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Joe Biden says he would take Michelle Obama to be his running mate for the 2020 presidential election.

I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

He isn't? That's what the media is saying. Trump stood for all of America. That's why every minority group benefited from his policies. A rising tide lifts all boats. In the meantime, the Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take those jobs that blacks are frequently employed by because they will work for less money and do a better job. But.......most blacks are just fine with that. Just don't elect Republicans.
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:
But you people with Obama Tourettes Syndrome are an even smaller minority than the Trump cult.
We lived during the slowest recovery in economic history...under the do nothing Obama....so go and cry to someone else....
The recovery was slowed because of republicans.

View attachment 326202

Before the Democrats lost control of Congress in the 2010 mid-term elections...Cap & Trade legislation was being pushed as the next big Democratic thing...legislation that would have increased the energy costs of every business in the entire United States!
Democrats were also opposed to fracking...something that led to the energy boom that carried Obama for several years. Without all that production of oil and natural gas on lands the Federal Government didn't control...Barry's numbers would have been historically abysmal.
Blah. blah, blah. Had republicans passed Obamas infrastructure plan, the economy would have recovered far faster.
You base that claim on what? How well he handled the stimulus money he WAS given? You liberals handled that so badly you had to use "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how few jobs you'd created! The hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs that Barry promised would be created almost immediately never materialized! Or have you forgotten his mea culpa?
The facts presented in studies such as the one the article I posted was talking about. 7 straight years of job growth chump, that's what Obama created. He handed trump a record for job growth and that record continued until trump mismanaged this virus. Silly season is over maggot, alternative facts are lies. Time for your ass to join reality or get left the fuck behind.
7 years of miniscule job growth...the worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history! A recovery which would have been historically bad if it wasn't for job growth from an energy boom that if Barry had had his way would have never happened!
I've had several liberal women tell me they are less than thrilled at Joe Biden stating his VP will be a woman so early. They said they think qualifications should be taken into full consideration, not someone's gender. Basically, they don't want to be embarrassed by the first female VP because Joe never considered if she was qualified. He just wanted to make a splash with gender.

I don't know what would qualifier being a VP. A VP is supposed to be the next President in the event something bad happened to the elected President where he could no longer serve. Hanging out in the White House for eight years doesn't make one qualified to take over as the leader of our country.

What did she accomplish as first lady? The only thing I can think of is the school lunch program, which was an utter failure. If she isn't bright enough to figure out you can't force kids to eat food that disgusts them, she certainly isn't bright enough to figure out anything else.

Nope....she also set the all time record for public camel toe!

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And IM2 likes to call Melannia a call girl......oops I'll bet he's got a hard on now though eh?
If he can still get them that is.

Melania was pretty much an eastern European call girl. Your concern for my dick is noted, but I like women.
So all models are call girls? You're almost as pathetic as the other idiot!
No, but most Eastern European "models" are.

Oh, it's an Eastern European thing? All the women there are actually sluts? Keep digging the hole deeper!
Since I didn't say all and there is a huge sex slave business in Eastern Europe, perhaps you might want to shut up.
Oh, they're all sex slaves now? Keep digging, you blow hard!

That isn't what he said. Can't you read? There is, in fact, a large human trafficking problem with former Soviet Block countries. It's not secret. A lot of girls get promised "modeling" careers and end up trafficked.
And you think that's what happened with Melania? Give it a rest, Coyote...IM2 is an idiot! Trying to defend his posts is like trying to spray Fabreeze on a barnyard full of cow pies!
No, I do not think that is what happened to Melania, but it is a real and serious problem and he is 100% right on that.
Conflating the two is farce! He called the First Lady on the United States a prostitute and then excused that smear by claiming that most models from Eastern Europe ARE prostitutes! Then you come riding in to back him? You need to check yourself on this one, Coyote!

A lot of them are - it's a fact of East European human trafficking. No evidence Melania was a prostitute...but since when as truth ever mattered when smearing First Ladies ? (hint: Michelle Obama).
I've been hearing the same bullshit about Melania Trump being a prostitute or a porn actress for years now! When was Michelle Obama EVER treated that shabbily?

Oh god. Where do we begin? That she's really a man? Gorilla in high heels? That she hates America?

