted over 42,000 posts and hundreds of OPs.

So you deny that Democrats favor bigger and more powerful federal government than Republicans ? You're not going to get far with that. And if you don't like the idea of bigger and more powerful federal government, maybe you should be a Republican.

You deny the massive amount of business regulations that Trump cut ? That's funny.

So you deny that Democrats favor gun control much more strictly than Republicans ? HA HA. This is getting funnier as we proceed here. Remember Joe Biden praising gun control zealot Beto O'Rourke ?


“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” O’Rourke said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.”

Never mind that an AR-15 is just an ordinary semi-automatic rifle, that fires one round with each pull of the trigger. Is very accurate, and easy to use, and i aby far, the most popular rifle in America, owned by 40 million law-abiding Americans, and is almost never used in crime. Most killings are done with knives and handguns.

Biden's ATF nominee (David Chipman) advocates a ban on the AR-15, and regulate other guns and magazines as well. This is from Joe Biden's website, entitled > "THE BIDEN PLAN TO END OUR GUN VIOLENCE EPIDEMIC"

  • Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.

And I possess a shotgun and a handgun, and I DO use them for what I say which is self-defense, and I use them just by having them - every minute of every day.

I don't know where or how you come up with > "justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom", but it so happens that every mass slaughter that has occured in America over the past 15 years, has been in a gun free zone, where law-abiding gun owners were not there carrying guns, and being able to stop the gunman. In numerous places that were not gun-free zones, killers were stopped by law-abiding gun owners.

And let's not forget about the Parkland massacre, where a background check for Nickolas Cruz never showed his numerous troubles with the law, because of Obama's racist Promise Program, designed to keep minority schoolkids from having police records. Cruz was able to buy his guns with the seller having no idea of his nasty background.

As for when Democrats stopped my freedom of speech, the most recent time was 2 weeks ago in Political Jack, when I was banned for 3 days, just for calling somebody a racist, for being a supporter of race-based Affirmative Action, thereby supporting racial discrimination against whites. I've been banned from other forums also for truthful statements about Islam, immigration, gays, et al subjects, all having solid reasoning, and having nothing to do with what you robotically call "hate".

Once again > Democrats engage in suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter/Facebook), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs). All these exist from Democrats, and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if it is from "under control of any government", or not. I said > "key elements of fascism are present with the Democrats and Biden administration", and "Democrats" can be ANY Democrats anywhere, not just in government, so that includes Twitter, Facebook, and anybody else.

And I'm 75 years old, so your silly "son" label is wrong too, just like everything else you've posted, but oh well, this is what we generally come to expect from rookie posting. Ho hum. :rolleyes:
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You're as predictable as the sun coming up. Right in que out spews the same ratbag personal opinions and hatreds and all unsubstantiated with evidence.

Has the government been increased more since trump? You don't know? Sorry. More opinion.

Where's the regulation of private enterprise businesses? Massive? You're a liar.

Esactly what gun controls has democrats placed in you? Name them.
You've had weapons since the the constitution and you have yet to use them for what you say but justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom. Bullshit.

When did drmocrats stop your freedom of speech? Twitter and Facebook are privately owned and are not under control of any government so that's another unsupported idiotic blurt.
When have they stopped you worshipping a ghost or forbidden you from from hating gays? You're paranoid son.

You're exactly what I said previously. No one hates like republicans and you probed it.
Predictable ? So what ? That's OK. I don't mind being predictable. I should be predictable, because unlike rookies like you, I've been in this forum for 8 years, and have posted over 42,000 posts and hundreds of OPs.

So you deny that Democrats favor bigger and more powerful federal government than Republicans ? You're not going to get far with that. And if you don't like the idea of bigger and more powerful federal government, maybe you should be a Republican.

You deny the massive amount of business regulations that Trump cut ? That's funny.

So you deny that Democrats favor gun control much more strictly than Republicans ? HA HA. This is getting funnier as we proceed here. Remember Joe Biden praising gun control zealot Beto O'Rourke ?


“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” O’Rourke said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.”

