Joe Biden's America: Heating oil already being rationed before winter arrives.

So you want us dependent on The Energy Grid?
We don't even have the infrastructure to do what you Religious Nuts want us to do. It will take us building 3,000 Nuclear Power Plants to supply enough energy to give everyone EVs. I thought you were all about reducing energy consumption not increasing it by 3,000 Percent?

So your answer is Less Competition and NO ALTERNATIVES which means, NO FREEDOM TO TRAVEL AS WE WISH.

Petro and Natural Gas are the cheapest sources of Energy for The Poor and Working Class.

So why are you an Elitist Asshole who does not care about The Welfare of The Poor and The Working Class Taxpayer?

You must have Fecal Matter for brains.
I get SO tired of you defeatist, anti American naysayers constantly WHINING about the cost of fuel.....but then going negative on any initiatives intended to BREAK this helpless dependence we have on the big oil industry.

It's almost like they WANT you to feel powerless and helpless!

It must be a Republican/conservo thing.

This whiny, dependent, victim crap.
No faith in American ingenuity and enterprise.

"Nothing we can do about anything...."
School shootings?
Thoughts and prayers.

Global warming?
Shit happens.

My very existence is 100% dependent upon the greedy, insatiable whims of the people who produce my energy....but there's nothing I can do about it because the alternatives are just TOO HARD!
I get SO tired of you defeatist, anti American naysayers constantly WHINING about the cost of fuel.....but then going negative on any initiatives intended to BREAK this helpless dependence we have on the big oil industry.

It's almost like they WANT you to feel powerless and helpless!

It must be a Republican/conservo thing.

This whiny, dependent, victim crap.
No faith in American ingenuity and enterprise.

"Nothing we can do about anything...."
School shootings?
Thoughts and prayers.

Global warming?
Shit happens.

My very existence is 100% dependent upon the greedy, insatiable whims of the people who produce my energy....but there's nothing I can do about it because the alternatives are just TOO HARD!
There is nothing more powerless and helpless than to be tethered permanently to The Electrical Grid. Throw off the Slave Mentality, moron.

There is no scientific proof of Global Warming. It's a scam based on filtered data and limited data that was altered and fed into a computer simulation for a model "The Earth" that can NEVER be accurately modeled due to the number of unpredictable variables present here on Earth.

We should not be re-engineering our economies and our societies based on half baked theories and fraudulent computer models.

The issue is that it is a Religious Issue with you whack jobs.

You worship Creation while giving The Creator the Middle Finger.

God gave us all the resources we will ever need on Earth, so what do you do?

You invent problems that don't exist so you can take over our economies, the means or production and manipulate and social engineer our society.

May all of you Marxist Fascist Burn in Hell where you belong.
I get SO tired of you defeatist, anti American naysayers constantly WHINING about the cost of fuel.....but then going negative on any initiatives intended to BREAK this helpless dependence we have on the big oil industry.

It's almost like they WANT you to feel powerless and helpless!

It must be a Republican/conservo thing.

This whiny, dependent, victim crap.
No faith in American ingenuity and enterprise.

"Nothing we can do about anything...."
School shootings?
Thoughts and prayers.

Global warming?
Shit happens.

My very existence is 100% dependent upon the greedy, insatiable whims of the people who produce my energy....but there's nothing I can do about it because the alternatives are just TOO HARD!
School shootings are the result of Marxist Indoctrination of Students by Liberal Teachers, teaching Moral Ambivalence, Gender Fluidity, and Marxist Collectivist Thought, while Suppressing Individuality, Denigrating The Importance Of The Nuclear Family, Suppressing Free Thought, Free Speech while Subjugating The Student to Atheistic Doctrines of Nihilism and Hopelessness.

Remove God & Morality & Respect for Life from The Student and Classroom and the result is Immorality and Death, and NO Respect for Authority or The Law, or Life itself!

This is your future, and YOU DESERVE IT.
I hope all you Democrats in Northern states enjoy what you voted for this winter.

Sky high prices for heating oil................IF you can get it.

Better go cut down some trees to burn so you can keep from freezing to death.

