Joe Biden's America: Heating oil already being rationed before winter arrives.

Ford was President for a very short period of time and he was a lame duck President with no ability to get anything through Congress. He is not to blame for Carter's massive inflation that took Reagan to fix.
Republican Nixon excessively printed money & took US dollar off the "Gold Standard" handing Ford & Carter a fiat currency disaster.
Contrast and compare Obama and Trump during their meetings with the Saudis--notice the difference?
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That's because Trump allowed MBS to get away with murdering Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi King bows to Biden.

Let’s remember that Biden warned us that Americans have to lower their expectations. I suppose that included the expectation that we could heat our homes this winter.

(If you are forced to run a space heater, please remember to unplug It before you go to sleep. Also, I have one that automatically shuts off if it tips over.)
They all shut off if they fall over.
So disappointing how you pieces of shit ignore how Biden took us from energy dependence to having to beg Arab adversaries for oil.

Trump destroyed US oil production & bankrupted US oil companies. He was begging more oil from Canada & wanted it pipped to Texas with Keystone XL, so Texas could have all the profits & total control over the rest of US.
Crazy how Biden single handedly caused a global oil shortage without a single other variable influencing anything at all. He's so powerful!
The damage these totalitarians did to this country in less than 2 years is exactly why it's crazy to vote for any Democrat today. They all vote together 100% of the time, meaning they can't be trusted with power.
Trump destroyed US oil production & bankrupted US oil companies. He was begging more oil from Canada & wanted it pipped to Texas with Keystone XL, so Texas could have all the profits & total control over the rest of US.
Some of you people are so ignorant that I know that providing you with true information would be useless. It would like be trying to teach a pig to sing.
The damage these totalitarians did to this country in less than 2 years is exactly why it's crazy to vote for any Democrat today. They all vote together 100% of the time, meaning they can't be trusted with power.
That’s the scary thing… quickly the Democrats are “transforming” America from a free country to one in which those whose opinions dissent from the state are punished, and how quickly Obama and Biden have continued the path of weaponizing government agencies against those who don’t submit.

In 11 days we take the first step in preventing further erosion. I can’t believe there are Americans who would vote for a continuation of what we’ve seen the past two years. It tells you just how dangerous an enslaved media is.
Democrats/liberals/Leftists really want this. They want another 'emergency' like this--badly. They would love to see us shivering and freezing in our homes, workplaces shut down, etc.


They know this time it will well and truly destroy them. No one will believe the Republicans, elected in to office Nov 8th, caused the upheaval.

The thing is now there may be no choice--the time for choosing may have passed. We might be headed for this scenario and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

If that happens, their entire party needs to be decimated and go obsolete. Like the Whigs.
Democrats/liberals/Leftists really want this. They want another 'emergency' like this--badly. They would love to see us shivering and freezing in our homes, workplaces shut down, etc.


They know this time it will well and truly destroy them. No one will believe the Republicans, elected in to office Nov 8th, caused the upheaval.

The thing is now there may be no choice--the time for choosing may have passed. We might be headed for this scenario and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

If that happens, their entire party needs to be decimated and go obsolete. Like the Whigs.
The new Congress won’t even take over until 2023. People will begin their cold winters in unheated houses while the Democrats are still in control. So you’re right….no way will the Dems get away with blaming the GOP.

And you’re also right that it’s too late to correct for the coming winter. The damage was done when Biden et al declared war on gas - starting with his first day - and we won’t be able to turn it in a dime. This winter will be hard.
The new Congress won’t even take over until 2023. People will begin their cold winters in unheated houses while the Democrats are still in control. So you’re right….no way will the Dems get away with blaming the GOP.

And you’re also right that it’s too late to correct for the coming winter. The damage was done when Biden et al declared war on gas - starting with his first day - and we won’t be able to turn it in a dime. This winter will be hard.

From my perspective--think about heating schools. Hospitals. Retail stores.

This affects EVERYTHING
From my perspective--think about heating schools. Hospitals. Retail stores.

This affects EVERYTHING
True. And the leftists will rescue people from the disaster they themselves caused with another $2T “rescue package” and drive inflation even higher. (Part of their diabolical plan to drive costs up so high that Americans must rely on government support.) But after that, we take over and can immediately issue drilling permits on federal land and start reducing costs.

It will take a while to feel the benefits, but we CAN reverse the destructive path the Left has set us on. But in order to do that, we have to vote out the RINOs in the Senate, too, as they come up for re-election.
^^^This is the type of elitist ignorance that led us to the situation we are in.

Everyone, when you vote next month, remember the dismissive contempt for America that has become the hallmark of the fascist DemoKKKrat party.

ya the moron doesn't realize that 99 pct of his posting ability is petroleum based
That's because Trump allowed MBS to get away with murdering Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi King bows to Biden.

I wasn't aware that Trump was the leader of Turkey. BTW, is this ^^ just before the Saudi's told the vegetable to GFY? I notice you photoshopped his left hand out of the pic. Didn't want to show the gas can, eh?

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