Never mind that an AR-15 is just an ordinary semi-automatic rifle, that fires one round with each pull of the trigger. Is very accurate, and easy to use, and i aby far, the most popular rifle in America, owned by 40 million law-abiding Americans, and is almost never used in crime. Most killings are done with knives and handguns.

Biden's ATF nominee (David Chipman) advocates a ban on the AR-15, and regulate other guns and magazines as well. This is from Joe Biden's website, entitled > "THE BIDEN PLAN TO END OUR GUN VIOLENCE EPIDEMIC"

  • Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.

And I possess a shotgun and a handgun, and I DO use them for what I say which is self-defense, and I use them just by having them - every minute of every day.

I don't know where or how you come up with > "justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom", but it so happens that every mass slaughter that has occured in America over the past 15 years, has been in a gun free zone, where law-abiding gun owners were not there carrying guns, and being able to stop the gunman. In numerous places that were not gun-free zones, killers were stopped by law-abiding gun owners.

And let's not forget about the Parkland massacre, where a background check for Nickolas Cruz never showed his numerous troubles with the law, because of Obama's racist Promise Program, designed to keep minority schoolkids from having police records. Cruz was able to buy his guns with the seller having no idea of his nasty background.

As for when Democrats stopped my freedom of speech, the most recent time was 2 weeks ago in Political Jack, when I was banned for 3 days, just for calling somebody a racist, for being a supporter of race-based Affirmative Action, thereby supporting racial discrimination against whites. I've been banned from other forums also for truthful statements about Islam, immigration, gays, et al subjects, all having solid reasoning, and having nothing to do with what you robotically call "hate".

Once again > Democrats engage in suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter/Facebook), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs). All these exist from Democrats, and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if it is from "under control of any government", or not. I said > "key elements of fascism are present with the Democrats and Biden administration", and "Democrats" can be ANY Democrats anywhere, not just in government, so that includes Twitter, Facebook, and anybody else.

And I'm 75 years old, so your silly "son" label is wrong too, just like everything else you've posted, but oh well, this is what we generally come to expect from rookie posting. Ho hum. :rolleyes:

It's a shame a person of your age hasn't learnt a thing.

None of your links show any legislation they have changed to stop you doing the subjects mentioned.
Lots of innuendos and they said but no legislation.
Sorry old man, you as outdated as the silly 2nd amendment

It's a shame a person of your age hasn't learnt a thing.

None of your links show any legislation they have changed to stop you doing the subjects mentioned.
Lots of innuendos and they said but no legislation.
Sorry old man, you as outdated as the silly 2nd amendment
Legislation or no legislation, my posts showed what they showed. If you are a good enough student to learn, then you benefit. If not, than you remain an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, ignorant of mountains of information that leftist media hides from you on a regular basis.

Want to see how much you don't know ? You can take one of my QUIZZES, especially designed for information-deprived liberals. Islamization Quiz could be good for starters. Work your way up from there.

And if you think the 2nd amendment is outdated, then you must be unarmed, and in great danger.

As for having learned a thing, YOU are learning right now, by talking to me. Before this, were you aware of Obama's support for gun background check suppression ?
Know who Hesham Mohamed Hadayet was ? How about Elton Simpson and Nadir Hamid Soofi ? Alton Nolen ? You're getting an education. :biggrin:
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You're as predictable as the sun coming up. Right in que out spews the same ratbag personal opinions and hatreds and all unsubstantiated with evidence.

Has the government been increased more since trump? You don't know? Sorry. More opinion.

Where's the regulation of private enterprise businesses? Massive? You're a liar.

Esactly what gun controls has democrats placed in you? Name them.
You've had weapons since the the constitution and you have yet to use them for what you say but justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom. Bullshit.

When did drmocrats stop your freedom of speech? Twitter and Facebook are privately owned and are not under control of any government so that's another unsupported idiotic blurt.
When have they stopped you worshipping a ghost or forbidden you from from hating gays? You're paranoid son.

You're exactly what I said previously. No one hates like republicans and you probed it.
Predictable ? So what ? That's OK. I don't mind being predictable. I should be predictable, because unlike rookies like you, I've been in this forum for 8 years, and have posted over 42,000 posts and hundreds of OPs.