One request: When you show up to whine about the source please bring something proving them wrong so you don't look stupid.

Nolte: Heating Oil Already Being Rationed in Joe Biden’s America

The US Northeast is so short on heating oil that the fuel used to power home furnaces is being rationed even before the start of winter.

Some wholesalers in Connecticut are putting retailers on allocation, meaning they can only get a limited amount of fuel based on availability, according to Chris Herb, president of the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association, which represents around 600 family-owned retailers in the state. These retailers must in turn ration their customers.

In addition to the scarcity, there’s also the cost. Wholesale heating oil in New York Harbor averaged $4.09 a gallon on Thursday, compared with $2.46 at the same time a year ago, according to data from price reporting agency Argus Media. For the wholesaler, that means it costs about $1,125 to fill up a 275-gallon heating oil tank, the typical size used in many homes. But consumers will pay well over that figure after markups by the wholesaler and retailer.

Oh, don't warn them. Let them suffer.
comparing a run on TP in places like NYC because DeSanris and Cuomo spread panic and put lockdowns in place to people freezing to death because of xiden’s war on energy?
This is not unlike the great "toilet flush" of superbowl halftime fame.

The Super Bowl of Toilets - The Daily Beast

Jan 31, 2015 · The pattern was clear: a dramatic usage dropoff (7 percent) at kickoff and into the first quarter, and a huge demand for water at halftime (a jump of 4.5% from the previous …
This is not unlike the great "toilet flush" of superbowl halftime fame.

The Super Bowl of Toilets - The Daily Beast

Jan 31, 2015 · The pattern was clear: a dramatic usage dropoff (7 percent) at kickoff and into the first quarter, and a huge demand for water at halftime (a jump of 4.5% from the previous …
Really? Is there some arctic blast going on right now?

Please stop with the dumbass attempts at analogies. You suck at it.
This is not unlike the great "toilet flush" of superbowl halftime fame.

The Super Bowl of Toilets - The Daily Beast

Jan 31, 2015 · The pattern was clear: a dramatic usage dropoff (7 percent) at kickoff and into the first quarter, and a huge demand for water at halftime (a jump of 4.5% from the previous …
yes, babies freezing to death because Xiden's war on energy has lead to oil rations is like people flushing their toilets at half time of the Super Bowl. Will we be rationing shits now? Is that the build back better xiden promised?
yes, babies freezing to death because Xiden's war on energy has lead to oil rations is like people flushing their toilets at half time of the Super Bowl.

Tragedy of the masses. / Tragedy of the commons.

Think about it
I get SO tired of you defeatist, anti American naysayers constantly WHINING about the cost of fuel.....but then going negative on any initiatives intended to BREAK this helpless dependence we have on the big oil industry.
Only when said initiatives are stupid: like telling everyone to buy $60K EV's (which few can afford) with extremely limited places to recharge them - and then telling people to not even use those places during high energy consumption periods.
Tragedy of the masses. / Tragedy of the commons.

Think about it
oil is not owned by the commons. We have a shortage and high prices because of xiden’s war on the energy sector

there is high demand every year this time of year and we haven’t had to ration it
Only when said initiatives are stupid: like telling everyone to buy $60K EV's (which few can afford) with extremely limited places to recharge them - and then telling people to not even use those places during high energy consumption periods.
First off, nobody said everybody should buy an EV. And as for recharging, California was saying people should drive their EV's in the daytime, and recharge them at night. No different than telling people to use their high energy appliances, like washer/dryers, dish washers, etc at night.
First off, nobody said everybody should buy an EV. And as for recharging, California was saying people should drive their EV's in the daytime, and recharge them at night. No different than telling people to use their high energy appliances, like washer/dryers, dish washers, etc at night.
So you can't drive at night and charge during the day in Kalifornia?
oil is not owned by the commons. We have a shortage and high prices because of xiden’s war on the energy sector

How does Bidens war on the American energy sector effect the entire world? Yet you deny Putin's war (like those in he ME) and you deny their effect.
I'm great at analogies. You just don't have the IQ to understand them. Hence you think i'm bad at them.

They thought the same thing of Einstein's relativity.
No, you suck at it.

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