Pointing out that Michelle Obama had a really big ass wasn't something that the main stream media EVER did! Let's be honest here, Coyote...Michelle was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media...Melania has not been. You know it and so do I!
Who cared about the size of Michelles ass. Apparently Barack liked it. And you racists were calling her a man , a gorilla and all kinds of things. So stop your fucking whining.
I could care less about the size of ANY First Ladies ass! I care about the job that their husbands did or didn't do! The only racist in this conversation is you. As for whining? That's pretty much your "thing", IM2! When's the last time you started a string that WASN'T a whine fest?
You are the whining racist here son. Obama saved this nation. You have chosen to believe a bunch of racist lies about him because you didn't like the fact he was black and president. I don't whine boy, I state facts.

Obama filled in a shirt during the time that the Fed and several other central banks readjusted the currency values globally. His presence or lack thereof had nothing to do with the global money correction any more than Bush had to do with the introduction of that process. This is called REAL INFORMATION and has nothing to do with politics, who your boyhood heros are or what your political party is. Partisans are gullible fools who actually believe in the myth of the Moral High groud and skin pimp partisans are the worst kind of gullible fools.

So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:

If malaise means greatest economic recovery in history, while being respected around the world, and dealing with ebola with super-expertise, I'm fine with it..
Respected around the world?...what a joke....Obama lands in China and had to use the back door of Air Force One because the Chinese couldn't find the front door steps....Buuuaaahahahahaha
Obama was respected, trump is not. Nobody ever laughed at Obama when he was speaking at the UN.

Why would the rest of the world laugh at the US President who was bending over for them? The UN loved Obama because Obama was a weak leader who diminished US power with each year he was in office! He was the "Leading From Behind" President! The "Apology Tour" President! The "Give Millions to Iran" President! The "Sign a Climate Deal That Screws Over the US" President!
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:

If malaise means greatest economic recovery in history, while being respected around the world, and dealing with ebola with super-expertise, I'm fine with it..
Respected around the world?...what a joke....Obama lands in China and had to use the back door of Air Force One because the Chinese couldn't find the front door steps....Buuuaaahahahahaha
Obama was respected, trump is not. Nobody ever laughed at Obama when he was speaking at the UN.

I did...and then I cried....
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:

If malaise means greatest economic recovery in history, while being respected around the world, and dealing with ebola with super-expertise, I'm fine with it..
Respected around the world?...what a joke....Obama lands in China and had to use the back door of Air Force One because the Chinese couldn't find the front door steps....Buuuaaahahahahaha
How bout pussygrabber being laughed at by the leaders of three of our biggest allies; U.K., France and Canada
It was an honor to make morons like them laugh...
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:

If malaise means greatest economic recovery in history, while being respected around the world, and dealing with ebola with super-expertise, I'm fine with it..
Respected around the world?...what a joke....Obama lands in China and had to use the back door of Air Force One because the Chinese couldn't find the front door steps....Buuuaaahahahahaha
Obama was respected, trump is not. Nobody ever laughed at Obama when he was speaking at the UN.

It was not just that Obama was not laughed at, no leader has ever been laughed at at the UN, except of course for the pussygrabber, what an embarrassment !!!. I'll never forget that one, he looked like such a buffoon...
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:

If malaise means greatest economic recovery in history, while being respected around the world, and dealing with ebola with super-expertise, I'm fine with it..
Respected around the world?...what a joke....Obama lands in China and had to use the back door of Air Force One because the Chinese couldn't find the front door steps....Buuuaaahahahahaha
How bout pussygrabber being laughed at by the leaders of three of our biggest allies; U.K., France and Canada

Who cares is they laugh.....the three biggest freeloaders in NATO are now paying up...so let them laugh it's OK...they're paying...with Obama they feigned respect and laughed at him when he left.

So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:

If malaise means greatest economic recovery in history, while being respected around the world, and dealing with ebola with super-expertise, I'm fine with it..
Respected around the world?...what a joke....Obama lands in China and had to use the back door of Air Force One because the Chinese couldn't find the front door steps....Buuuaaahahahahaha
How bout pussygrabber being laughed at by the leaders of three of our biggest allies; U.K., France and Canada

Who cares is they laugh.....the three biggest freeloaders in NATO are now paying up...so let them laugh it's OK...they're paying...with Obama they feigned respect and laughed at him when he left.