So you deny that Democrats favor bigger and more powerful federal government than Republicans ? You're not going to get far with that. And if you don't like the idea of bigger and more powerful federal government, maybe you should be a Republican.

You deny the massive amount of business regulations that Trump cut ? That's funny.

So you deny that Democrats favor gun control much more strictly than Republicans ? HA HA. This is getting funnier as we proceed here. Remember Joe Biden praising gun control zealot Beto O'Rourke ?


“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” O’Rourke said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.”

Never mind that an AR-15 is just an ordinary semi-automatic rifle, that fires one round with each pull of the trigger. Is very accurate, and easy to use, and i aby far, the most popular rifle in America, owned by 40 million law-abiding Americans, and is almost never used in crime. Most killings are done with knives and handguns.

Biden's ATF nominee (David Chipman) advocates a ban on the AR-15, and regulate other guns and magazines as well. This is from Joe Biden's website, entitled > "THE BIDEN PLAN TO END OUR GUN VIOLENCE EPIDEMIC"

  • Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.

And I possess a shotgun and a handgun, and I DO use them for what I say which is self-defense, and I use them just by having them - every minute of every day.

I don't know where or how you come up with > "justify mass slaughter as collateral damage for freedom", but it so happens that every mass slaughter that has occured in America over the past 15 years, has been in a gun free zone, where law-abiding gun owners were not there carrying guns, and being able to stop the gunman. In numerous places that were not gun-free zones, killers were stopped by law-abiding gun owners.

And let's not forget about the Parkland massacre, where a background check for Nickolas Cruz never showed his numerous troubles with the law, because of Obama's racist Promise Program, designed to keep minority schoolkids from having police records. Cruz was able to buy his guns with the seller having no idea of his nasty background.

As for when Democrats stopped my freedom of speech, the most recent time was 2 weeks ago in Political Jack, when I was banned for 3 days, just for calling somebody a racist, for being a supporter of race-based Affirmative Action, thereby supporting racial discrimination against whites. I've been banned from other forums also for truthful statements about Islam, immigration, gays, et al subjects, all having solid reasoning, and having nothing to do with what you robotically call "hate".

Once again > Democrats engage in suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter/Facebook), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs). All these exist from Democrats, and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if it is from "under control of any government", or not. I said > "key elements of fascism are present with the Democrats and Biden administration", and "Democrats" can be ANY Democrats anywhere, not just in government, so that includes Twitter, Facebook, and anybody else.

And I'm 75 years old, so your silly "son" label is wrong too, just like everything else you've posted, but oh well, this is what we generally come to expect from rookie posting. Ho hum. :rolleyes:

It's a shame a person of your age hasn't learnt a thing.

None of your links show any legislation they have changed to stop you doing the subjects mentioned.
Lots of innuendos and they said but no legislation.
Sorry old man, you as outdated as the silly 2nd amendment

Legislation or no legislation, my posts showed what they showed. If you are a good enough student to learn, then you benefit. If not, than you remain an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, ignorant of mountains of information that leftist media hides from you on a regular basis.

Want to see how much you don't know ? You can take one of my QUIZZES, especially designed for information-deprived liberals. Islamization Quiz could be good for starters. Work your way up from there.

And if you think the 2nd amendment is outdated, then you must be unarmed, and in great danger.

Again, you lied by suggesting they passed legislation. They did nothing of the sort but your comments as usual for repuicans originate from hatred of democrats and that's a fact.

Clearly, its not my information which is deprived or you wouldn't have made those ignorant hate filled remarks.

I'll bet you have never used your guns to protect yourself. Not once. That's a pathetic justification like all the other gun nuts. Why didn't You charge the WH to get rid of Obama after you all called him a terrorist and Muslim? Be abuse your all full of piss and wind.

The only reason I woyld be in danger is from old trigger happy agent Orange affected old fools like you.

Again, you lied by suggesting they passed legislation. They did nothing of the sort but your comments as usual for repuicans originate from hatred of democrats and that's a fact.

Clearly, its not my information which is deprived or you wouldn't have made those ignorant hate filled remarks.

