Joe Biden's political advantages


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
In 2016 Donald Trump could sit on the sidelines and criticize the Obama administration - No more. Now Trump has a record to defend, and it's Joe Biden that gets to sit on the sidelines and criticize the Trump administration. In addition, Joe Biden (though not liked by the GOP) is not as hated as Hillary Clinton was. These 2 things, coupled with Trump's (less than) great record of handling COVID 19 are what's kept Biden ahead of Trump since Biden entered the race.

Trump supporters will no doubt shout "fake news!" scream about socialism, continue their race baiting etc. but it's not moving the needle with the voting public, and Trump supporters know it. Biden still holds a 5 - 10 point lead nationally. Barring a miracle, Trump will be a one term President. :bye1:


Trump Lands Major Endorsements From Democrat Mayors in Minnesota

"Like many in our region, we have voted for Democrats over many decades. We have watched as our constituents' jobs left not only the Iron Range, but our country. By putting tariffs on our products and supporting bad trade deals, politicians like Joe Biden did nothing to help the working class. We lost thousands of jobs, and generations of young people have left the Iron Range in order to provide for their families with good-paying jobs elsewhere. Today, we don't recognize the Democratic Party. It has been moved so far to the left it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class. The hard-working Minnesotans that built their lives and supported their families here on the Range have been abandoned by radical Democrats. We didn’t choose to leave the Democratic Party, the party left us," the letter, signed by Virginia Mayor Larry Cuffe, Chisholm Mayor John Champa, Ely Mayor Chuck Novak, Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson, Eveleth Mayor Robert Vlaisavljevich and Babbitt Mayor Andrea Zupancich, states.

"Yet, four years ago, something wonderful happened. Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States, and he stood up to China, implemented tax cuts, and fought for the working class. Now, four years later, the Iron Range is roaring back to life and for the first time in a very long time, locals are hopeful because of this President's policies and willingness to fight for us," the mayors continue. "Lifelong politicians like Joe Biden are out of touch with the working class, out of touch with what the country needs, and out of touch with those of us here on the Iron Range and in small towns like ours across our nation."
Trump Lands Major Endorsements From Democrat Mayors in Minnesota
In 2016 Donald Trump could sit on the sidelines and criticize the Obama administration - No more. Now Trump has a record to defend, and it's Joe Biden that gets to sit on the sidelines and criticize the Trump administration. In addition, Joe Biden (though not liked by the GOP) is not as hated as Hillary Clinton was.

No, but Harris is approaching critical mass as a repellent creature in the same mold, and since she will ultimately be the president should the Democrats succeed, she is the one who will attract the most attention as we move closer to election day. Biden has virtually no record to consider. He's never done anything careerwise beyond playing the role of Obama's well-heeled poodle.

Trump supporters will no doubt shout "fake news!" scream about socialism, continue their race baiting etc. but it's not moving the needle with the voting public

The needle is pegged. With the divide so sharply articulated against a backdrop of Democrat-generated violence and smarmy virtue signalling, there are few undecided voters.

Biden still holds a 5 - 10 point lead nationally. Barring a miracle, Trump will be a one term President. :bye1:

Hang on to that fiction. It's all you have.
Trump supporters will no doubt shout "fake news!" scream about socialism, continue their race baiting etc. but it's not moving the needle with the voting public, and Trump supporters know it. Biden still holds a 5 - 10 point lead nationally. Barring a miracle, Trump will be a one term President
Biden supporters will no doubt shout "fake news!" scream about socialism, continue their race baiting etc. but it's not moving the needle with the voting public, and Biden supporters know it. Trump still holds a 5 - 10 point lead nationally. Barring a miracle, Biden will not be President
Biden has not so far pandered to BLM movement, that trending lower in world sentiment since last spring. There is no ongoing FBI investigation of Joe Biden. Secretary Clinton mainly lost subsequent the Comey announcements. USC polling picked up the late resurgence, within a few hours.

The Trumped-Up family relatives are not helpful. Biden has yet to compare and contrast the policy differences. The Dissociation of the Democrats from the protest movements will be the Harris part of the campaign.