I like the deplorable way, when there is no argument, invent some crazy shit...
I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

He isn't? That's what the media is saying. Trump stood for all of America. That's why every minority group benefited from his policies. A rising tide lifts all boats. In the meantime, the Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take those jobs that blacks are frequently employed by because they will work for less money and do a better job. But.......most blacks are just fine with that. Just don't elect Republicans.
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:
But you people with Obama Tourettes Syndrome are an even smaller minority than the Trump cult.
We lived during the slowest recovery in economic history...under the do nothing Obama....so go and cry to someone else....
The recovery was slowed because of republicans.

View attachment 326202

Before the Democrats lost control of Congress in the 2010 mid-term elections...Cap & Trade legislation was being pushed as the next big Democratic thing...legislation that would have increased the energy costs of every business in the entire United States!
Democrats were also opposed to fracking...something that led to the energy boom that carried Obama for several years. Without all that production of oil and natural gas on lands the Federal Government didn't control...Barry's numbers would have been historically abysmal.
Blah. blah, blah. Had republicans passed Obamas infrastructure plan, the economy would have recovered far faster.

Actually, Obama's infrastructure plan was known as the Porkulus, and it passed without Republican votes. How would GOP votes have made it any "better"?
You must be confused, because guess what? It's still discrimination and still illegal. I believe color of skin was definitely a factor, because I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a racist white supremacist. Always have. Now that's simply my opinion, so don't expect me to prove it in a court of law or anything.

So, their company policies aren't above public housing statutes, and they paid the price for it. The law says discrimination is a no-no, regardless of the reasoning. But again, I think he's a racist that deserves scorn.

No, it is not discrimination if Fred didn't want to rent to people on welfare, as long as it was nobody on welfare regardless of race. My policy is I don't rent to convicted felons, and I don't rent to them no matter who they are. Nothing discriminatory about it. They are trouble and I don't need trouble.

As a landlord for over 25 years, I can tell you that if the Trumps were discriminating on race, that's not very hard to prove. They won't make any plea deals either. They bust you with empirical evidence, they prosecute you, and in many cases, whoever it is that filed the original complaint gets a free year of rent or something comparable.

They don't make plea deals unless their evidence is weak.

No offense, but this merely sounds like your politically partisan opinion in today's environment. And here's mine: If a former employee disagrees with a former employer these days, the employer classifies them as 'disgruntled'. Notice how Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) seems to have so many 'disgruntled' employees? Way more than most. I find that kinda strange. It's almost like I see a pattern to his behavior. Weird, huh?

Oh please, we've all read stories of some lunatic getting fired from their job and then coming back with a gun and killing people. That's the way some people are--especially those that provided terrible service to their employer. It happens all the time.

Many years ago I lost my job because the company lost their largest account. When I filed for unemployment, they refused stating I was fired. So I fought it and won. I didn't really need unemployment as I had other opportunities. I opted to stay on unemployment the entire spring and summer to get even with the guy for lying about the reason he had to let me go. I'm sure it upped his unemployment insurance rates.

Darn, you caught me. Shucks!

I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

You might not like it, but the facts of the matter are that Real African American leaders appreciate President Trump, from Kanye to Iron Mike Tyson, to Diamond and Silk and the tremendous Herman Cain and Dennis Rodman.

What's "tremendous" about Herman Cain? Isn't he the one that was caught up in a scandal of purchasing exhorberant furniture on taxpayer money?
No that wasn't him....and the office in question had already purchased that furniture before Trump took office...Coyote....you and your liberal cohorts are victims of a very dishonest media...why do you roll over and suck it up like this?....are you insane?....wake up sugar because you are being played like a damn fool....
I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

You might not like it, but the facts of the matter are that Real African American leaders appreciate President Trump, from Kanye to Iron Mike Tyson, to Diamond and Silk and the tremendous Herman Cain and Dennis Rodman.

What's "tremendous" about Herman Cain? Isn't he the one that was caught up in a scandal of purchasing exhorberant furniture on taxpayer money?
No that wasn't him....and the office in question had already purchased that furniture before Trump took office...Coyote....you and your liberal cohorts are victims of a very dishonest media...why do you roll over and suck it up like this?....are you insane?....wake up sugar because you are being played like a damn fool....