I'll bet you have never used your guns to protect yourself. Not once. That's a pathetic justification like all the other gun nuts. Why didn't You charge the WH to get rid of Obama after you all called him a terrorist and Muslim? Be abuse your all full of piss and wind.

The only reason I woyld be in danger is from old trigger happy agent Orange affected old fools like you.
Suggested that who passed what legislation ? You are talking riddles.

And if Democrats are hated, they probably should be, for the many evil things they do, and have done. Want a list ? Available on request.

Hate filled remarks ? WHAT "hate filled remarks ? More riddles.... (??????)

Actually, I have shown my handgun a few times, and prevented an attack. Have not needed to fire it, but I have no aversion to doing so. I'm an Army National Guard veteran, and US Army veteran well trained in firearms, and yes, I can deal if need be, and I "use" my guns to protect myself, just by having them (shotgun on my living room wall, and my .380 in my pocket).

"Charge the WH" ? riddles again (???)

Without a gun in your pocket outside, you're in danger, every minute. If you're too stupid to know it, that doesn't reduce the danger. 1,476 Americans were killed by knives in 2019. Another 397 were killed by clubs or blunt objects. 600 people were killed in 2019 by the use of human extremities (fists, feet). All could have been prevented by a gun.

I'm not sure what you were saying about Obama, but his Muslim sympathies made him highly culpable in the 2009 Fort Hood massacre, by his refusal to give Nidal Hasan a dishonorable discharge, and get him off the post.

And be careful with the word "lied", rookie. It comes back to bite people very often in this forum. Well, 2:15 AM here in Florida. Good night. Don't be posting behind my back. :bigbed:
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Again, you lied by suggesting they passed legislation. They did nothing of the sort but your comments as usual for repuicans originate from hatred of democrats and that's a fact.

Clearly, its not my information which is deprived or you wouldn't have made those ignorant hate filled remarks.

I'll bet you have never used your guns to protect yourself. Not once. That's a pathetic justification like all the other gun nuts. Why didn't You charge the WH to get rid of Obama after you all called him a terrorist and Muslim? Be abuse your all full of piss and wind.

The only reason I woyld be in danger is from old trigger happy agent Orange affected old fools like you.
Suggested that who passed what legislation ? You are talking riddles.

And if Democrats are hated, they probably should be, for the many evil things they do, and have done. Want a list ? Available on request.

Hate filled remarks ? WHAT "hate filled remarks ? More riddles.... (??????)

Actually, I have shown my handgun a few times, and prevented an attack. Have not needed to fire it, but I have no aversion to doing so. I'm an Army National Guard veteran, and Us Army veteran well trained in firearms, and yes I can deal if need b, and I "use" my guns to protect myself, just by having them (shotgun on my living room wall, and my .380 in my pocket.

"Charge the WH" ? riddles again (???)

Without a gun in your pocket outside, you're in danger, every minute. If you're too stupid to know it, that doesn't reduce the danger. 1,476 Americans were killed by knives in 2019. Another 397 were killed by clubs or blunt objects. 600 people were killed in 2019 by the use of human extremities (fists, feet). All could have been prevented by a gun.

I'm not sure what you were saying about Obama, but his Muslim sympathies made him highly culpable in the 2009 Fort Hood massacre, by his refusal to give Nidal Hasan a dishonorable discharge, and get him off the post.

And be careful with the word "lied", rookie. It comes back to bite people very often in this forum.

I'll say it again big mouth. YOU LIED.
I don't have a problem with your lying. I cannot tolerate you deny it.

You can quote a million instances or irrelevant episodes but the fact remains the democrats HAVE NOT passed any legislation for the reasons you stated.

So keep babbling on with your geriatric memoirs, it's irrelevant. Your criticism originates from pure hatred of dems for no logical reason.

BTW. When in vietnam, did you criticise your democrat comrades in the foxhole?
How about telling them they hate America so f-ck off? Did you stop them from saving your Republican buddies asses? Of course not you old fool.
But now you hate them with a passion unsurpassed for political reasons only.
You're a pathetic old hypocrite.

I'll say it again big mouth. YOU LIED.
I don't have a problem with your lying. I cannot tolerate you deny it.

