Joe Biden the serial liar.

His many quotes exposes your "fact checker" as fact free.
Biden never said he wanted to "ban" fracking, in fact he admitted the federal government had no power to "ban" fracking. Biden said he would end new fracking permits on federal land.

Existing permits would continue, and state lands would not be effected.
His many quotes exposes your "fact checker" as fact free.
Biden never said he wanted to "ban" fracking, in fact he admitted the federal government had no power to "ban" fracking. Biden said he would end new fracking permits on federal land.

Existing permits would continue, and state lands would not be effected.
Yes, he did.
His many quotes exposes your "fact checker" as fact free.
Biden never said he wanted to "ban" fracking, in fact he admitted the federal government had no power to "ban" fracking. Biden said he would end new fracking permits on federal land.

Existing permits would continue, and state lands would not be effected.
Yes, he did.
Post the quote. I'll see you on the 12th of never before you can come up with that one.
Gets busted on his lies about not banning fracking.

I hate how that scum sucker leans way in, grabs your hand, gets right in your face, touches you, as he lies through his teeth.

All kidding aside the guy is genuinely creepy.

You must know that the federal government can't ban fracking. It's in the constitution.

Like Dems ever let the constitution stop them.
His many quotes exposes your "fact checker" as fact free.
Biden never said he wanted to "ban" fracking, in fact he admitted the federal government had no power to "ban" fracking. Biden said he would end new fracking permits on federal land.

Existing permits would continue, and state lands would not be effected.
Yes, he did.
Post the quote. I'll see you on the 12th of never before you can come up with that one.
Video is posted, stupid.
Lying Joe just told another whopper lie while fomenting racial division. Biden (while talking about improving education, irony) claimed, "A Black man invented the light bulb, not a White guy named Edison" which is a blatant lie. Also why did Biden feel the need to paint Edison as a "White guy"???

Why do you always ask for links to shit that’s been in the news for two fucking days? Are you a retard or is your head shoved so far up the democrats asses you don’t know about it?
That's so hoping that you won't have a link, and then if you do, she can tell you its all bullcrap fake news from a non-credible Russian-controlled website and has bothered you to look it all up for her for nothing.

The liberal new media hasn't told the left what to think yet, hence their confusion.
Everything the Left does is smoke and mirrors, bluff, hidden threads, set ups, misdirection, sedition and subterfuge. They perform the preposterous then when caught, ridicule their opponent suggesting he's crazy for even suggesting it, better still, commit the crime themselves, then set the other man up before they're caught to take the blame, all the while under such confusion and strife that by the time people catch up with what they've done, they've moved on and done two more.

It is the criminal mind you are dealing with, based on the psychology of overwhelming the system and using its own laws against itself, all based on the works of Cloward, Piven and others. Once you understand that, it not only explains everything they say and do, but everything they ever will say and do.
George H. W. Bush famously said "read my lips, no NEW taxes"

Nostra would take that to mean Bush was banning taxes.
His many quotes exposes your "fact checker" as fact free.
Biden never said he wanted to "ban" fracking, in fact he admitted the federal government had no power to "ban" fracking. Biden said he would end new fracking permits on federal land.

Existing permits would continue, and state lands would not be effected.
Yes, he did.
Post the quote. I'll see you on the 12th of never before you can come up with that one.
During a CNN debate in July 2019, Mr. Biden said, “We would make sure it’s eliminated,” when asked if there would be a place for “fossil fuels, including coal and fracking” in his administration.

Also, his running mate said:

Kamala Harris: 'No question' I would ban fracking

Also, AOC would ban fracking.
Also, Bernie would ban fracking.

We all know who would be running the White House....and it ain't Joe Biden.
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