Joe Biden's Reign of Error


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Among Joe Biden's list of miserable accomplishments has to be a housing shortage that will last for decades. During his Reign of Error, he has let in millions of people who will compete with Americans to secure housing for themselves and their families. Where will these people live? The idea of purchasing a single-family home is becoming a mirage. Is the future of American housing to be Soviet-style mega-apartment buildings? Is that what you want?
You wait, zoning rules will change in blue areas for single family units allotting X number of sq ft per occupant. I suspect you could easily have 10-15 per home as long as there is public transportation nearby.
Already happening, Biden and the Democrat party plant to change everything
Already happening, Biden and the Democrat party plant to change everything
"Local control" is the damning pathology. This contradicts both 'Tater's and Trump's gestures. Playing the (unaffordable) shelter game at the zoning level demands at least a third, fourth, even fifth alternative, where the building code/zoning agent does a SCOTUS imitation.
"Local control" is the damning pathology. This contradicts both 'Tater's and Trump's gestures. Playing the (unaffordable) shelter game at the zoning level demands at least a third, fourth, even fifth alternative, where the building code/zoning agent does a SCOTUS imitation.
Local control is damning? How?
Among Joe Biden's list of miserable accomplishments has to be a housing shortage that will last for decades. During his Reign of Error, he has let in millions of people who will compete with Americans to secure housing for themselves and their families. Where will these people live? The idea of purchasing a single-family home is becoming a mirage. Is the future of American housing to be Soviet-style mega-apartment buildings? Is that what you want?
Doesn't matter what we want, it's what we're gonna get.

Most dimocraps already live like shit so living in a Soviet-Style Barracks, in the 'Projects', will be an improvement for most of them, with the inconvenience of not having mommy nearby to wash their clothes. Other than that, they won't notice.

dimocrap scum are not like us. They're different, more akin to feral animals rooting through your garbage. They're perfectly happy living in a shoebox in some shithole, some crime-filled neighborhood, as long as they can get their essential needs -- Drugs, snacks, more drugs, fast-food, even more drugs, walking distance to mommy's house (Daddy died rather than live like he had to live in order to support his POS kids into their 30's and 40's).

AFAIC, let dimocrap scum have their crime-infested shithole Cities. I would much, MUCH rather they stayed there and not bother the rest of us. It's easier to let them kill each other or die of drug OD's

Once a while, one will try to escape. Depending on who and what he/she is, I can live with that. But if you let too many of them out, if you let too many into your neighborhood, they'll turn it into what they left.

Among Joe Biden's list of miserable accomplishments has to be a housing shortage that will last for decades. During his Reign of Error, he has let in millions of people who will compete with Americans to secure housing for themselves and their families. Where will these people live? The idea of purchasing a single-family home is becoming a mirage. Is the future of American housing to be Soviet-style mega-apartment buildings? Is that what you want?
Mindless Democrat supporters cling to the ridiculous "but we need workers!" and "but we are a nation of immigrants!" As if that justifies throwing your border wide open and literally letting in ANYONE who shows up. That is total stupidity.
Already happening, Biden and the Democrat party plant to change everything
Democrats want to move the ghetto into the suburbs.
Local control is damning? How?
Because the funkiness projected from the top (nazi dems looking the other way after the legislation passes) happens locally. An example is blm racist burn-and-loot marxist-fueled destroying of American infrastructure.

1. POSPOTUS allowing genuflectors of (his chosen [italics]) protection racket, catholics, to debauch over the U.S.-Mexican border.

2. blm marxist (racist) attempt to establish another American religion based on post-fentanyl eating and the passing of counterfeit, followed by loot-and-burn terrorism at the local level.

Zoning and codes implicate class difference locally. Race-difference terrorism competes with this and affects local class difference by debauching over local borders: trespass/looting/burning.

The image that helps to reveal the pathology is a walled community to keep the riff-raff out, while still being democratic enough (no reference to the Democrat Party intended) to allow each (pre-vetted) human to build a home inside the wall (locally hyper-patrolled by security).

The absurdity and puppet, Joe Biden, hasn't the IQ required to think outside the box. Both the zoning/building codes mafia and the nazi dems must be made the same target so that legislation can be mutated back toward democratic forms of housing, such as tiny-home villages that actual, poor people can still include in their American dream, (in their budget [italics]).

The zoning-building codes mafia is the class-difference pervert and pimp par excellence. Why shouldn't other perverts such as Joe Biden be attracted to it?
Among Joe Biden's list of miserable accomplishments has to be a housing shortage that will last for decades. During his Reign of Error, he has let in millions of people who will compete with Americans to secure housing for themselves and their families. Where will these people live? The idea of purchasing a single-family home is becoming a mirage. Is the future of American housing to be Soviet-style mega-apartment buildings? Is that what you want?
Just read today that thanks to Bidenomics people can’t afford to buy a median home unless they make six figures. Not to worry though, the left are rushing to build section 8 apartments.
Democrats want to move the ghetto into the suburbs.
Democrats want to move guaranteed democrat voters into every conservative voting suburb

Democrats will lie about who conservatives are so they can tell their voters that they are here to protect the people from the big scarry orange man

Democrats will use hate, ugly insults and lies.

Democrats are using tactics that Marxists and fascists used
Progs are now developing a new nuke much more powerful than the previous one. We did a nuclear test recently in the desert. Joe has to be taken orders from someone. Of course, the Neo Cons are now moving to the Progs. And Republicans still have their share like Nikki Haley and Christie as examples.
Among Joe Biden's list of miserable accomplishments has to be a housing shortage that will last for decades. During his Reign of Error, he has let in millions of people who will compete with Americans to secure housing for themselves and their families.

Just think: our own college grads now need to earn at least a six-figure income to buy a house, and now thanks to Joe Biden, one in every ten people in this country is an illegal foreigner who doesn't speak english, has no job, no skills, but needs put up in housing, fed, given clothes, healthcare, education and legal services, all paid for by the same people who can't afford a house for themselves.
Not forgetting the LA musician that built tiny homes and gave them to the homeless, at which point the City confiscated them because it "owned" the real estate under them.

We've seen no subsequent reports of people working for and earning the materials, even though the video to be made is the one showing ownership of a pre-fab tiny that assembles and dis-assembles to go back into storage at the end of the video.

Simply making this video would correctly expose the violence of these administration- and building-code pimps.

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