You can quote a million instances or irrelevant episodes but the fact remains the democrats HAVE NOT passed any legislation for the reasons you stated.

So keep babbling on with your geriatric memoirs, it's irrelevant. Your criticism originates from pure hatred of dems for no logical reason.

BTW. When in vietnam, did you criticise your democrat comrades in the foxhole?
How about telling them they hate America so f-ck off? Did you stop them from saving your Republican buddies asses? Of course not you old fool.
But now you hate them with a passion unsurpassed for political reasons only.
You're a pathetic old hypocrite.
Oh, 10 minutes after I was nice enough to coach you about it, you went behind my back, when you knew I wasn't here to defend myself. OH, you're on the USMB bad list now. Everybody is going to see you as a dirty poster.

So there you go with this odd "LIED" thing, again. Well, liberals are never really known for sanity. So what is the lie supposed to be ?

So there you go again with this "legislation" thing. Looks like you're somewhat hung up on that. I don't see what legislation has to do with the things I've been saying. I'm sure if we wanted to delve into it, we could find reams of legislation pertaining to what I've been talking about,

So let's go back to the earlier posts, where I asked you questions and you have cowardly DODGED them all. (thought you were off the hook huh ?)

1. So you deny that Democrats favor bigger and more powerful federal government than Republicans ?If so, you think anyone here would agree with you ?

2. You deny the massive amount of business regulations that Trump cut ? You deny that Republicans oppose regulation of businesses and people, while Democrats more so support it ?

3. So you deny that Democrats favor gun control much more strictly than Republicans ? Look out. The whole forum may be reading this. You don't wanna get laughed right out of it.

4. And you deny that Democrats engage in suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter/Facebook), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs). ?

5. And you deny that all these things (big govt, business regulation, gun control, speech suppression) favored by Democrats are symptoms of facism ?

So what's it going to be now, MR DODGE ? Fight or flight ? Your reckoning hour is upon you. Face up to your opponent, or hide in smokescreens ?

I do hate Democrats, but it is for many reasons >>>
They support criminals, while opposing police.
They support China, while opposing US workers & businesses.
They support Mexico and illegal aliens, while opposing Americans & American workers.
They support Tranny lunatics, while opposing women in sports.
They support minorities with racist Affirmative Action discrimination and CRT, while opposing whites.
They support foreign countries, while hating America,
They support BLM & Antifa, while disrespecting the national anthem.
They support Hamas, while hating Israel.
They support the mass murder of helpless, unborn (and newborn) babies, and oppose those who are for the right to life.
They support gun confiscation, while opposing the 2nd amendment, and gun ownership, .
They support gun-free zones, while opposing and CCW permitting (helping to prevent mass shootings)
They support Biden's runaway spending, causing massive inflation, while nothing is being done to control America’s record $22 trillion debt.

You could call this DDD - Democrats' Dirty Dozen. :deal:

So next on your nut list is Vietnam. I never said i went there. I didn't . In fact after I got out of the service in 1969, I joined the protest movement, and protested against it vehemently. I also voted for George McGovern (dove) against Richard Nixon (hawk) in 1972.

And now you're saying I hate who ? Sorry for all the questions, but I find it hard to decipher your rambling babblings.

Last but not least, I'd be remiss if I did not point out your BIGOT problem. "Pathetic, OLD, hypocrite." I have no idea what the "pathetic" and "hypocrite" relate to, but I notice you use the word "old" with derision, which qualifies you as a grade A AGEIST.
You also mentioned "geriatric memoirs", ..."old fools"....."old man"...."outdated"
Yes, you clearly have a bigotry against older people, and in a few posts have managed to offend all the 54 Million over 65 senior citizens in America, for which you should be ashamed of yourself, and if you had an once of decency, you would issue them an open apology.

I'll say it again big mouth. YOU LIED.
I don't have a problem with your lying. I cannot tolerate you deny it.

You can quote a million instances or irrelevant episodes but the fact remains the democrats HAVE NOT passed any legislation for the reasons you stated.

So keep babbling on with your geriatric memoirs, it's irrelevant. Your criticism originates from pure hatred of dems for no logical reason.

