Joe Biden, The Current Leader In The DemonRAT Primaries Can’t Fill a Living Room At His Latest Rally

Mark my words, the DNC is going to GIVE the nomination to the Moooocher Obuma.....she is the only one that would draw the MSM INTO A FRENZY, and have them continually promote the bitch that made your children THROW AWAY their school lunches.....oh, AND LOOK AT THOSE ARMS....Watch her if she starts going to a gym EVERYDAY....A SURE SIGN that the DNC FINALLY FOUND A BILLION DOLLARS to get her to heard it here FIRST!
If she’s not already locked up
Mark my words, the DNC is going to GIVE the nomination to the Moooocher Obuma.....she is the only one that would draw the MSM INTO A FRENZY, and have them continually promote the bitch that made your children THROW AWAY their school lunches.....oh, AND LOOK AT THOSE ARMS....Watch her if she starts going to a gym EVERYDAY....A SURE SIGN that the DNC FINALLY FOUND A BILLION DOLLARS to get her to heard it here FIRST!
If she’s not already locked up

That would be the felonious Hildebeast....who could also walk in, but da Mooocher being 95% black might sneak past the never knows....the DNC will have to FOCUS GROUP IT!!!
That Bloomberg asshole is just about as bad. I suspect without Judge Judy it would have been less than a dozen people.

Only 45 people attend Bloomberg rally with Judge Judy despite campaign's big spending

Only 45 people attend Bloomberg rally with Judge Judy despite campaign's big spending

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg claims he is ready to spend more than $1 billion in an effort to oust President Trump, but money may not be bringing supporters to his campaign.

Just 45 people showed up to Bloomberg's latest rally with TV star Judge Judy Sheindlin in Texas on Saturday.


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