I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

He isn't? That's what the media is saying. Trump stood for all of America. That's why every minority group benefited from his policies. A rising tide lifts all boats. In the meantime, the Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take those jobs that blacks are frequently employed by because they will work for less money and do a better job. But.......most blacks are just fine with that. Just don't elect Republicans.
The media isn't saying anything unless it's the RWM that creates fake stories that suckers like you believe. And the rest of your ignorance is more right wing crazy.

I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

He isn't? That's what the media is saying. Trump stood for all of America. That's why every minority group benefited from his policies. A rising tide lifts all boats. In the meantime, the Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take those jobs that blacks are frequently employed by because they will work for less money and do a better job. But.......most blacks are just fine with that. Just don't elect Republicans.
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:
But you people with Obama Tourettes Syndrome are an even smaller minority than the Trump cult.
We lived during the slowest recovery in economic history...under the do nothing Obama....so go and cry to someone else....
The recovery was slowed because of republicans.

View attachment 326202

Before the Democrats lost control of Congress in the 2010 mid-term elections...Cap & Trade legislation was being pushed as the next big Democratic thing...legislation that would have increased the energy costs of every business in the entire United States!
Democrats were also opposed to fracking...something that led to the energy boom that carried Obama for several years. Without all that production of oil and natural gas on lands the Federal Government didn't control...Barry's numbers would have been historically abysmal.
Blah. blah, blah. Had republicans passed Obamas infrastructure plan, the economy would have recovered far faster.
You base that claim on what? How well he handled the stimulus money he WAS given? You liberals handled that so badly you had to use "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how few jobs you'd created! The hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs that Barry promised would be created almost immediately never materialized! Or have you forgotten his mea culpa?
The facts presented in studies such as the one the article I posted was talking about. 7 straight years of job growth chump, that's what Obama created. He handed trump a record for job growth and that record continued until trump mismanaged this virus. Silly season is over maggot, alternative facts are lies. Time for your ass to join reality or get left the fuck behind.
7 years of miniscule job growth...the worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history! A recovery which would have been historically bad if it wasn't for job growth from an energy boom that if Barry had had his way would have never happened!
Correction please, Barack with Biggest recovery in history, saved auto industry, american and world economy, brought healthcare to tens of millions. Pussygrabber with biggest debt per year in history,record trade deficits, record budget deficits, no wall, no healthcare, worst crisis management in history, worst economy and unemployment in 100 years...
I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

He isn't? That's what the media is saying. Trump stood for all of America. That's why every minority group benefited from his policies. A rising tide lifts all boats. In the meantime, the Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take those jobs that blacks are frequently employed by because they will work for less money and do a better job. But.......most blacks are just fine with that. Just don't elect Republicans.
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:
But you people with Obama Tourettes Syndrome are an even smaller minority than the Trump cult.
We lived during the slowest recovery in economic history...under the do nothing Obama....so go and cry to someone else....
The recovery was slowed because of republicans.

View attachment 326202

Before the Democrats lost control of Congress in the 2010 mid-term elections...Cap & Trade legislation was being pushed as the next big Democratic thing...legislation that would have increased the energy costs of every business in the entire United States!
Democrats were also opposed to fracking...something that led to the energy boom that carried Obama for several years. Without all that production of oil and natural gas on lands the Federal Government didn't control...Barry's numbers would have been historically abysmal.
Blah. blah, blah. Had republicans passed Obamas infrastructure plan, the economy would have recovered far faster.
You base that claim on what? How well he handled the stimulus money he WAS given? You liberals handled that so badly you had to use "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how few jobs you'd created! The hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs that Barry promised would be created almost immediately never materialized! Or have you forgotten his mea culpa?
The facts presented in studies such as the one the article I posted was talking about. 7 straight years of job growth chump, that's what Obama created. He handed trump a record for job growth and that record continued until trump mismanaged this virus. Silly season is over maggot, alternative facts are lies. Time for your ass to join reality or get left the fuck behind.
7 years of miniscule job growth...the worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history! A recovery which would have been historically bad if it wasn't for job growth from an energy boom that if Barry had had his way would have never happened!
Correction please, Barack with Biggest recovery in history, saved auto industry, american and world economy, brought healthcare to tens of millions. Pussygrabber with biggest debt per year in history,record trade deficits, record budget deficits, no wall, no healthcare, worst crisis management in history, worst economy and unemployment in 100 years...
LOL...watch what happens to Trump's numbers once we're out of this pandemic! Barry had nothing that even came close to this...no American President has!
Jesus...now you're crediting Barry for saving the "world economy"? Care to tell us all what Obama economic policy it was that did THAT?
Ukraine joe will do anything that he's told to do. About the only thing he can do at this point is grin, stare, and check in from time to time.