BTW. When in vietnam, did you criticise your democrat comrades in the foxhole?
How about telling them they hate America so f-ck off? Did you stop them from saving your Republican buddies asses? Of course not you old fool.
But now you hate them with a passion unsurpassed for political reasons only.
You're a pathetic old hypocrite.
Oh, 10 minutes after I was nice enough to coach you about it, you went behind my back, when you knew I wasn't here to defend myself. OH, you're on the USMB bad list now. Everybody is going to see you as a dirty poster.

So there you go with this odd "LIED" thing, again. Well, liberals are never really known for sanity. So what is the lie supposed to be ?

So there you go again with this "legislation" thing. Looks like you're somewhat hung up on that. I don't see what legislation has to do with the things I've been saying. I'm sure if we wanted to delve into it, we could find reams of legislation pertaining to what I've been talking about,

So let's go back to the earlier posts, where I asked you questions and you have cowardly DODGED them all. (thought you were off the hook huh ?)

1. So you deny that Democrats favor bigger and more powerful federal government than Republicans ?If so, you think anyone here would agree with you ?

2. You deny the massive amount of business regulations that Trump cut ? You deny that Republicans oppose regulation of businesses and people, while Democrats more so support it ?

3. So you deny that Democrats favor gun control much more strictly than Republicans ? Look out. The whole forum may be reading this. You don't wanna get laughed right out of it.

4. And you deny that Democrats engage in suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter/Facebook), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs). ?

5. And you deny that all these things (big govt, business regulation, gun control, speech suppression) favored by Democrats are symptoms of facism ?

So what's it going to be now, MR DODGE ? Fight or flight ? Your reckoning hour is upon you. Face up to your opponent, or hide in smokescreens ?

I do hate Democrats, but it is for many reasons >>>
They support criminals, while opposing police.
They support China, while opposing US workers & businesses.
They support Mexico and illegal aliens, while opposing Americans & American workers.
They support Tranny lunatics, while opposing women in sports.
They support minorities with racist Affirmative Action discrimination and CRT, while opposing whites.
They support foreign countries, while hating America,
They support BLM & Antifa, while disrespecting the national anthem.
They support Hamas, while hating Israel.
They support the mass murder of helpless, unborn (and newborn) babies, and oppose those who are for the right to life.
They support gun confiscation, while opposing the 2nd amendment, and gun ownership, .
They support gun-free zones, while opposing and CCW permitting (helping to prevent mass shootings)
They support Biden's runaway spending, causing massive inflation, while nothing is being done to control America’s record $22 trillion debt.

You could call this DDD - Democrats' Dirty Dozen. :deal:

So next on your nut list is Vietnam. I never said i went there. I didn't . In fact after I got out of the service in 1969, I joined the protest movement, and protested against it vehemently. I also voted for George McGovern (dove) against Richard Nixon (hawk) in 1972.

And now you're saying I hate who ? Sorry for all the questions, but I find it hard to decipher your rambling babblings.

Last but not least, I'd be remiss if I did not point out your BIGOT problem. "Pathetic, OLD, hypocrite." I have no idea what the "pathetic" and "hypocrite" relate to, but I notice you use the word "old" with derision, which qualifies you as a grade A AGEIST.
You also mentioned "geriatric memoirs", ..."old fools"....."old man"...."outdated"
Yes, you clearly have a bigotry against older people, and in a few posts have managed to offend all the 54 Million over 65 senior citizens in America, for which you should be ashamed of yourself, and if you had an once of decency, you would issue them an open apology.

You were caught lying which is quite normal for republicans so come out with another barrage of irrelevant rubbish including more lies.
There's a pattern forming in your posts.
Don't think You will go unchallenged with me.
Have you finished yet?

You were caught lying which is quite normal for republicans so come out with another barrage of irrelevant rubbish including more lies.
There's a pattern forming in your posts.
Don't think You will go unchallenged with me.
Have you finished yet?
I asked you what you think I was lying about, and you ran away from the question, and you're still not answering it, MR DODGE.

As for you, you're not a "challenge" little rookie. You're a joke. You never answered a single one of my questions, and you haven't apologized for your AGEIST bigotry.

