Joe Biden's America: Heating oil already being rationed before winter arrives.

I hope all you Democrats in Northern states enjoy what you voted for this winter.

Sky high prices for heating oil................IF you can get it.

Better go cut down some trees to burn so you can keep from freezing to death.

One request: When you show up to whine about the source please bring something proving them wrong so you don't look stupid.

Nolte: Heating Oil Already Being Rationed in Joe Biden’s America

The US Northeast is so short on heating oil that the fuel used to power home furnaces is being rationed even before the start of winter.

Some wholesalers in Connecticut are putting retailers on allocation, meaning they can only get a limited amount of fuel based on availability, according to Chris Herb, president of the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association, which represents around 600 family-owned retailers in the state. These retailers must in turn ration their customers.

In addition to the scarcity, there’s also the cost. Wholesale heating oil in New York Harbor averaged $4.09 a gallon on Thursday, compared with $2.46 at the same time a year ago, according to data from price reporting agency Argus Media. For the wholesaler, that means it costs about $1,125 to fill up a 275-gallon heating oil tank, the typical size used in many homes. But consumers will pay well over that figure after markups by the wholesaler and retailer.

It's not Biden's fault our country is held hostage by big energy companies!

We need to break our dependence upon the products these energy companies peddle so we're not whining like RepubliCON pussies everytime the energy companies fuck us again with high prices!
Crazy how Biden single handedly caused a global oil shortage without a single other variable influencing anything at all. He's so powerful!
He did not single handedly cause a global oil shortage. But, his policies did make us more susceptible to global market fluctuations for oil. What President says he/she is going to reign in US oil companies - canceling oil leases, eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, and increasing regulations on US oil companies - and then is begging foreign oil for more production? These policies sent a message to the global market that this administration was going to make it more costly for US oil companies to do business. How liberals and otherwise Biden defenders don’t have a modicum of understanding the economics of increased regulatory policy on a critical commodity for the US Economy is just asinine.
New England heating oil suppliers are trying to hedge their bets, Ferrante explained. The wholesale market is anticipating higher prices through the next few months at least with prices possibly dropping in early spring. The suppliers are responding by not buying extra oil at the current high prices.

“They’re buying ‘just in time’ inventory, just enough to meet the needs right now,” Ferrante said. But what happens if there is a surge in demand during another blast of brutal arctic cold like in 2018?

“During the two weeks of Arctic cold, New England generators burned through about 2 million barrels of oil,” noted ISO New England CEO Gordon van Welie in an after-action report. “That’s about 84 million gallons, more than twice as much as all the oil used by New England power plants during the entire year of 2016.”

In addition to my natural gas heater, I have a generator hooked up to the gas supply, which will function without the power being on, and I have a wood stove in the living room and a cord of wood. Next in line is a big tank of propane, in case the natural gas supply fails. Also six Jackery 1500's and solar panels for charging them. I'll be okay for a while.
"A country boy will survive." Hank Williams Jr.
It's not Biden's fault our country is held hostage by big energy companies!

We need to break our dependence upon the products these energy companies peddle so we're not whining like RepubliCON pussies everytime the energy companies fuck us again with high prices!
we need to break our dependence on energy? hahha oooook
It's not Biden's fault our country is held hostage by big energy companies!

We need to break our dependence upon the products these energy companies peddle so we're not whining like RepubliCON pussies everytime the energy companies fuck us again with high prices!
Why didn't they hold us hostage when Trump was President?

Gas was $2.36 and people could heat their homes.
New England heating oil suppliers are trying to hedge their bets, Ferrante explained. The wholesale market is anticipating higher prices through the next few months at least with prices possibly dropping in early spring. The suppliers are responding by not buying extra oil at the current high prices.

“They’re buying ‘just in time’ inventory, just enough to meet the needs right now,” Ferrante said. But what happens if there is a surge in demand during another blast of brutal arctic cold like in 2018?

“During the two weeks of Arctic cold, New England generators burned through about 2 million barrels of oil,” noted ISO New England CEO Gordon van Welie in an after-action report. “That’s about 84 million gallons, more than twice as much as all the oil used by New England power plants during the entire year of 2016.”

So they are holding out until prices go up?

You are a moron.
Why didn't they hold us hostage when Trump was President?

Gas was $2.36 and people could heat their homes.
People got their panties in twist when Trump would be blatant and not use politically correct speech. PC is a weapon the left uses against us keeping us from discussing the things that must be dealt with. The "mean tweet's" mantra is an exscuse to not debate poor policies that have been called out.
I will take mean tweets and getting things done over the crap Biden and dim wits are doing today. People are dying on our southern border by the hundreds and these fools think they are being more humanin. We need to be able to call this idiocy what it is. Screw the PC dupes...
It's not Biden's fault our country is held hostage by big energy companies!

We need to break our dependence upon the products these energy companies peddle so we're not whining like RepubliCON pussies everytime the energy companies fuck us again with high prices!
So you want us dependent on The Energy Grid?
We don't even have the infrastructure to do what you Religious Nuts want us to do. It will take us building 3,000 Nuclear Power Plants to supply enough energy to give everyone EVs. I thought you were all about reducing energy consumption not increasing it by 3,000 Percent?

So your answer is Less Competition and NO ALTERNATIVES which means, NO FREEDOM TO TRAVEL AS WE WISH.

Petro and Natural Gas are the cheapest sources of Energy for The Poor and Working Class.

So why are you an Elitist Asshole who does not care about The Welfare of The Poor and The Working Class Taxpayer?

You must have Fecal Matter for brains.
I just provided evidence. How does pushing more regulations at the US Economy’s most critical commodity NOT impact US susceptibility to swings in the global market for oil?
We have been susceptible since OPEC formed. Furthermore, regardless of regulations, the US Oil industry has tripled it's output since 2008, and yet we are just as susceptible to the global oil market as we ever were.
Carter warned us about the dangers of relying on foreign energy long before the Shah lost control in Iran.
Carter screwed up the American economy with massive inflation, just like this Potatohead that you Moon Bats let get away with stealing the 2020 election.
It's not Biden's fault our country is held hostage by big energy companies!

We need to break our dependence upon the products these energy companies peddle so we're not whining like RepubliCON pussies everytime the energy companies fuck us again with high prices!
What you are describing is a price-fixing conspiracy that is against the law

If biden suspected that he would pull the FBI dogs off of harassing non-woke public school parents and sick ‘em on the oil companies YESTERDAY!!!

Because he is desperate to shift the blame away from himself and his liberal anti fossil fuel policy

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