Moscow Mitch is still sitting on legislation passed by the House of Rep. to protect our election from foreign influence. I wonder how he ever let the Senate Committee release a report this week which claims Russian did influence the 2016 in their support of Donald Trump.

Oh, putin fooled you too. I knew it .

That box in which you live must have a very large lock, keeping so much reality out takes a big lock for such a tiny box.
O repeatedly tried to influence elections in israel and yet nary a peep from you. Not a peep. Your words are hollow.

I suppose overt support for an Israeli candidate isn't exactly a covert effort to defeat HRC who was putting more sanctions on Russia (which, BTW, the Republican Platform deleted at the direction of Trump&Co.).

But one must think outside the box your handlers have locked you in to comprehend reality.

No, we knew you were fake years ago.

Ah yes, and idiot-gram; variety personal attack lacking substance and evidence.
I agree with you. I just find it awkward to say it, as I am white. trump and his sycophants want to put a few black faces out there, for the "appeal." You don't buy it, and I don't, either.

And yet Biden is limiting his choices to black women for VP exclusively because of their race. Talk about a token black.
Biden has not narrowed his choice to black women. And you voted for trump because he stood for only white america.

He isn't? That's what the media is saying. Trump stood for all of America. That's why every minority group benefited from his policies. A rising tide lifts all boats. In the meantime, the Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take those jobs that blacks are frequently employed by because they will work for less money and do a better job. But.......most blacks are just fine with that. Just don't elect Republicans.
So the DNC is offering America the chance to go back to the malaise of the Obama years?...that's how you think you can win?..... :auiqs.jpg:
But you people with Obama Tourettes Syndrome are an even smaller minority than the Trump cult.
We lived during the slowest recovery in economic history...under the do nothing Obama....so go and cry to someone else....
The recovery was slowed because of republicans.

View attachment 326202

Before the Democrats lost control of Congress in the 2010 mid-term elections...Cap & Trade legislation was being pushed as the next big Democratic thing...legislation that would have increased the energy costs of every business in the entire United States!
Democrats were also opposed to fracking...something that led to the energy boom that carried Obama for several years. Without all that production of oil and natural gas on lands the Federal Government didn't control...Barry's numbers would have been historically abysmal.
Blah. blah, blah. Had republicans passed Obamas infrastructure plan, the economy would have recovered far faster.
You base that claim on what? How well he handled the stimulus money he WAS given? You liberals handled that so badly you had to use "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how few jobs you'd created! The hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs that Barry promised would be created almost immediately never materialized! Or have you forgotten his mea culpa?
The facts presented in studies such as the one the article I posted was talking about. 7 straight years of job growth chump, that's what Obama created. He handed trump a record for job growth and that record continued until trump mismanaged this virus. Silly season is over maggot, alternative facts are lies. Time for your ass to join reality or get left the fuck behind.
7 years of miniscule job growth...the worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history! A recovery which would have been historically bad if it wasn't for job growth from an energy boom that if Barry had had his way would have never happened!
Correction please, Barack with Biggest recovery in history, saved auto industry, american and world economy, brought healthcare to tens of millions. Pussygrabber with biggest debt per year in history,record trade deficits, record budget deficits, no wall, no healthcare, worst crisis management in history, worst economy and unemployment in 100 years...

I don't know how you can credit the most anti-business President in our lifetime for the economy. It had nothing to do with him. It didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the markets, and that's what got us going again.

I also don't understand how you can criticize the spending under Trump when DumBama increased our debt 10 trillion during his two terms. As for health insurance, you forgot how many American's lost their employer sponsored insurance because of him. No wall? Now do tell, who is responsible for that? In fact, the President was clever enough to get around the commies, who shutdown our government for the longest period of time in history over that wall. And what was the cost of the wall? Nearly half as much as we spend on food stamps for one month. But guess what? It's being built as we type.

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