And every time you show up against one of my posts, I will hand you your ass again, just like l've done here (and everybody reading this thread knows it).
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

If Israel wants to take Iran out, they should have at it.. Quit bothering the US and Biden.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Do you have an actual link to this report, or is this just something else you pulled out of your ass?

This is the link to the IAEA News Page, and I don't see any such report mentioned:

This the the lead story dated August 27th - Friday:

There is no mention of Iran or it's production of enriched uranium on this organization's home page.
Do you have an actual link to this report, or is this just something else you pulled out of your ass?

This is the link to the IAEA News Page, and I don't see any such report mentioned:

This the the lead story dated August 27th - Friday:

There is no mention of Iran or it's production of enriched uranium on this organization's home page.


If Israel wants to take Iran out, they should have at it.. Quit bothering the US and Biden.

I disagree that Israel should have at it.
It was one thing when Israel bombed the Osirac reactor, because no fuel had been inserted yet.
But these Iranian sites, if real, are hot.
They can not safely be attacked.
If they are as hot as claimed, then it could be worse then Chernobyl, with radiation harming million and going as far as China and India.
Nor would it be legal for anyone to attack them.
Technically Iran has the same legal right to nuclear weapons that the US and Russia have.
Sorry old man, you as outdated as the silly 2nd amendment

The 2nd amendment can never become outdated because all governments always tend towards corruption and have to be destroyed by armed rebellion, eventually. It has always been the case, and always will be. About the longest any good government has lasted is about 400 years, and most do not even last 100 years.
The US only lasted about 100 years.
By the time we started the illegal wars, like the Spanish American War, WWI, Vietnam, etc., this country likely should have just started over.

That is inappropriate.
Trump ended that agreement negotiated by Obama.
There was to be no IAEA inspections after that.
So there is no way that anyone can tell what Iran has been doing since Trump ended the agreement.
President Donald Trump signs a document reinstating sanctions against Iran after announcing the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, on May 8, 2018, in the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House in Washington, D.C.
There is no way to tell how much enriched uranium Iran has or if they are making uranium metals.
But these Iranian sites, if real, are hot.
They can not safely be attacked.

Was the Syrian site that Israel attacked "hot"?

If they are as hot as claimed, then it could be worse then Chernobyl,

Iranian reactors or enrichment facilities?

Technically Iran has the same legal right to nuclear weapons that the US and Russia have.

Iran isn't an NPT signatory?
That is inappropriate.
Trump ended that agreement negotiated by Obama.
There was to be no IAEA inspections after that.
So there is no way that anyone can tell what Iran has been doing since Trump ended the agreement.
President Donald Trump signs a document reinstating sanctions against Iran after announcing the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, on May 8, 2018, in the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House in Washington, D.C.
There is no way to tell how much enriched uranium Iran has or if they are making uranium metals.

Trump ended that agreement negotiated by Obama.
There was to be no IAEA inspections after that.

How many military sites did the IAEA inspect before Trump ended the deal?
Was the Syrian site that Israel attacked "hot"?

If they are as hot as claimed, then it could be worse then Chernobyl,

Iranian reactors or enrichment facilities?

Technically Iran has the same legal right to nuclear weapons that the US and Russia have.

Iran isn't an NPT signatory?

I am not aware of any Syrian site involving anything nuclear that Israel has ever attacked?
Does not matter if reactors or enrichment facilities.
Blowing up uranium would contaminate thousands of square miles, killing and harming lots of innocent people.
It can't be allowed.
Anyone attacking reactors or enrichment facilities is a danger to the whole world.

The Shan of Iran signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in 1970, but that has no jurisdiction then on the current Iranian government.
They have the same legal right of nuclear weapons as the US or Russia.
Actually more right, because the US not only used nuclear weapons on civilians, but also illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.
A guilty party like the US, really is in no position to judge anyone else.
Trump ended that agreement negotiated by Obama.
There was to be no IAEA inspections after that.

How many military sites did the IAEA inspect before Trump ended the deal?

I don't know?
Not sure any of the sites could be called "military"?
But I think there were 7 or so.

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