Screaming that a black US Senator from a populous state is incompetent(?). . . .Is Trumped-Up in play(!?!).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh's royal tribal regime, subjugating the world--Deut 23: 19-20--is more itself thought to be a prime source of the 20th Century Holocuast! For Moses it was more likely a fond recollection of a privileged childhood(?)!)
Joe Biden gave us the medical industry that must deal with the Covid mess. Joe Biden was there with his fingers in the laws and regulations while 95% of all our pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical equipment manufacturers, and medical supply manufacturers moved to China
Joe Biden gave us the medical industry that must deal with the Covid mess. Joe Biden was there with his fingers in the laws and regulations while 95% of all our pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical equipment manufacturers, and medical supply manufacturers moved to China

Joe Biden gave us the medical industry that must deal with the Covid mess.
True and now Tramp seems content to disband it.
Biden has two advantages.

The first advantage is a generation of millennials who have been punished by our school system should they ever fail to toe the social justice warrior party line.

The other advantage is our fifth column mainstream media that acts as a 24/7 propaganda factory shaping the perceptions of all who are too stupid to see through their obvious deviousness.
Biden has not so far pandered to BLM movement, that trending lower in world sentiment since last spring.

Joe Biden may as well be part black and from Oregon. He is fused to the radical BLM and Antifa movement. How else can you explain the shooting to death of a white man who was a member of Patriot Prayer? Just the name must've really set them off. Biden is closely tied to Portland and the rest of Oregon and has been watching and complaining the USPS were removing mail boxes.

"USPS spokesman Ernie Swanson told WW the mailboxes were only being removed in locations where there were multiple boxes stationed, and that the decision to remove them followed a decline in mail during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The reason we're doing it is because of declining mail volume," Swanson said. "Ever since the pandemic came along, people are mailing less for some reason."

Joe Biden and Oregon Leaders Decry Mailbox Removal and President Trump’s Attack on the U.S. Postal Service

1 dead after Trump supporters, protesters clash in Portland
In 2016 Donald Trump could sit on the sidelines and criticize the Obama administration - No more. Now Trump has a record to defend, and it's Joe Biden that gets to sit on the sidelines and criticize the Trump administration. In addition, Joe Biden (though not liked by the GOP) is not as hated as Hillary Clinton was. These 2 things, coupled with Trump's (less than) great record of handling COVID 19 are what's kept Biden ahead of Trump since Biden entered the race.

Trump supporters will no doubt shout "fake news!" scream about socialism, continue their race baiting etc. but it's not moving the needle with the voting public, and Trump supporters know it. Biden still holds a 5 - 10 point lead nationally. Barring a miracle, Trump will be a one term President. :bye1:

Sleepy Joe has a record to defend as well. The record of scores of American cities in ashes after months of rioting by his supporters.
The sitting incumbent has a 80% of chance of be re-elected.
We can't let that happen, it will be the end of democracy in the US.
Democrats cannot possibly let the people decide the presidency. That would undermine democracy, after all.

You obviously also believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.
COVID Record?

Biden called the life-saving travel ban Xenophobic while Democrats wrote legislation to stop it and while Cuomo had just started to murder some of the 10,000+ elderly Americans he eventually killed by forcing virus-infected patients into nursing homes.

Bwuhahahaha.....keep pushing the lies, snowflakes.


Typical shit. Joe Biden can have a lot of advantages. I see it as Joe has no advantages where it actually counts.

In order to win, a person needs to have policies that the majority of Americans favor. Joe doesn't have any of those policies. Zero, Nada, Zilch, Empty set, Void, Vacuous.
Typical shit. Joe Biden can have a lot of advantages. I see it as Joe has no advantages where it actually counts.

In order to win, a person needs to have policies that the majority of Americans favor. Joe doesn't have any of those policies. Zero, Nada, Zilch, Empty set, Void, Vacuous.
The democrat party no longer has any policies.

All they have are strategies for getting elected based upon the appeal to identity.
The sitting incumbent has a 80% of chance of be re-elected.
We can't let that happen, it will be the end of democracy in the US.
Democrats cannot possibly let the people decide the presidency. That would undermine democracy, after all.

You obviously also believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Slavery and ignorance is what we now have with tramp while he and his family are enriching themselves.

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