Joe Biden New Conference (He'll only choose women of color)


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
This is happening live right now so there isn't a link yet. But I don't think this is any secret. Biden has been open about this. He will only consider women of color for VP and the SCOTUS. He's discounting more than half the population based on gender and skin color. Isn't that the very definition of bigotry and racism??? smh

Sorry white women, but you have the wrong skin color. Your qualifications don't matter.
A SEXIST RACIST... but don't worry, the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING will give him a COMPLETE PASS. In fact, they'll PRAISE him for it.

That lovely HYPOCRITICAL DOUBLE STANDARD the democrats live by.
wouldnt that make him a racist? what if Pence wanted to move on to something else in 2021, then Trump announces that he is only interested in a white male for his New VP?
I don't think we have to worry about TrumP stating that for that would be racist AND ELIMINATING MANY OF THE POOL OF PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES.
bidens mate.png
I would like to hear from a journalist that was not named and see if they were told "do not call out questions..." It was not a normal press conference.
This is happening live right now so there isn't a link yet. But I don't think this is any secret. Biden has been open about this. He will only consider women of color for VP and the SCOTUS. He's discounting more than half the population based on gender and skin color. Isn't that the very definition of bigotry and racism??? smh

Sorry white women, but you have the wrong skin color. Your qualifications don't matter.

Identity politics. Yawn. We'd be past all that if not for the democrats selling racism like Big Macs.
This is happening live right now so there isn't a link yet. But I don't think this is any secret. Biden has been open about this. He will only consider women of color for VP and the SCOTUS. He's discounting more than half the population based on gender and skin color. Isn't that the very definition of bigotry and racism??? smh

Sorry white women, but you have the wrong skin color. Your qualifications don't matter.

Identity politics. Yawn. We'd be past all that if not for the democrats selling racism like Big Macs.
So what if it is a pink skinned male that identifies as a female?
Pink is a color and these days, the left believes that sex is chosen and not related to the X and Y chromosome science.
1. I am disappointed that FATE has apparently decided that President Trump is toast. (But no one ever gainsays FATE.)

2. Of course, I could never vote for a Dem, for I have lost all respect for them groveling at the feet of those organizers of that so-called "movement" (whose three initials I refuse to say/write).

3. But I think that the selection of an African American lady VP is vital at this time.

a. Her election will make a certain ethnicity as pleased as Punch.
b. She in turn will ask them to cool it for a while at least.
You guys do realize that the left has wanted a black woman president for a long time. This is a great way to get one. Put Biden in charge as a fucking moron, he picks a black woman, then drops out.

Mark my words.
You guys do realize that the left has wanted a black woman president for a long time. This is a great way to get one. Put Biden in charge as a fucking moron, he picks a black woman, then drops out.

Mark my words.
Have you read the Democrat's Plan Book?

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